Sunday, July 30, 2017


Monday, July 24, 2017
A small thunderstorm last night cooled things off some. I was able to sleep much better.

We didn't get any work on the windows done today because we focused on the plumbing problem. First, I did washing at the laundry mat - I dried my stuff at home - since the plumber couldn't come until the afternoon. In fact, he arrived shortly after Ken and I came home from lunch and shopping.

I don't think he was here thirty minutes. He roto-rootered the line leading to the alley through the back yard and voila! The house is no longer constipated. If only all the things we have to do were so easily and quickly fixed.

I actually made dinner didn't come from a can or out of the freezer.  I made fajitas and I think we polished it off. I saw Jonathan go back three times and Analiese twice. Jonathan was even willing to do dishes if I made dinner. The kids were very happy.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017
My alarm was set for 7:00 a.m. today. Little by little, we need to get ready for those early seminary morning hours for Analiese (me, too, I have to drive).

I had about one day's worth of books to catalog on my cart this afternoon. That's supposed to last me all week! I have found a small side project, though, of cleaning up, repairing, and recovering old audiobooks still in circulation. Some of them are only in their original cardboard boxes and paper envelopes, not very secure. I am transferring all of that to a plastic case and sturdy sleeves, plus I clean up the electronic record while I'm at it. The older the record, the more likely it is to be messed up.

Still, I'm going very s-l-o-w in order to stretch it all out and make it last!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Time to start thinking about school again. Analiese and I met with her EPIC teacher at the library at 9:00 a.m. Mainly we talked about the high school curriculum and what she needs to focus on. Her curriculum work doesn't start until after Labor Day, but he has her studying Khan Academy Algebra 1, plus some supplementary work on a website called Study Island.

All of my books were completed in the first two hours of my shift...and that was taking it slow! So the rest of my day was working on the audiobooks project, but I bet I can finish that up by tomorrow. Then what?

Got a mind-blowing phone call during my dinner hour from the Norman Stake President. Yes, my future stake...once we get moved to Chickasha. I'll talk about it more later, but right now I'm still trying to wrap my brain around it!

Thursday, July 27, 2017
Ding-dangety! It's hot! It's so hot that the west walls of the house are too uncomfortable to be near. Usually I like to sit on the sofa in the northwest corner. Not right now! Ugh.

Work was crazy today. First, I finished my audiobook fixing, so I was going crazy trying to find something to do! Second, we had our last program for the summer and the music was loud! The HD and LD both escaped mid-program; they couldn't handle it anymore! Third, my boss and I were trying to inventory old Literacy computers, but she spent most of her afternoon on the phone trying to get our library software to do her reports properly. We did eventually get the inventory done and I typed it up; but that took maybe half an hour?

I have no idea what to do for Saturday. I think I''ll vacuum and dust our area and maybe even clean up the break room. But that will not take up all eight hours!

Friday, July 28, 2017
I awoke around six (on my day off 😢); Analiese was being picked up by 6:10 to go to Stake Youth Conference on the Oklahoma UniversityImage result for OUcampus in Norman,. Good thing I got up, her ride came before she was quite ready to go and I had to tell them wait.

I couldn't go back to sleep. I decided to get started on laundry, did dishes, straightened up some rooms. Jonathan had worked late, so he didn't get up until nearly ten. We worked on things together and were even graced with a visit from the sister missionaries - they always life my spirits - before I had to take him to work.

I had the late afternoon and evening all to myself. Quiet, and just a little boring.

Saturday, July 29, 2017
My boss met me at work this morning, mainly to tell me about a project she wanted me to work on today. But she stayed and talked to me for over an hour.

We've been having vandalism and "hooliganism" issues from a few bored teens coming in the library for the past few weeks. The same ones, each time. They've been shrieking obscenities, leaving soda bottles filled with gasoline (that one unnerved me), defacing statuettes, and hiding lighters on bookcases. Yesterday they apparently jumped on the HL's car hood, denting it. We didn't see them do it, but they're the number one suspects. The Director and the HL are talking security cameras. I'm just concerned that they're upping their game.

Around 1:30, the sky began to go boom! This morning, the weather channel said no rain today, with a 60% chance of rain on Monday. This afternoon they said it was a 20% chance, well, that 20% ended up being a cloudburst - the heaven's just opened up and buckets of water poured out. Talk about instant flooding!

I had arrived home, baked a potato and broccoli for my dinner and was sitting down to enjoy my dinner when...Ken came home. I wasn't expecting him, even though he said he'd said he was coming. It was nice, because I was going to be up alone waiting for Analiese to get home from Youth Conference (she had a good time, see here
) and Jonathan was at work. So we sat up together and talked, a rare opportunity these days.

Sunday, July 30, 2017
Analiese got home around 10:30, Jonathan got off of work at 1:00. We were all up late and very tired. I had to wake the two up at 9:30 so they could get ready for church at 10:00. Jonathan had a hard time staying awake during Sacrament meeting. Ken took him home to nap a little, because he had to go to work at three until 10:45, then tomorrow he goes to work at 7:00 a.m.

Getting out of Sacrament meeting, I noticed something outside. It had rained. Again? Once again, it wasn't on the Weather Channel's radar. Literally. There is no way to keep track of this stuff!

I substituted in Primary again today. I used a card game my friend Karla sent me - Simon's cat. My family has watched all of the YouTube videos, cute and family-friendly. I used the card game with it's colors and cute pictures for how we would sing. Like, pink (Simon's cat) was stand and sing or blue (kitten) was stop and go. They enjoyed the pictures and had fun singing.

Okay, my mind-bending phone call? I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Some stuff hasn't happened yet. Sorry for the let-down. I'll tell you next week. I guess that gives you a reason to read my next post, right?

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