Sunday, August 13, 2017


APOLOGIES to my Aunt Nilas...go to Wednesday and I promise to reveal...

Monday, July 31, 2017
I was up at 6:30 this morning, a little earlier each week. It gave me more time to get things done...or at least started.

Ken and our angel Cousin were out working on the windows early again today. Jonathan's window caused them the most trouble. I think they finally got things wrapped up by 3:00 p.m. Luckily, today was only in the 80's, so it wasn't too hot, though it was still humid. The sky was overcast and it spit a little off and on.

As I was going to the grocery store, a crazy person was going the wrong way down the parking lot aisle. I stopped, hoping the person would back up. Nope! He kept coming, squeezing past me and narrowly missing my car and the parked cars on the other side. I might have had some special words for him had he hit me. Argh!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017
This morning - before work - I made a large spinach salad (spinach, shaved carrots, slivered almonds, sliced strawberries & poppy seed dressing) and headed toward the church for a funeral for a brother in our ward. He has a large family, so I expected a lot of people to be there. Besides them, there were the ward members and people he's worked with in the Air Force - quite a crowd. He was a good man, struck suddenly toward the end of last year with a hard and fast cancer. The hardest part of the funeral was watching the pain in his children's faces.

I had about thirty minutes between the end of the service and work. My cart has a few more books in it this week from last, but not much. Sigh. I'll have to get creative.

The Weather Channel got it right today. We had rain for a couple of hours this afternoon. Nothing as crazy as Saturday's cloudburst, but enough to make big puddles everywhere!

Wednesday, August 2, 2017
BIG REVEAL: Let the crazy begin! I have a new calling. Yes, I know I'm moving but...IT DOESN'T MATTER! I've been called to the online Seminary teacher for (count 'em) not one...not two...but THREE stakes: Lawton (my current stake), Norman (Chickasha is a part of it), and Oklahoma City South. They tell me it'll be a maximum of twenty students. I'll be spending the next two weeks training to do it and when I get more details on how it works, I'll pass them on. I'm also going to the inservice in Norman this Saturday to pump myself up spiritually. It's the calling that moves with you!

Tonight at work a member of the Norman Stake High Council came with his wife (they were in Altus for a meeting and dinner with a client) to see me and set me apart as the online Seminary teacher. It's so strange and somewhat overwhelming to think of this calling, but being set apart helps to reassure me that I have heavenly help (and heavenly confidence). Which I am going to need!

Thursday, August 3, 2017
The kids were decidedly goofy this morning. Jonathan was practically a stand-up comedian just before I left for work. I wondered what state my house would be in when I returned.

I had a salad for lunch. This pertinent why, you ask? Because about an hour after I got to work I became very ill and spent the next hour in and out of the employee bathroom. My boss wondered if I should go home and as I grew weaker, I almost agreed. After some medicine and a trip to the gas station for Gatorade, things calmed down. But I felt pretty exhausted after.

I got a call from the Chickasha Branch's Seminary teacher/YW President/Branch President's wife. Since we're both headed to the Seminary inservice Saturday in Norman, she suggested we carpool. It's a good idea and we can use the time to get to know each other better. It'd be nice to know someone (besides Ken) as we eventually move there.

Friday, August 4, 2017
My morning started with some personal physical needs (enough said) after which I began the Friday routine: laundry, breakfast, devotional, etc. There's a special women's broadcast from OKC tonight and our RS president asked us to bring treats, so I ran across the street to United and then began assembling and baking my coconut chocolate pecan cookies. Yummy, but quite decadent!

After I taking Jonathan to work, I dropped some of my cookies off to my boss at the library. In part, it's a thank-you since she's helping me clean up my laptop so it's set up for online seminary in two weeks. She was happy to get the goodies, who wouldn't?

The Women's broadcast was from visiting sister General Authorities who'd come to Oklahoma. Analiese and I went and watched it in the comfort of the Altus building's RS room. Sister Marriott, the YW leader, is a particular favorite of mine...a true Southern Belle with a sweet testimony.

Saturday, August 5, 2017
Today was BUSY. I was up at 6:00 a.m. and left the house at 6:30 with Analiese to head toward Norman for a Seminary inservice. We stopped in Chickasha - not to see Ken - but to pick up the Seminary teacher (and YW leader) there. I'd be communicating with her and she suggested we carpool and get to know each other better.

The inservice was uplifting as usual. All of my questions, though, revolved around online classes, so they had to wait until I could corner the secretary or Bro. Sturges and ask them. Two nice notes: I met one of my students-to-be, who was Analiese's Youth Counselor at Norman's Girl's Camp and is absolutely terrific and I met the Chickasha Branch President, who is a supportive, jolly soul.

After the inservice was over, we headed back, stopping in Chickasha to see Ken and have him follow us to Altus. He took me to dinner and then the whole family went to the church for Lance Sayers' wedding open house. His bride is a pretty, sweet, smart redhead and I think they'll be very happy!

Sunday, August 6, 2017
I substitute-taught in Sunday School today. I want to testify that bells and whistles aren't important to teach a good lesson. My laptop, getting it's tune-up from my boss, wasn't available to do any slide shows. I tried to print up some stuff to post on the board so I wouldn't have to write on the chalkboard. But my printer wrote in "stripes" with sections missing. Scrub that. I wrote on the chalkboard, opened up my scriptures, and the Spirit did the rest. That's all the "tech" I needed. The class had lots of comments and testimony. I was grateful, since I didn't have much time during the week to prepare. 

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