Sunday, July 16, 2017


Monday, July 10, 2017
A brother from our ward was over at nine a.m. to help Ken fix the window frames on the front of the house. Poor them - the day heated up quickly. Poor us - two windows went in fine and fast, but the west living room window is going to take another couple weeks of work! Argh! The never-ending house repairs! Will we ever move?

So I did the banking and shopping myself today, Jonathan being at work and Ken outside. I thought I'd be stocking up for next weekend because I was going to Chickasha, but no. Ken is coming back here next week to get the work done. There went my anniversary plans. I still have to go that-away next Monday evening because I have to pick up Analiese Tuesday from the airport. But we had planned to go into the City and do stuff. Just Ken & I, a day alone together. Sigh.

Instead, Ken took Jonathan and me to Lawton to dinner and a free movie (he'd won some movie tickets). We had Mexican food
and saw the new Transformers (tix said we had to see that one).
The food was good, but the movie stank. Lots of absolutely unessential bad language, sexual innuendo, terrible stupid plot, pedantic and predictable dialogue, etc. Hollywood does these sequels because the first one did well, so why not? But they get progressive worse. And you could tell at the end that they're planning another one!

Tuesday, July 11, 2017
I awoke to an empty house this morning. Jonathan had to be at work by seven. I took my dear, sweet time, but I got the towels laundered, dishes done, and bills paid before I had to go to work.

Golly Gee! It's sure hot out there today! The breeze does little to ameliorate the warmth. I believe I would severely dislike living without air conditioning. Call me a wimp. This is awful!

Analiese was bored today; it was her last day with her grandparents before she goes off with her aunt to Oregon. They can't be expected to do fun stuff every day with her and they have their own lives to live (plus a lower energy level!). Besides, once she flies to Oregon tomorrow, she won't be bored anymore!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017
Analiese and her aunt made it to the airport and off to Portland without a hitch. They didn't waste any time, either, immediately hooking up with a Wilcox family cousin and going to Tillamook for lunch, then then heading to the beach. I'm envious, really. It sounds so, delightfully relaxing.

I started a new project at work today. I'm cataloging, labeling, and preparing books for both the Altus and Hollis libraries for the reading programs for the next school year. School starts here August 15tth, so it's time we were on it. There's a bit more to it than regular cataloging and it takes more time...and brainpower. Plus, there are three levels - children (primary grades), intermediate, and young adult (high school).

We lost our newest FD2 today. She quit after less than two weeks - are we really that bad? No, it's because it was too hard with her arthritis. But she didn't say a thing yesterday evening when she was working. Still, poor boss-o-mine! She's getting tired of training new people. The HL is getting tired of having to hire new ones, too.

Thursday, July 13, 2017
Analiese and her aunt had a nice quiet evening at the hotel they stayed in
and, after breakfast this morning, they headed to the campground.
The Wilcox family is Ken's maternal grandfather's side.

Analiese's tent is the middle one.
Analiese texted me today to tell me to not freak out - she'll be unable to text for a few days because there's no cell reception or something. Eye roll here...I am just going to trust that they'll be having a good time!

I took my boss to lunch today. Her birthday is tomorrow, but neither one of us is working Friday and she's going out of town. We went to Fat Daddy's (funny name, I know, but they have good food) and I had a nice Caesar salad (they make all their own condiments and dressings!). We had a nice, relaxing time and wondered why we hadn't done it before!

I finished the reading program books today. Well, those I have. I'm still missing a few that are on order. I'll get to them when we get them!

Believe it or not, HL has hired a new FD2 today. That was quick! I think they went through an employment agency this time. The new gal starts next week when my boss is back.

Friday, July 14, 2017
Jonathan and I covered the west window in the living room with plastic this morning. This is in anticipation of Ken and my angel "cousin" removing the window on Monday to fix the outside frame. I hope it stays up. We've had a very humid summer so I'm not sure the tape will stick well, even though we double-layered it.

I took Jonathan to work at 12:30 and then I had a pedicure. I went to a new place (I'd been unhappy with my old one) and the gal did a great job. According to Analiese's orders (before she left for California), they are a beautiful, patriotic red!

By myself, I took the sister missionaries to dinner at Pizza Hut this evening. They had requested pizza for dinner and I didn't want to cook - it was a win-win! We had a great time eating (garlic-Parmesan sauce with chicken, bacon and spinach, plus the cheese crust), talking, and sharing testimonies. I always feel rejuvenated when they visit and today I had them all to myself!

Saturday, July 15, 2017
On Thursday, my boss had showed me how to reset the compressors for the library air conditioning in case they went out. Good thing, too, because this morning the front part of the library was hot! So I reset their compressor...though it's going to take a while for that area to cool down!

I didn't have much to do today at the library, at least, not assigned work. I did some best-seller list research, recovered some books with "library leprosy" (the plastic covers have degraded and are flaking off), and vacuumed my area. Then the rest of the day I cataloged some donated DVDs and music CDs the best I could. Tricky things.

Jonathan had to work until 1 a.m. tomorrow, so I took him so some spaghetti for dinner around seven. Then I went home, soaked in an Epsom salt bath for a bit to relax me, called my brother in Alaska, and turned in early. I'd like to say I slept quickly and easily, but being alone in the house really kicked up my imagination - and my anxiety.

Sunday, July 16, 2017
Jonathan and I picked up a little girl for church this morning. She usually comes with her mother - they're both new converts - but her mother wasn't feeling well after a medical procedure, so the sister missionaries called me and asked if I'd take her. She's eight, cute, and talkative...too bad Analiese wasn't here! On the way home she made me laugh. "I like your style," she said. Too funny!

Ken came home this afternoon with a couple of little gifts in anticipation of our 21st anniversary next week. One was some Vernor's ginger ale
- something I did not think you could find in Oklahoma! Tomorrow he said he's taking me out for the "big" thing he should have done last year. Oooo! The suspense!

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