Sunday, July 23, 2017


Monday, July 17, 2017
Ken and our angel cousin were up working on the window before I even got up this morning. They wanted to get as much done as they could before the day heated up tremendously. I think they were completed by 11:30 a.m.

Ken took me out this afternoon for my anniversary surprise. We went to the local jeweler and he purchased me a pair of silver heart drop earrings. They are simple and sweet...just the way I like it.

Jonathan was at work by 3, so Ken & I left by 4, me in the van and Ken in the car, heading toward Chickasha. We stopped in Lawton for a Chinese food dinner. From Lawton to Chickasha was only another 45 minutes.

I was tired, but happy to see the bunnies. I've missed their furry antics and fluffy sweetness. Alice likes to roam around all over the place, but Pom is a true cuddle bunny, content to sit in my lap. She kept jumping on my chest, though, and licking my face.
She was happy to see me!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017
I slept terribly in the recliner. It was warm and my neck and shoulders were stiff. After Ken left for TB, I went and slept in his bed (Jonathan's twin) to recoup a little. I needed my energy for the rest of the day. I need to pick up Analiese from the airport. I've missed her terribly and can't wait to see her and hear about all of her adventures!

After my nap, I spent some more time with the bunnies. Pom was all snuggly again. Too bad it's so warm or I'd enjoy it more!

The airport is only about 45 minutes away from Chickasha and I got there and through security, only having to wait about twenty minutes. I was right there at the gate,
something you don't get to do anymore, because she was registered on the flight as an unaccompanied minor. I almost cried when she appeared, I was so happy to see her!

She had a great time, especially camping and getting to know her Wilcox family cousins. We went back to Chickasha so she could say hi to her Dad, then we went to Lawton, ate dinner, and then went home. She caught a little cold during the trip, so she didn't mind going to bed and resting right away.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017
Between her cold and getting used to Oklahoma time again, Analiese got up a little before 10 a.m. I let her sleep; she needed. She was a little slow moving today.

Happy anniversary to me and my sweetie. Twenty-one years today. And many more!

There weren't a whole lot of books on my cart today. Even with an extra day off, I'm going to get through them quickly. My boss and I talked about other things I could do, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be rather bored on Saturday.

The new person they supposedly hired last week is already gone - greener pastures, they told me. I'm starting to think there's some sort of curse on the library. At least, up in the front on the floor. The HL was talking today about cutting down library hours - we're pretty quiet in the evenings anyway. But if it means a cut in my hours, I'll be in a world of hurt. I need those hours to pay for the Chickasha rent!

Thursday, July 20, 2017
Oh, ick! Plumbing problems. We've been struggling with the front bathroom and things backing up, but now the kitchen sink joined the game! I'll get some more Drano, but we may need to splurge on a plumber soon.

Today's library program was a magician/juggler. This was her first time performing for our library and her program lasted an hour rather than the usual forty-five minutes. The kids loved her, though... we could hear them all the way down the hall. I guess she had a rabbit and a dove - animals are a sure bet with kids. Several parents said that it was our best program yet.

We had a three-way birthday celebration at work for my boss and two of the front ladies, who all have birthdays this month. They had a cake with all three of their names on it.

Friday, July 21, 2017
Even the washing machine has got into the game. It overflowed onto the laundry room and into the back bathroom as it drained. I believe the main line going out of the house is at fault. We'll have to see what the plumber says.

In the meantime, Jonathan and I headed out to Lawton. He had to pick up his medical records from the Navy recruiter's office and had to meet with the Stake President. He also took me to the movies to see Spiderman (I was the means to an end). I also ran a couple of shopping errands and got some gas. We were home before seven.

Ken's grandfather's funeral was out in California today. We weren't able to go, but his mother and his siblings went. My parents and sister went, too, to give their support and love. Ken's grandfather was ninety-two and had lived a full live. He was a good man, and will be missed. I will miss his piano-playing (it was a surprise when I discovered it!) and have fond memories of him picking apricots and sharing them with Jonathan when he was tiny.

Saturday, July 22, 2017
My stomach kept me up for several hours last night. I'm not sure if it was the movie popcorn or the take-out tacos later that did it, but did it do it!  I felt like a zombie this morning. I would have liked to have called in sick, but I can't really do that. We're down to three on Saturday and can't afford to lose a person. The nice thing was, I could sit down in the back office and take it slow and easy.

The day heated up quickly, reaching over 100 at one point...not counting humidity. When I reached home, the air conditioner there was struggling to keep up with the temperatures. Right now, going to bed, it's still 80 degrees inside. How am I going to sleep?

Sunday, July 23, 2017
I did not sleep well, needless to say. This has been a horrible week for me and sleep. I wanted a nap before, during, and after church. I was seriously tempted to sneak into the mothers' room and doze in a cozy chair during Sunday School. But I didn't.

I had agreed to teach a lesson for Relief Society today. I wasn't sure how my exhaustion would affect my ability to teach, or even make sense! I had a rough time this week even trying to prepare the lesson. But it spoke to me and my current circumstances, and I felt the need to share that with my sisters.

Well, it came off fine. My lesson was on "Looking Up" - up to Christ, trusting in Him, in Heavenly Father's plan, and in Their love for us.
The ladies there all had so many great contributions that I came away uplifted too! These women are a pleasure to know and love! I'm going to miss them when I finally move. 😢 Sad face.

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