Sunday, July 9, 2017


Monday, July 3, 2017
I made myself get up at 7:15 because I had an appointment at Ford to have its regular servicing. They told me they were down a man and it may take longer than the usual hour. I got in at 8:50 and out in under an hour - these guys are so good! I'm going to miss them when I finally move to Chickasha.

Jonathan and I cut off a pecan tree branch from our back yard that had become infested with tent worms. They're gross, but if we don't take care of it, they'll spread to the whole tree and then to other trees. It gave me the willies, but it was necessary.

Jonathan and I went shopping together. He needed some shoes, so we went to the Shoe Dept. - a store with higher end, better quality shoes than Walmart. Then we did our grocery shopping. We went home and vegged in the evening, our get-up-and-go gone.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017
We had fun spending time this morning goofing off with Analiese in California via text messaging. We played around with photos and GIFS.

My sister wanted to know if we wanted to FaceTime. Nope. We were having fun. It was our crazy way of saying we miss each other.

Even though it's a holiday and neither Jonathan nor I had to work, we were decidedly domestic - doing dishes, laundering towels and blankets, cleaning bathrooms. There really wasn't any much celebratory stuff going on in town - it did it's stuff on Sunday.

Jonathan did want to grill, so I marinated some chicken last night in Italian salad dressing. We experimented with grilling corn on the cob. I researched on Pinterest, rubbing the shucked corn in olive oil, seasoned it with garlic salt, onion powder, and fresh ground pepper, and wrapped it in foil.

They were delicious! Both the chicken and the corn, but especially the corn!
The grill favor added so much to it. I would definitely do this again!

Wednesday, July 5, 2017
I got up, showered, ate breakfast. Then a headache hit me hard, so I went back to bed. I awoke shortly after eleven - rats! I had to be at work by noon. I had some phone calls I had to reply to, so I didn't have lunch...a couple crackers, really.

Work was work. But our only Spanish-speaking front desk employee is off on vacation. Guess who is the back-up? Yep, rusty me. My Spanish is pretty weak.

A blue jay and a cardinal flew across my yard as I was leaving to go back to work. I know they're noisy, but God made them pretty to make up for their voices!

I know Analiese is in California, but I want to mention how much fun she's having. My best friends took her to San Diego for the day to visit the Mormon Battalion and have lunch at our favorite in Old Town...La Pinata!

It's been 3 years since she visited California!

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Lucky me, no headaches today. I slept pretty well, so I didn't feel the need for a nap, either.

I did housework between chapters of a novel that I'm thoroughly enjoying. It's a suspense novel, but it has be chuckling at every page! I put the sequel - a new book I cataloged last week - on's already been checked out twice! I definitely want more!

I spent nearly two hours at the front desk this afternoon. Our Thursday program (an animal experience) was over at the community center, so most staff went there. Plus, with the one gal still gone on vacation, it left my boss and me. It was busy enough to warrant the two of us, too!

I'm a little blue this evening. I've been fretting over Ken, who's had two hard days of work and little rest. I also miss my girl. I know she's okay, but she's a bright star in my life. So things feel a little dimmer here.

Friday, July 7, 2017
I took this morning slowly, using the time to detox, cleanse my face, and leisurely shower. I eventually got laundry started. I think I maybe had breakfast by ten o'clock.

I took Jonathan to work and spent the next eight hours by myself. It was mausoleum quiet in the house. I finally turned on the television while I did some paper sorting, filing, a little packing, cleaning up, and vacuuming. But the day was hot, so late afternoon found me on the couch with some limeade to chill with my book.

Jonathan unwisely mowed the front lawn this morning with only flip-flops. He didn't hurt himself, but his feet got bitten many times by red ants. By evening, his feet were red-looking and angry. I put a clay poultice on them to try and draw out the toxins. We'll see how it worked.

Saturday, July 8, 2017
The bites on Jonathan's feet have broken out into blisters overnight. His left foot is swollen.
He's limping on it a bit. He's supposed to work today. We'll see how that goes.

Thursday I left work with 15 audiobooks waiting for me today. I got into work this morning to find fifteen more! Books on CD take more work - more labeling, more complex cataloging, so that gave me plenty to do. In fact, it took nearly all of my time today. My back's a little stiff, I should have switched my desk to standing.

Another Analiese update: Her Aunt Dee totally spoiled her today by taking her to Downtown Disney to see the new "Spiderman" movie
(yes, it looks like she dressed for it!) and to lunch at Rainforest Cafe.

Plus, it looks like she had fun running around the Lego store - wouldn't you?

Well, Jonathan made it through an eight-hour shift at Walgreen's. When he got home, I saw that his foot, still covered with angry red bites, wasn't nearly as swollen this morning. Though he did say that he had to pull his shoe laces looser to get them on his feet.

Sunday, July 9, 2017
I had another one of those headaches this morning. I'm not sleeping well and staying up too late. I wonder if that's part of the problem.

I had to wake up and get energetic, though, because I'd promised to substitute for the Primary chorister today. That's a calling that always takes a lot of energy.

Actually, I was looking forward to it, because I'd found a fun game for them: "Guess the rainbow." I'd put a little Skittle candy in one of their mouths and they had to guess the color/flavor. If they guessed it right, they got to choose a Primary song. If they got it wrong, I chose the song. This went over great; they behaved beautifully because they all wanted a chance to do it! I gave them each a parting Skittle at the end. Not a lot of candy - two pieces at most - but enough to excite them!

Nice for me was the fact that they had all of the kids in one hour this week, rather than split into Junior and Senior Primary. The Primary presidency were ALL out of town and they had lots of substitutes, so they combined everything. So I only had to "perform" once.  And if you know me and Primary's a performance!

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