Sunday, July 2, 2017


Monday, June 26, 2017
It's very humid today, even if the temperatures only get into the mid-eighties. I got out of the shower this morning feeling like I was still in there.

Ken and Jonathan finished removing paint outside today. Now we need to do a few wood repairs - mainly on window frames - and then we can paint! And I can stop seeing paint flakes all over the house!

I went shopping with the kids today. Generally they don't like to shop with me, Analiese in particular. Butt she needed a new swimsuit for California/Oregon, the old one having fallen apart at girls' camp last week. Jonathan was looking for a part for his bicycle, but didn't find it. However, I got groceries out of the car faster today!

Tuesday, June 27, 2017
A new day at work...a new quandary. I have two full carts of books, but that's not the problem. I had to catalog another porno-type book (luckily I don't have to read it), but that wasn't the problem either.

I had to catalog a book today about two teens in the seventies escaping their families and faith - their Mormon faith. This wasn't about the Church in particular, but about some fundamentalist break-off polygamous sect. But the author, the publishers, and the reviewers don't say that. They just say "Mormon," and that's not correct. It only serves to perpetuate the myths and misunderstandings surrounding the real church. It made me sick to my stomach.

What to do? Protest that it's offensive and misrepresents my beliefs? Put a note in it (my passive-aggressive favorite) directing readers to for the truth? All I know is that I'm not putting it on the shelves until I figure what is right to do.

Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Would you like to know what I did? I talked openly with my boss about my problems with the book. We took out one of the descriptor lines on the record - the one that had "Mormon" in it - and I added "fundamentalist" in front of the word "Mormon" in the summary line. It's going to Hollis and my boss said she didn't think it would be read much, if it all (it's a very small, very particular library). Not a perfect solution, but the best I could do under the circumstances. But I defended my faith. I feel better than if I'd cowered down and did nothing.

Analiese made scrambled eggs for dinner. She must have been bored, because she decided to use food coloring to dye it red - it looked like she'd added Kool Aide. I took one look and said, "I'm not eating that." She rolled with laughter. I did eat them and they were fine. Butt that girl needs a hobby.

Thursday, June 29, 2017
Jonathan worked late last night coming home after I was in bed. He then went back to work early, before I got up. Poor kid, he had back-to-back shifts.

The Literacy secretary retired today. They held a nice luncheon for her that was in full swing when I got in. I snagged two tamales (delicioso!) but left the other fattening stuff aside. I don't know how her boss is going to get on without her (yes, they have a new secretary starting next week).

The program for today was a magician with 120 people in attendance. He really wowed them, I guess, because the kids came in to the central library telling us all about it. His rabbit trick was the biggest hit...mainly because he used a real rabbit. In fact, a couple of kids checked out books on rabbits afterwards.

Friday, June 30, 2017
Yeah, I had a big to-do list for today. But as my official day off, I didn't hurry and get up to do them. I got the laundry started and moved Analiese to do her hour of Khan Academy geometry, but I didn't rush it.

We sauntered out about 10:30 to the library - pay day! I didn't hurry that either, going into the back to visit with my boss. We then went to Walgreen's to see when Jonathan had his lunch break - noon-ish. Since it was a quarter past eleven, we went across the street to Arby's, ate our lunch, got something for Jonathan, and dropped it back off to him. He was grateful - he had nothing to eat!

After that it was time to hustle. We went to the bank, Walmart (capris for me, white top for Analiese), the car wash, a couple of stores (last-minute CA things)...whew! By then, we were ready to go home. Analiese said she had fun, though.

Saturday, July 1, 2017
June went out with a bright, loud, rainy whoosh! We had quite the thunderstorm with driving rain and hail that lasted nearly all night. The light show alone kept me up for a while.

It took me a while to get my twenty-four books processed today. Two people were out, though our HL came in and had the new gal (soon to be FD2, when the current FD2 starts doing the FD1 job because the FD1 is going to head up the Literacy program - got that?) come in, too. Plus, my boss came in and chatted with me a while. Apparently, the storm didn't do anything to the library. Well, the fire alarm went off again, but the HL took care of that.

On returning to work after my lunch break, Analiese said, "I'll see you later, much later!" Ha! Ken still had to get off of work - at the earliest by two - drive an hour and forty-five minutes here, do his laundry and then they could go. That would be after I got home. Besides, excited or not, she needs to have her dinner first!

My book pick this week is not a picture book, though it's technically a children's book. I say "technically" because the vocabulary is much higher and the storyline is a bit older. But it's hilarious. It's a comic-type book about a fox who has a hard time getting at the chickens at a nearby farm
. He decides he's going to steal some eggs, raise them up, and eat the grown chicken. Only problem is, those chicks imprint on him, call him "Mommy," and he begins to bond with them...reluctantly. Meantime, the chickens are plotting their revenge on the fox (they have a workshop on how to eviscerate a fox) while the wolf is trying to convince the fox that he will take the troublesome peeps off of his paws. Soooo funny.

The girl was "chomping at the bit" to go when I got home. Ken was there, nearly done with his laundry, she was all packed. But we sat and talked for a bit because when do we get the time? Then I grudgingly (wink) let them go. She loves her family, but this adventure is too huge for her to miss!

Sunday, July 2, 2017
It rained last night. I didn't notice. I was asleep the whole time. I don't think Analiese slept much in Chickasha, though. I know my kid...she was too keyed up!

She got to California with no hiccups, although she'd been concerned about the weather delaying her. Just as church was about to start here, she texted me: "The eagle has landed." Then I got a photo of her at LAX with her aunt.
She's good.

It was an uneventful day at church. Nice testimony meeting. I relinquished my keys to the seminary "kingdom" to my successor and we sat and talked a bit about seminary things. I couldn't allay his fears on one point, though: Seminary is a commitment that takes time. You have to study and prepare, it doesn't work just winging it. Bald, harsh truth. But I did encourage him by saying I felt pleased when he was called. He's really good with the youth.

Jonathan had to be at work at three today; I drove him to Walgreen's. But it's just me alone this evening. I kind of feel at loose ends...

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