Sunday, June 25, 2017


Monday, June 19, 2017
The heat and humidity are back up - yuck! I went out to water and weed my teeny garden this morning. My poor onions aren't looking so well!

Ken had a dentist appointment this morning, so he didn't have any time with the power washer. Jonathan used it a bit, working on the front of the house, nearly driving some ants inside! Analiese grabbed the bug spray and I met them on the other end of the door. Sorry bugs, no room in this house for you!

Man, I do NOT want to cook in this heat! We had tortilla wraps for dinner because I refused to stand over a hot stove. Just give me cold drinks and frozen treats right now.

Tuesday, June 20, 2017
I had to get up by 7:30 this morning to take Analiese to the church so she could go to Girls Camp with our ward and stake. Since I hadn't had breakfast yet, afterwards I went over to the medical lab to get blood work done that my doctor keeps bugging me about.

I don't have very many new books on my cart for this week. In fact, I got through most of them today! I still have some Juvenile NF (that's nonfiction) I can do plus finish off a paperback project I've been slowly working on. But after that...then what?

Tonight I ended up not worrying about all that much because I had to help FD2 at the front again. I don't know what's up with FD1, but she's not working today, tomorrow, or Thursday!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017
Without Analiese here to hover over as she works and whines about her math, I find myself with time on my hands. Before work. To do things. Productivity?

I cleaned the kitchen counters, stove top, and sink. The cabinets still need wiping down (inside & out), and the oven is in desperate need of attention. But they aren't happening today. I don't have THAT much time.

Oh, dear! It's just as I feared. I've gone completely through the week's books. Now it's whatever little thing I can find to occupy my time. Not to worry, says boss, we're expecting LOTS of deliveries next week. Feast or famine around here.

Thursday, June 22, 2017
My boss figured something else for me to do today. She gave me a bunch of donated DVDs to catalog. Most were children's videos; a lot of moms check them out for their kids, so it was nice to have a few new ones.

The library program for today was a theatrical presentation of Beauty and the Beast. Not Disney. Some patrons complained about that. Really? Anyway, we had nearly 150 attendees.

I spent 30-45 minutes after the program talking with a new Air Force family in town. They're homeschoolers and had questions about library services, local groups (none currently, but I pointed them towards 4H), etc. I've become the go-to person about homeschooling in the library.

Friday, June 23, 2017
My day of course I woke up with a headache. It also must mean I have a lot planned to do. Figures.

First off, I had to make the no-churn ice cream for dessert tonight (the sister missionaries are coming). I made peach - yum! I hope it freezes well, but I already know it tastes good...she who makes the peaches and cream gets to lick the bowl! I also put black beans in the crockpot for refrieds tonight. We're having pork carnitas!

I had to go to the store for some stuff for dinner, though. I took Jonathan with me because he wanted to go to the bank. I waited on laundry, though, until after I picked up Analiese from the church upon her return from camp. You should have seen her filthy socks; I am not sure they will ever be completely white again! Besides filthy, she came home with a sunburned nose and looked ready to crash. An email sent shortly after her return puts us on the watch for mumps; apparently a girl went to camp with them. Makes me kids were vaccinated. I know people debate, but really? Anyway, I'm not worried.

Dinner was great. We have a new sister missionary in our ward, so we met her. The carnitas and refried beans were yummy, but the peach ice cream...was SPECTACULAR!!!
The new sister said her family makes homemade ice cream a lot during the summer, so this was perfect for her. For me, well, I love summer fruit, especially peaches. It was heavenly (and easy) so I see myself doing that again!

Saturday, June 24, 2017
Analiese is up and about energetically again (unless we're talking math...that's another story). Marching orders given, I left for work, wondering what I would have to do today.

Well, my boss and I nearly had a heart-attack. She was coming into the library garage as I was going out of it into the back building. She jumped and I yelped. Then we laughed, hugged each other, and went over to my work station. She'd left me a note with a small order of books, some of which I'd have to catalog from scratch because there wasn't much online information (goody) and a couple of audiobooks. We talked for a bit and then she went home (she was here to see if last night's rain storm had done any electrical damage to our systems).

Because of the lack of information, these records take longer to catalog, so that used up a good bit of the day's time. But for the most part it was a snoozy sort of day. Hey, at least the weather is cooler! In fact, at one point I was actually COLD in the back. That's nearly unheard of!

Sunday, June 25, 2017
At 7:35 (I know, I saw the time on my phone), the power went out. No reason. It just went. It was down for an hour and forty-five minutes. I spent the morning in the living room where we had the most light. I was relieved when it came back on. I mean, it is cooler, but not enough to keep the house comfortable as the sun goes higher.

We went to church a little earlier so I could meet with our high counselor from the stake, who happens to live in our ward. I was released today officially from Seminary. 😢I didn't really get emotional about it, though, until I was formally released in Sacrament meeting. Then I got teary...all the way through the sacrament. But the brother they called to take my place is going to be great, I think. They had to release him from the Stake YM to do it, though.  Sigh. Seriously, the end of an era.

After church (and lunch and Devotional), I took a nap, but forgot to set a timer. I've been trying to sleep no more than an hour. Longer than an hour and I feel groggy and "off". So, since I forgot and ended up sleeping longer, guess how I feel? But I got up and found Ken home, which made me happy. He told us today the funny story of how Alice (the rabbit) is a snitch. Apparently, she is so smart she not only knows her own name, but PomPom's as well. When Ken went looking in the other house for Pom, he kept calling her name. Alice basically ran over to where Pom was hiding. Tattle-tale!

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