Sunday, January 1, 2017

THE 2016-2017 TRANSITION (such as it is)

Monday, December, 26, 2016
Sleeping in was nice - except for the 5:30 "wake-up" call from someone at our door looking for someone who doesn't live here! Oh well, I went back to sleep and got another couple of hours. No work, no Seminary...what else is a girl to do?

I worked on little projects, like dusting and cleaning off my desk, Yes, I have a desk/table. I've gotta have a place to study and write! It really needed the attention; it was grimey. Gross! I also began looking at Analiese's new semester and setting up my planner for the new year. Baby steps.

There was also some lazing about...after all, it's a BREAK. I watched a couple of episodes of "The Crown" on Netflix. I try not to be too much of an anglophile, what with being an English major and like to read Jane Austen, etc., but this was an indulgence. Munched on a little Christmas candy as I did. Life is good.

This evening, the kids and I played a new game (from Karla!) called Ingenious. They had complained at first that, looking at the instructions, it was just too complex. No, it wasn't. You just have to think and strategize a little. Our first run, we were each about a point away from each other. Not bad.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016
Christmas Break, for me, has meant working on little projects. Today was taking the tree and Christmas decorations down, which is always a little depressing. I also worked on a new menu planning system (I've been slowly perfecting things for years) and got Analiese's study schedule for EPIC for January finished.

Back to work. And today was weird. I had a lot of magazines to put away (usually never more than 3-4) and the DEA paid us a visit to arrest some problematic patrons (would that they could do this on a regular basis!) who apparently were involved in drugs. I was hiding - a-hem, WORKING - away in the shelves during that time so I totally missed all the drama. Thing was, I'd seen these particular troublemakers (they make me nervous) walk in and I did not want to deal with them, so I sequestered myself in the bookshelves.  I was justified though...

The Dude gave his two-week notice today. I knew it was coming; he just graduated from WOSC and wants to go to school up in Edmond (north of OKC). He's feeling a little sad (and I'll bet nervous) because he liked this job. But he's young and ready to move on...I totally get it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016
I'm the first to say that there's no such thing as too many books; but I'll tell you right now - I'm inundated with reading material. It isn't just that I work at a library, which certainly contributes to the problems. It's also that one of  my best friends works at a church bookstore and sends me lots of lovely things to read (the other one sent me a big fat book for my birthday, too. They know me!). I love it, I encourage it, I don't want it to stop - "too many books, too little time!" But I'm finding it hard to find time to read. In fact, I've started purposely carving out reading time for me; something I've never had to do before!

Came to find out at work that yesterday's arrests weren't DEA. They were Altus Police Department. And it wasn't drug was human sex trafficking, the current form of slavery. Did you know that there are more people in slavery now (generally of the sexual type) than there was during the Civil War times? This greatly upset and disgusted me. I hope these people (using the term loosely) are put away for a VERY long time!

Thursday, December 29, 2016
More little bitty projects going on here as I prepare to wrap up my break. Today was Seminary stuff, next year's planner/journal, house cleaning needs. I also took Jonathan to the alterationist's to get five pair of pants hemmed for his mission. Could I do it? Yes. Well? No. Especially his white temple/baptism pants. They leave a lot of fabric room at the bottom to accomodate all sizes and I knew I'd mess that one up! I need his pants to function well so it's something he doesn't need to worry about in Guatemala. Peace of mind was worth the money.

When the day time staff left the library at six this evening, there were two people in the libaray, not counting me, the Dude, and the cataloguer in the back. Two more walked in shortly after, but I could tell you: It was going to be a slow night.

Friday, December 30, 2016
Busy Day Checklist:

  • get paycheck from library
  • put check in the bank
  • grab some lunch from drive-thru
  • pedicure
  • Walmart grocery shopping
  • Atwood's shopping (water bottles and hay)
  • put away groceries
  • put away laundry
  • work on Seminary for next week
  • make dinner
The reward for getting all this stuff done (and I DID) was seeing "Rogue One" with the family. Ken had to meet us there from work, but we all got to do it together. It was a good movie, but not a "feel good" movies, if you know what I mean. It was more about the sacrifices made to ensure freedom; a rather messy thing. It did tie in really well to the first (1977) Star Wars, too. Good job!

Saturday, December 31, 2016
My New Year's Eve has been so exciting...not. I slept poorly last night, got up late and started my day off very slowly.

The highlight of my morning was taking PomPom outside to groom her. She was nervous at first, the breeze and birdsong and sunshine was strange as well as my constant brushing (but it had to feel good, like a massage). She settled down eventually, jumping onto my shoulder to get a better, yet still safe, look at this new world around her.

Today was Ken's las day at Taco Bell. Supposedly. He came home, telling me he's make a "deal with the devil." Even though he'll be working at Murphy's gas station (as the manager) full time now, for a while, he's going to still Taco Bell (yes, I'm using it a verb) once a week. They're that desperate. But, in a way, so are we.

Tonight I intend to celebrate the New Year with my traditional good night's rest. However, I have chosen my Word of the Year for 2017. 2016's word was "Kind," and I felt really blessed by it, having great experiences in being kind and seeing kindness in my life.  This year's word is:
It comes from a quote by this poetess:

I'm going to spend my last two days of break contemplating how to encorporate being "Determined" in my life. Each month I want to focus on an aspect of that determination. I had been search for my Word of the Year for a few weeks now, but just this week, listening to a talk on CD, it came to me. It fits and it's right. Happy New Year. I am DETERMINED.

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