Sunday, January 29, 2017


Monday, January 23, 2017
I had a substitute for Seminary, so I could sleep in this morning. Boy, did I need that. I was so grateful for the parent who was willing to step up so I could get better.

Ken found a large LIVE scorpion (?!?!?!) in the laundry room this morning. I can't begin to tell you how happy I was that it wasn't me that found it. How did it get in? Why? He dispatched it immediately (he put a plastic dust pan over it and beat at the pan with something till the creature was smushed. Then it had a burial at sea.). Ugh!

I DID go to work, but only for half a day. Turns out, that was more than plenty. I was wiped out by the time I left. So I went home, ate lunch, and slept a while. Then I sat and read and "vegged."

Tuesday, January 24, 2017
I slept off and on last night. Between the shingles pain and the sinus drainage, it's hard to catch a break. I was actually awake at 5:00 a.m., but still had a substitute for Seminary. So I showered, had breakfast, and then had Devotional with my family. After which I went back to bed and slept for another two and a half hours. Apparently that's what the body said I needed.

I only worked three hours instead of my usual five tonight. The library staff has been so understanding and they don't want me to overdo it. Again, it was just about the right wear me out and have me clamoring for medicine and crashing into bed when I got home.

Wednesday, January 25, 2017
I went back to Seminary, honking like a Canadian goose. I only had four students, so it we weren't complete. But if I could be sick, I guess they could be, too.

At work, they said I looked a little bit better today. Analiese says my "spots" look better, too. (Poor thing has had the dubious honor of putting cream on the ones I can't reach.) I'd better be getting better, that medication is expensive!

Thursday, January 26, 2017
Today was the first in a long while where I haven't been able to get in a nap. SIGH. Right now, that makes for a very long day. Because - despite the fact that I'd like to rest more - my life and family needs won't let me be down much longer. I had a meeting this morning for two hours with Analiese's EPIC teacher at the library. (Turns out, what's making her take so much time with her English assignments is the difficulty level. She's doing 11th grade work...on purpose. She takes after her mama!)

I also had to take Jonathan to the bank and to Walgreens (to get a shot, but that didn't happen due to new insurance issues). Then in the afternoon I went Visiting Teaching, returning home to study for Seminary. By then, it was to late for a nap before having to go to work. I will be totally exhausted tonight, I think!

Friday, January 27, 2017
It's such a special day today, I can hardly begin to describe it. It started normally with Seminary, after which I came home for breakfast, Devotional, and an anticipatory nap.

The whole family was ready to leave by 10:30 a.m. dressed in their Sunday best
. The ride to the city was light and jolly, all four of us smiling and laughing. We took our usual stop at the McDonald's oasis outside of Chickasha (pronounced Chick - uh - shay) and then headed for the OKC temple.

It was a monumental day: Jonathan went through the temple for the first time, Ken did work for his father, and Analiese did some baptisms for Ken's family - including his great-grandmother. Me, I wore my "missionary mother" badge proudly (everyone asked where my missionary was going) and blubbered...blissfully. All of my family was in the temple together.

We found a Red Robin nearby (Jonathan's choice) to have a nice dinner before heading home. Two and a half hours later, at 10:30 p.m., we made it; totally tired, totally happy.  Awesome!

Saturday, January 28, 2017
Time to land my feet back on earth after having spend a day in heaven. This will be my first full day at work since last Wednesday. Saturdays, thankfully, are usually pretty mellow at the library. 

At home on my lunch break I was helping Jonathan with packing issues - how to fold a long-sleeve shirt, what to put in the carry-on versus the regular suitcase, how to pack shoes - sighing a little as I did. At one point, I put my head on his shoulder for just a moment. He didn't joke or tease. He just quietly said, "I know."

Tired as I was, with our Friday spent (amazingly) at the temple, it meant I had to go shopping after work. It wasn't quick, either. Not because I had a lot to get, but because I kept running into people..some of which needed to talk to me, like a gal from the Rabbit Club! There were also some I didn't know, who felt chatty and I was the one they directed their chatter to. Actually, one was a cute retired man and his wife. They were too much fun to pass up!

Sunday, January 29, 2017
My emotions are so close to the surface now. Our Relief Society president, who's a doll, got released today and also spoke. That got me going. Also, anyone who wants to talk to me about Jonathan....that got me going. Then, I renewed my temple recommend with a member of the bishopric and a member of the stake presidency who was in our ward today. Double whammy. These next two weeks are going to be HARD.


  1. Wow, how your kids have grown!! I still remember going to the renaissance fair with you are your two LITTLE cuties! How has that much time passed?! What a wonderful blessing to go to the temple with your whole family. Jonathan will be a great missionary. 😊

  2. Oops, typo: should be 'and', not 'are'.
