Sunday, December 25, 2016


Monday, December 19, 2016
Even though I didn't have Seminary, I was awake at 5:30 a.m. Mainly, it was because I had the beginning of a sinus headache. Not a good start. I stayed in bed for nearly another half an hour, trying to convince myself to go back to sleep. That not happening, I got up and took a shower, ate breakfast, and languished/lounged by Ken's side until it was time to get the kids up.

I took some medication, but it didn't do much to make me feel better as I went to work. My nose became drippy, I sneezed at times, coughed at others. I felt very dragged out. I wasn't very fast. The ladies wondered if it was allergies, but I've been down this road before. Sinus infection...and probably a cold. Yes, I'm miserable.

Ken took my out to lunch and brought me more medicine, but the afternoon was much the same. Then, when I got home, I found the power out in our neighborhood. Luckily, it didn't last long, maybe 45 minutes. But still, Ken was prepared for me, with dinner cooked and some honey-lemon tea made. I was glad the power came back quickly, because I had no time to waste...I needed to get Christmas packages ready for California!

Tuesday, December 20, 2016
I am so stuffy and sneezy. My beloved husband let me sleep in (8:30) and made me up a thermos of some more of the honey-lemon tea. As it was, I got a call during devotional from the library. One employee was sick, another was at the doctor. Could I come in for a few hours? The "party" luncheon was happening today and I'd planning on dropping in at 11:30 to bring my casserole and cookies anyway, so I just pushed up my timeline by about half an hour and went at it! I stayed until 2, having lunch with the ladies and participating in the ornament exchange. I got this cute one: The Cat-in-the-Hat reading.
Perfect! It will always remind me of working at the library.

I went home quickly (because I had to be back for my regular shift at 4) to get the packages ready to take to the post office. I was worried the post office would be really busy, but I got in and out in fifteen minutes. Five days away from Christmas? Kind of a relief!

I went back to the library, sniffled and coughed my way through five hours, then went home, finishing my tea. My bed is calling my name...

Wednesday, December 21, 2016
I feel better today. I'm still a little drippy and head-achy, but my nose isn't firing off sneeze volleys every few minutes and I sound nearly normal. I am a bit tired, but that's to be expected.

This morning I took Jonathan to JC Penney to get him some short-sleeved white shirts. I'd seen in a newspaper ad that they were on sale - buy one, get one for a penny. In fact, I saved more than I spent. That made me so happy that I went home...and took a nap. Totally guiltless.

Work meant still a light headache and nasal drippage, but I only had one "sonic" sneeze (my kids tell me I could take a window out with 'em) while I was back in the bookshelves. Still drinking my tea, thanks to Ken. The key to relief is rest and fluids. When I can get them.

There were only two of us working tonight in the library. I don't know why, the policy is three. Our cataloguer is missing. But, as quiet as it is, it wasn't a problem. We can - and did - handle it.

Thursday, December 22, 2016
MUCH better today. Besides, I have no time for napping. I've been asked to work all day tomorrow, so I need to get my grocery shopping done before I go to work today. If I wait until Friday evening, it would be too-crazy-close for Christmas.

It was bad enough. I forgot to stop at Atwood's (raw honey for my tea), and went to Walmart first. They were, of course, congested up to the eyeballs. Oh - and no eggnog. So that meant another stop, to Braum's and hope they hadn't sold out.

They didn't, but it was more expensive than at Walmart (better quality, too). Then I made my Atwood's run (rats! Forgot to buy some hay for the bunnies) for my raw honey. It's not cheap either, but we swear by it when we're sick.

It was another quiet night at work, but with the full compliment of three. Apparently the cataloguer had last night off. No one said anything or offered to replace her.

Friday, December 23, 2016
Front desk gal was off, tech gal and both cataloguers were off. The library director and her secretary were off. It was just the head librarian, another employee, and your's truly.

Super quiet day, too. We never got up to seventy people (yes, we count), and that counted the mailman and UPS guy. We did get a lot of phone calls and I had the pleasure of telling them that we would be closed tomorrow through MOnday.

Jonathan's passport came today! That was the one thing I was most worried about. We have to send a copy of it with a criminal background report from the police (very, very short!) to the church travel department so that they can get his VISA for Guatemala. They needed to receive it by the 18th of January, so we're well within our time - whew! Next big step is the temple. Good thing I saw the bishop at the temple and reminded him...we only have a little over a month left!

Saturday, December 24, 2016
Other than going to the post office (mail off paperwork to church travel) and taking Jonathan out to get his typhoid shot ($108 - ouch! That's what hurt!), I spent most of my day in the kitchen. Fudge, lasagna, cheesy bread and crepes (that's for tomorrow's breakfast).

It was a little depressing that evening though. Just Analiese and me sat down to eat.
Jonathan was working until 12:30 tomorrow morning and Ken was sick with a cold (his turn) and sleeping in the recliner. He ended up eating ramen soup. So Analiese and I packed up some food and went to Walgreens to give Jonathan his Christmas Eve dinner. Cuz I made the lasagna for him. It's his favorite.

We Skyped with the family in California tonight - well, those of us available. Analiese got some make-up from her Aunt Dee and cousin Amanda. Amanda had been so cute and clever, putting stickers on things and cards with instructions on how to use them. It was adorable. Analiese also got a cute new church outfit from her grandparents. My brother, Andy, also sent me something - a tablerunner from Guatemala - a friend at work gave it to him for me. It is gorgeous and every time I see it I will be thinking about my boy when he's there. I was touched to receive it.

Sunday, December 25, 2016
I woke up about fifteen minutes later than I intended, but since I hadn't set an alarm, that wasn't too bad. We had breakfast in good time (crepes with cream cheese filling and strawberry-banana topping)
and could open stockings before getting ready and leaving for church. The only thing to mar our holiday was Ken's lingering and Jonathan's now-here colds. Merry sick-mas!

We only had sacrament meeting today.
Analiese in her Christmas Sunday best.
Ken had been asked to narrate, and I thought he sounded good, not like he had a cold at all! But sitting by Jonathan, listening to the music, it hit me - next year my boy won't be here! I had a hard time keeping it together for the rest of the meeting. Good thing everything was cut short!

Our afternoon was peaceful - relaxing and opening gifts. Hey, we were all together on a Sunday, and that's a Christmas miracle on it's own. People at church commented on Ken's attendance with's been a while.

I received an amarylis bulb from Ken, a pretty gratitude platter
Curious bunny examines platter box.
from my friend, Michele, a bath kit from Jonathan and an art kit from Analiese. Our new bishop gave Jonathan a set of scriptures in Spanish.
Analiese gets needed new pj bottoms.

Jonathan styling in his special coat for his mission.

Bunny slippers, of course! (Bunny not included)

Despite his face, it's a seriously cool journal.
 We have too many goodies than are good for an army of us - candy, cookies, bread, and pecan pie!  Tonight's dinner will be finger foods. Easy.

The weather on the Christmas Day was weird - first we had a warm wind from the south this morning with darkening skies later on. Early afternoon was a wind advisory - and it was a cold one! Then, we had a short, windy rainstorm. Analiese is right, Oklahoma weather IS bi-polar!

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