Sunday, January 15, 2017


Monday, January 9, 2017
The Spirit was in Seminary today. These are my favorite class days...I feel like there was progress and some success! It came about from students bearing testimony, too, which is music to my ears! That is what makes Seminary great!

I spoke to the Tech person (she would be my boss) about the cataloguing position today. The current cataloger spoke to her and to the Director of the Library. She, in turn, spoke to the Head Librarian, who then spoke with me. It's pretty much a done deal. The HL isn't happy (since I'll be the second floor person she has to replace now), but recognized that if I want to progress in the library, I need this kind of experience.

I finished the second display case today. I was very pleased with myself. It turned out cute.
The theme was "The Book is ALWAYS Better!"
, with books that have been made into movies. Around them I had strewn popcorn, movie candy, film reels, and film!
I like it - and apparently looked like the cat that ate the canary when I went back to the HL. I'd like to think I was satisfied with my artistic endeavors.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017
Another Spirit-filled class in Seminary. Everyone participated, too. Makes my calling so fulfilling!

I spent my morning at home making cookies for the Dude (as well as the banal laundering of towels and bill paying). I made chocolate cookies with mint chips. The house smelled wonderful, but I had to save a few for home or my family would revolt!

Jonathan got a letter today from LDS travel. They need another certified document - from the State Department office in OKC - and they need it yesterday. There is no time to rely on the I'll have to skip work tomorrow and take Jonathan to the capitol. Rats!

It was the Dude's last day at work. I'm so sad. Working with him was like having another son, another funny son. Another employee set up crockpots for chili dogs for him. He wrote me the best note, funny and touching. I will miss him. I am not sure, but I think they've hired his replacement.  SIGH. Life goes on.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Busy, busy day. After Seminary and devotional, I took Jonathan to work (for three hours), then hurried home to study for tomorrow's lesson.

Being very tired, I was going to sneak in an hour nap, but instead I got a phone call from a ward member, needing a favor. We spent over twenty minutes talking (only a small part of it was the favor ...Oklahomans like to talk). So much for a nap.

Then it was time to pick up Jonathan, go to Lawton and swap vehicles with Ken, and hurry over to the State Department's Office in OKC to get an "apostille" (Look it up - I did.) to go along with his Visa application to Guatemala.  Luckily, it didn't take long.

So we stopped by the outlet mall for some new work clothing (whole other story), then we made the trek home. My hip feels funny from driving and sitting (Ken's Honda has no cruise control), and I am, of course, tired.

Thursday, January 12, 2017
A big ice storm is predicted to hit here tomorrow morning. I had advised my students to keep an eye/ear out for reports of the school closing tomorrow.

I decided maybe I ought to go grocery shopping today. Apparently so did everyone else in Altus. Walmart was so packed (inside and out) and the lines at the registers were long. Water and canned soups were selling out fast!

As I was studying for tomorrow's lesson I got the text from a student: No school tomorrow. Oh well. At least I can sleep in.

Work was strange and quiet without the Dude there. Another employee split her shift up to help me out in the evening. But as quiet as it was, I probably could have survived with just me and the cataloger.

I checked out some movies and have a supply of books set aside in order to cozy up, if need be, tomorrow. I don't need to go anywhere tomorrow (except take Jonathan to work), so I should have a nice, relaxing day. Right?

Friday, January 13, 2017
No Seminary.
No Work.
No ice or snow.

Rather a bummer. Now I'm behind a lesson for nothing!

But it was comfortable. Nowhere to go. Just laundry and studying to do.

So I made brownies and chicken tortilla soup for the sister missionaries tonight. The house smelled so good (what is it about peppers, onions & cumin?) and kept warm. They loved the soup (so did I, it's a great recipe), and we enjoyed their companionship. Ken was there so it meant telling mission stories.

Now the storm is supposed to come tonight. Whether or not I go to work tomorrow is anyone's guess. I called the Head Librarian and we decided to confab in the morning to see.

Saturday, January 14, 2017
No storm again. Or, at least, not much of one. When the HL called this morning she said, depending on the weather (which you CANNOT depent on), we'd open by 1:00 p.m.

Did I get anything done this morning? Not really. I'd had a bad night's sleep - this time from my right shoulder. Do I know what I did to it. Nope. And nothing seemed to help - medicine, blue gel, ice packs. Finally, around 3:00 a.m., I tried a heating pad and managed to sleep a few hours. But that was it.

I called the temple today to make the appointment for Jonathan's first time. We're going on Friday, January 27th at 3:00 p.m. Analiese is coming with us, too, to do baptisms. It's exciting, having the whole family in the temple together!

I did go in to work at 1:00 p.m., watching the weather the whole time. Just a handful of patrons are out. It is raining some, but it's not freezing, so far. But with the governor declaring a state of emergency (the north and east parts of the state are getting pounded), everyone's being cautious.

Sunday, January 15, 2017
Today, the storm that has evaded us all week hit. With rain, and lots of it. Too warm to freeze, thankfully. The back yard is a swamp, but at least it's not an ice rink.

Besides setting up for Seminary, I also stayed behind after church to practice the song I will "attempt" to sing as Jonathan gives his farewell talk next Sunday. We shall see how it goes. I will try hard not to think about anything except hitting notes and singing the right words. And no looking at Jonathan!

Our Home teachers came to visit right after we got home. The whole family was frisky and mischevious. I think they (the HT) were entertained. Me, I was embarrassed.

Our crazy family continued being so during our Family Home Evening (Analiese was supposed to go to a fireside in Lawton, but that got cancelled due to the weather). We laughed a log, especially at game time. We are actually a pretty funny family, and constantly crack each other up!

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