Sunday, February 5, 2017


Monday, January 30, 2017
My mother's in the hospital in California, recovering from a bad fall. This is difficult for me. I feel helpless during these times - and a little guilty - being all the way here in Oklahoma. There's not much I can do here!

Today was my first day working with the Dude's replacement. She's young, a WOSC student, and has worked at the library there, so she's not exactly clueless. This makes the Head Librarian very happy. She's very nice and I think we'll get along just fine.

Tuesday, January 31, 2017
It was a busy morning today, tying up loose ends for Jonathan. First, we went to the doctor for a final immunization, then we ran (fairly literally) to the dentist for a last cleaning. While he was doing that I made a bread run at Dollar Tree (no one tells me when we've run out!).

That all pretty much sucked up my morning time. The rest of my afternoon was taken working on Seminary. Then I was off to work

The library was extra quiet this evening. Rewiring was being done so our internet and wifi were down. That's the big draw here, so we maybe had two patrons the last two hours we were open. It was very peaceful.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017
Ay! February! Time is flying by so fast!

This morning I was determined to make up for lost time. So I took a short nap - very short - sleep time has been lost too, then I went to folding Monday's laundry and Tuesday's towels, interspersed with consulting Jonathan about packing procedures.

I also made chili for the kids this afternoon for dinner before heading to the library. Analiese had spent most of the day complaining about being cold...this would warm her up!

One advantage of working in a library is having access to new books when they arrive. And since I'm the one who puts the new books on the new book shelf, I get to see all of them...and get first pick! (maniacal laugh)

Thursday, February 2, 2017
I've been fighting headaches at night and first thing in the morning (weird weather and strong winds aren't helping). So after Seminary and Devotional, I went back to bed. My body wanted more than the three hours I got, but I still have my life to life.

Mom is still in the hospital, so I gave her a call. She sounds perky and happy...and bored. She must be feeling better. I think she'll live.

Jonathan's travel information HAS NOT COME!!! I am getting a little nervous. I had him call the travel department and they said they're sending the stuff out today. Okay...he's supposed to leave Tuesday. I do not like to wait until the last minute. This is a stressor for me, and we all know I don't need more of that!

The library was quiet tonight; not much to do. I worked on prepping the stuff for the February display cases. I had the new girl help me, cutting out things that I printed up and helping me choose books to put in the display. I'll actually put them all together on Saturday when I have time. Weeknights are too short to do that.

Friday, February 3, 2017
I accidentally called one of my students "darling" today at Seminary. She didn't blink an eye or seem to mind. I think they know I love them all!

Another bad night's sleep...I went at least past midnight. But, tired as I was, I didn't have a chance to nap again. First, there was my doctor's post-shingle check-up. I am no longer "unclean" (What do you expect from a Seminary teacher teaching the New Testament?), but still have to apply the cream until the rash is gone. Then, it was grocery shopping, putting stuff away, and finishing Friday laundry (at least I'm caught up).

I SOOOO wanted to crash that afternoon, but the sister missionaries asked mt to go with them to Blair to visit an investigator. I said a little under-my-breath prayer "Do I go?" By 5:30, I was at her apartment with the sisters, having dinner and a great discussion. She's a funny gal, but has been coming to church and is energetic about the gospel and the scriptures. She's going to be baptized in March!

Saturday, February 4, 2017
The new gal came into the library this morning sick. She's been getting progressively worse as the week has gone on. This time she had a doctor's note. Apparently, while she was with her mother at the hospital (her mom had knee surgery yesterday), they sent her down to the ER. Thus, the note. After a quick consult with HL, we went her home. There's only three of us here today, but being Saturday, we'll manage. I think we did it with three last week, too. Though I don't know when I'll get my cases done. I really need to do them today, because I'm supposed to be off Monday and Tuesday for Jonathan. That is, if the travel stuff comes in on time...

The other two gals held the fort (front desk) down this afternoon while I did the display cases. The Black History Month one was okay. I forgot to take a picture of it. It's books and posters that HL had. It could have been better, in my opinion. The Valentine one turned out cute, though.

But doing both in one day exhausted me. I nearly have to climb into the cases to put stuff in them, especially if I'm lining the back. It exhausted me.

I could only rest some this evening. I had to make a blueberry pie (with a crumb crust)
for my boy. I promised him a pie when he requested it. At this point, I'm not sure I'd turn him down for anything!

Sunday, February 5, 2017
I knew today would be a hard one at church for me: Jonathan's last. It was testimony meeting - and my shy son got up and bore his testimony! I was so proud and happy to hear him, especially talking about how wonderful the temple is and how we should all go more.

I had plenty of "mother sympathy" from two sisters in our ward who have recently-returned missionaries.One still has (another one!) out. She said I could come visit anytime and we'd commiserate.

Ken was able to get off work in time to go with use to Lawton to see the Stake President. He interviewed Jonathan alone for a few minutes, then we all went in while he set Jonathan apart as a missionary with Ken assisting. Yes, I blubbered. Pretty much all the way home. Jonathan was a bit disturbed/embarassed. Better just hand me a bucket, things are going to be pretty damp around here for the next couple of days.

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