Sunday, March 2, 2014


Monday, February 24, 2014
Okay, major bummer here.  OK state taxes are, shall we say, big?  And, unprepared as we are, it's a big surprise.  It means tightening our belts for the next two month to pay for it.  So, I'm so soil for my garden box.  It's one of several things to cut back on, but I was so excited to have my garden.  But, pioneer stock that we are, we'll make do.  Maybe I'll be able to get soil in time to do my summer veggies; if not, I will plant stuff in the boxes on the sides of the house in the backyard.  I wanted flowers in there, but that can wait.

Ken wants to start working extra hours at Walmart and is a bit panicky.  Me, I feel really calm about it.  The Lord has taken care of us so many times; we'll be fine.  We'll take things back, squirrel away the money, and be okay.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014
It was like a scene from a horror film - blood everywhere.  Daubs of red here and there, on the tile, in the tub, smeared on the walls.  What happened here?

It should have been a room full of fluffy cuteness.  All the babies were visiting Mama Fluffer, hopping around, trying to convince her to feed them.  But somebody did something.  Was there a fight?  Bunnies do that, I've found a few tufts of fur in cages when the older ones have been together, but the babies?

Examining the babies, one by one, we find that fat/fluffy Bruiser has torn one of the nails on a front paw.  Rats!   You can't exactly put a bandage on a bunny.  So I went to favorite store in get some styptic powder - an antibiotic powder used on animals.  Bruiser didn't much care for it, and being held while we tried to get the bleeding to stop.  Lucky him he got to get a little extra love from Mama Fluffer that night...even convinced her to give him a drink!

Oh, and the bathroom was a horror to clean!  I felt like I was cleaning up a crime scene!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014
The weather here is such a tease. Cold or warm?  Windy?  Rain?  Snow?  And you have to look every day, if not two or three times.  We need rain so bad, that every time I see it listed, even at 30% chance, I pray that it'll come.  Nope.

Any wonder I call weathermen false prophets?  To be fair, they have to deal with the mercurial temperament this region has.

Thursday, February 27, 2014
We took Crackin' to the 4H office to see Mr. Gary.  Crackin's the most nervous of the babies and we've worried about him going to a family.  We thought maybe Gary would want him - he's got a lovely half-rex coat and is a beautiful calico with deep brown.  But Gary's got enough boy rabbits, if Crackin' was only a girl...   Good news, though, Gary thinks he's not too shy and should be okay with a loving family.  Yes, we care about where our babies go.

We sold his brother tonight.  Gisela Maldonado brought over a friend and her mother to our house. Apparently their pet rabbit just died and she wanted another.  We took her to see all the was so hard for her to choose.  Eventually it came down to Brownie and Tux.  I will admit that Brownie is the prettiest one...color, shape, etc.    But Tux has that neat look...almost like a wild rabbit.  She chose Tux and seemed so happy.  I told Gisela to tell us how Tux was doing....and what her friend decided to name him.  We knew those names wouldn't last forever.

Friday, February 28, 2014
Today's the day - Get Rid of Baby Bunnies Day!  Okay, it's bittersweet; they've been fun and fluffy and a definite learning experience.  But...they've chewed all the trim on the baseboard in that bathroom and eaten through a 25 lb. bag of rabbit feed every week for the last month.

So after Jonathan got out of school, we went to favorite store in town.  They bought my bunnies for $6 apiece...and sold them for $20.  The kids wanted to be there to see them off, but there were no tears, only concern that the bunnies were cared for.  We put them in the cage and said our goodbyes.

Fluffernutter's back in her cage, but miffed to have no babies around.  And the bathroom...somewhat cleaned out.  It's going to take work to get it back to normal.  Like serious bleach and steam cleaning. Replacement trim...paint.  Explosion, maybe?

Saturday, March 1, 2014
Garden seed orders starting to roll in.  Even though the big plans are shot for this year, it doesn't mean I can't plant anything.

New to the table tonight...French Onion Soup.  In the crockpot.  Well, I sauteed the onions first.  It turned out...okay.  A little sweet.  I used apple juice instead of beer and it had a little brown sugar in it.  But it wasn't bad.  Instead of putting bowls in the broiler, I toasted homemade French bread on the griddle and tossed swiss cheese on top in the bowls.  Some liked it; Analiese evidentally didn't.  Ken wouldn't even try it.  But I'm looking for cheap dinner options; meat is expensive.  Soup is cheap.

Temperature dropping.  Supposedly a storm tomorrow.  I'll believe it when I see it.

Sunday, March 2, 2014
Triple-header again.  I can understand why Sis. Shields didn't come to lead music from Mangum - it was starting to hail some.  Whaddaya know?  Weather!

During Sunday School there was a huge clap of thunder.  During the rest of the meetings the hail kept coming down.  Like little icy ball bearings.  I walked VERY carefully to the car.

And stayed snuggly in the house for the rest of the day.  We got some more snow, too.  A little bit.  Not enough, but hopefully a start.  Goodness knows I keep praying for water.

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