Saturday, March 15, 2014


Monday, March 10, 2014
You can tell people are anxious for Spring around here.  The fashions have changed.  The Fall fashions of hunter's camo have morphed into the Spring collection of overalls with a variety of shirts under them (in the summer, some will even ditch the shirts - Can we say "Ew!"?)

I did something daring today.  I bought a new bathing suit.  For me, that's taking a risk.  I hate clothes shopping and particularly loathe bathing suit selection.  I'm lumpy in all the wrong places and it's never a pretty sight.  And, I had to settle for a two-piece, which is not my preferred.  But the one pieces were hideous and if I wanted a skirt or shorts on the legs (TMI, but I don't shave down there), I had to settle for that.  Still, it didn't look too bad, and my bulgy tummy was covered.

So, since I had a new suit and my sinus infection is pretty much over (I'm going to be congested a bit for quite a while; I just live with it), I went to water aerobics.  Between being sick and my old, really embarrassing new suit - and the pipes busting at the pool - I haven't been in a while.  Quite a workout; I'm going to feel that for a couple of days, I think.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014
Jonathan had filled out an online application for McDonald's last week.  The manager had told him to come back this morning to talk to him.  It wasn't really an interview, mostly just a set of his expectations - be on time, don't call out sick all the time, work hard - and basically...Jonathan has a job!  They need to get him set in a uniform and fill out some paperwork, and then he's a workin' man!

I got to be Power Tool Woman again today.  I had purchased some plywood (an adventure in itself - we had to tie-down the rear door of the van to keep it in the van) and needed to get it cut and in place for something I'll tell you later about.  Jonathan was nervous watching me do it (so he should be, I'm notoriously clumsy) and I asked him if he wanted to do it for me.  Chicken!  He said no!  It isn't the straightest cut in the universe (far from it), but it'll serve it's purpose.

Analiese had 4H Sewing club this afternoon.  She came home with a packet of stuff she needs to work on.  Apparently the girls aren't doing so well on basic skills.  Right now they're working on closures, in particular, buttons.  So she's supposed to sew a button every day.  I think I can keep her busy.  I have a box of buttons she can practice with, but more importantly, I have some things that need buttons put on or redone.  I am certainly supportive of her efforts - ha ha!

Wednesday, March 12, 2014
Went to the doctor this morning.  When my "happy pills" run out of refills, I have to go see him again.  He noticed a rattling in my chest - no duh!  He was coughing, too.  Everyone pretty much is, you could hear them throughout the office.  So on top of my refill, he gave me an inhaler prescription.  I went to Wal-mart later to get them and - ouch! - that inhaler cost me $57 (no insurance - don't tell Obama)!  My other pills are just $4 and I'm happy with that.  The inhaler, luckily, will last me a while so I don't need to refill it as often.  My pocketbook wasn't happy!

Okay...the reason for the plywood.  I had to put some down on my livingroom floor to displace the weight of what was delivered today...a piano!  Someone in our ward wanted to get rid of theirs and offered it to us.  It's old, like from 1900.  It doesn't have a bench anymore, so I use my keyboard one for now.  It will need a little tuning, a few keys stick, and eventually it will have to be restrung, but I have a piano!  Trust me, the keyboard is not the same thing.  Different feel, different sound, a whole different way of playing.  I feel that I can actually practice on this now!

Thursday, March 13, 2014
Made a trip to Lawton today.  I was going to go tomorrow after Jonathan got out of school, but Ken took the day off of work (he's been working so hard, all alone at the center in the prison, he needed a mental break), so he stayed home and looked after the kids while I went to Lawton.  Not only did I need to get stuff for his work (candy incentives for employees), but I had to order the cake for Jonathan's 3-way Court of Honor and go to the Scout Office/Store for it, too.

That ended up being a wild goose chase.  First, I went to the Scout Store.  They didn't have the tablecloth I wanted, but would order it and have it when I came back in April to pick up it and the cake.  Then I went to Sam's, did Ken's shopping, and went to order the cake.  To be honest, the gal in the bakery was super nice and helpful and said that if I got a graphic and a copyright release from the Scout Office, they could put the badge on the cake.  Great!  So after that I went BACK to the Scout Office and asked them for it.  No go.  That kind of thing only came through the National Office.  Somehow I didn't think it would be a speedy process. SIGH.  So back to Sam's, where we put our heads together to make a nice cake...but with no Scout emblem on it.  Them's the brakes!

When I got back, Ken & I went to the Maldonado's, who hadn't been in church for two weeks.  We get there and find out that Sister Maldonado had surgery...and nobody knew.  I mean, Ken's her Home Teacher and I'm her daughter Nasly's Visiting Teacher.  We chewed them out a little.  She said that her girls knew to call us if there was an emergency...but we're not just there for emergencies!  And isn't a surgery serious enough for a call?  Anyway, we made it clear that they should let us know, so we can help.

As it was, I picked up Nasly and took her with me to the Relief Society birthday dinner.  Her English is improving, but she needs to practice it.  Since I was pretty much the only person in the room who could speak with her, she had to use it!  I would walk around occassionally and talk to other sisters so she could talk to others.  I think she did well.  Also, I'm teacher her to lead music so she can be the Relief Society chorister.  They really need one, and she so wants to serve!  The dinner was nice and fun and I think she had a good time.  She sure is a cutie!

Friday, March 14, 2014
When I took Jonathan to Aviation Mechanics today, I stayed for a little bit to talk with his teacher and the program head.  They were also taking class pictures today and provided a t-shirt to each student.  I'm including one here of Jonathan in front of one the planes they practice on.  He's doing so well and they really like him!  I guess I'm super-proud!  And, look, he's happy!

For Mom & Me Time tonight, Analiese & I made pretzel bites.  It's amazing the difference the baking soda water bath makes...they really tasted like pretzels.  She could have been a little more liberal on the cinnamon-sugar, but that's how we learn!

Saturday, March 15, 2014
The sky is teasing me.  It's gray, and sometimes lets down a sprinkle or two.  But no real rain.  Please?  Please?

Other than prepping stuff for dinner with the missionaries tonight, I spent a pretty restful day.  Watched some Netflix with the kids, crocheted a little, worked on the Primary lesson for Analiese's class tomorrow....  I could really get to enjoy these kind of days!

Going to bed and what do I hear? Rain! YESYESYESYES!!!

Sunday, March 16, 2014
The wind picked up again...Ken says it dried up all the rain we got last night (till about 3:00 a.m. it was raining, he said).  It's still gusting out there (and they say Chicago is windy!) and I'm not looking to go out in it.  It'll mess up what I managed to get my hair to do...

Teaching Analiese's Primary class is interesting.  I guess I'm glad it is the weekend before Spring Break and a lot of people are out of town, otherwise I might have had nine girls to deal with!  As it was, with the five I had, keeping them clamped down enough to get a lesson in edgewise is a challenge.  So much energy in one little room!  Basically, between breaths (theirs) I would interject scriptures, stories, questions and instructions.  Her teacher has been given an assistant, but both were out of town.  When I spoke with Lynn (the assistant) on Thursday at the RS dinner, she said at first she didn't understand why Jennifer (the teacher & Activity Days leader) needed one.  After all, it was only nine girls.  But after her first Sunday...she knew!  If we could bottle it and sell it...we'd be millionaires!  

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