Tuesday, March 25, 2014


Monday, March 24, 2014
So much to do on Mondays, maybe I need to re-evaluate what my plans are for them.  For starters, today Analiese went to a Homeschool PE class in Martha, which is just north of Altus and south of Blair.

She was upset at first because we were a little late.  I had had to go to the Vo-Tech and pay for Jonathan's Aviation courses to become college credits at WOSC.  I had questions, and that takes time.  Then I had to do some grocery shopping, and ended up with a four-times Meet-and-Greet.  I didn't get home until five after two...and the PE was at two.

The nice thing was, the Doshers were there, so they could take her home with them if I didn't get back in time.  I had to run to pick up Jonathan from school and take him to McDonalds.  That place is getting really frustrating.  Still no uniform, and the manager on duty had no idea he was supposed to be there...or even who he was!  They put him to work, and then I went to the Doshers to visit awhile and get Analiese.  She was gushing all the way home about running, playing "Capture the Flag" and learning how to play volleyball.  She is excited to go back!  Plus, she didn't mind the time playing with Charesa at her house!

The bad thing was...Jonathan was supposed to not be worked later than 10 p.m. Ten comes around, Jonathan will walk home, so give him to ten-fifteen.  No Jonathan.  At 10:30 I left a message on my cell phone, which I'd given him to let me know what was going on.  "Are you coming home?"  No response.  At a quarter till eleven, I get in my car and go over there.  He's still working.  I look at the night manager and tell her, "He's sixteen.  He's not supposed to work past ten."  She had no idea.  None of them do!  I took him home, but I was angry.  These people do not have their act together!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
The McD's saga continues.  They have been hanging on to Jonathan's Social Security card for over a week now.  They should have just taken a copy and given it back to him.  Every time he or I have asked, nobody knows what's going on.  I went there this morning.  I'm afraid I got a little short.  The manager there had no idea, and their main manager was not in.  When would he be in?  They don't know.  So I gave them my phone number and said to have him call me immediately.  It was important.

When he called (in the afternoon, when Jonathan was in school), he was all defensive.  He didn't know it was in there.  He would never keep that kind of thing.  Blah blah blah.  I had Jonathan go get it from him after school.  Jonathan up and told him he quits; that just isn't the place for him.  The manager fires a parting shot, "Tell your mother not to give my employees a hard time."  I don't have to.  From the way they've treated Jonathan from the start, they give their own employees a hard time.  It was ridiculous!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Rain!  Our day started with a nice, fresh rainstorm.  I could just feel my yard soaking up all the wet goodness.  The air smelled great, too.  We'd seen clouds building like mountains on the horizon last night and knew it was coming, but we were praying it would give us more than just a sprinkling.  I am glad to report, it did!

Analiese & I saw a blue jay in our yard this afternoon, when the sun came out.  He was cocky, showing off his pretty coat and crest.  Analiese loves looking for all the different birds around here, and she's found some pretty ones, too!

Tonight I had kids going in two different directions.  Jonathan was meeting with the youth at the Pack's, and Analiese had Activity Days at the church.  I couldn't ask Ken to help...he was so tired (he worked all day and night Tuesday and then through today), so one of them had to be a little late.  Because Analiese gets really upset if we're late (see Monday), we dropped her off first at the church.  Both of the kids got rides home, which I appreciated.  Their leaders (husband & wife) live south of us, so we're on the way home.

Thursday, March 27, 2014
Meals on Wheels deliveries were this morning.  Analiese saw a cardinal in a tree...her second one!  I'm really sad, because I haven't seen one here, I've only seen one when I was in Massachusetts.  She described it - a red bird with a crest.  Yep, that's it.  I'm so jealous.  Like I said, she loves the birds.

The day started off very windy.  It was really pushing at my van and was at its worst when I was taking Jonathan to school.  By the afternoon there was a lot of dust in it and I started feeling sneezy.  It wasn't as bad as last week's and I think it's because of yesterday's rain.  But, the puddles are all dried up now!  So much so, that I could let Fluffer hop around the back yard, which she loves.

The rabbits also love dandelion flowers.  I have tons of weeds in the front and back yard (I've been focusing on keeping my trees alive to the neglect of my lawn) and some are getting yellow dandelion heads.  I feed them to the rabbits which prevents the spread of the weeds (some) and they get a treat. Unfortunately, they don't eat the weeds when we let them hop around the yard.  I guess I need a goat.

Friday, March 28, 2014
Clouds are overhead, making things look a little gloomy.  But no rain is predicted.  Can I pout?

The Relief Society Book Club is meeting here tonight so I have been busy getting the house ready for guest.  We always serve snacks there and so I put together strawberries with dipping stuff (cream cheese dip, cool whip, sour cream & brown sugar) and I made some chocolate-covered strawberries.  Boy, those are heavenly!  And not too hard, either.

I set a pretty table, too.  No, I did not take a picture.  I forgot.  Analiese & I had sewn a yellow table runner to go over a plain plastic tablecloth.  I also purchased some gerbera daisies at Walmart in yellows and oranges.  They looked pretty, spring-ish, and perfect for the table.  I still have those, so here's their picture:

We discussed "The Rent Collector" by Camron Wright.  It was a great discussion about how we don't know people's stories and shouldn't judge them.  Also, we talked about the importance of "story" in our lives, how it explains and helps us understand our world.   I love books and literature, so I was in my element.  There was only seven of us, but we had a nice time!

Saturday, March 29, 2014
Being very lazy this morning.  Yes, there are things to do, but I am not jumping up to do them quickly.  I woke up around 6:30 and heard Ken come to bed after working at Walmart, but I managed to sleep in for another two hours!  Lazybones!

Actually, the kids and I spent the morning working in the fronst yard.  Jonathan mowed the weeds (our grass is dead due to the drought, but our weeds are flourishing.  Go figure!  Analiese and I worked on the front planter on the west side of the front door.  We removed weeds and branches and dead plants.  The most important thing we took out was an ugly old bush of dusty miller.  I have never been fond of it, but the bushes on either side are scraggly and right in the middle of everything.  So, with pruners and a shovel...we got the one out on that side.  Next time...the next side!

Don't laugh - okay, laugh, I did - but my roast for tonight didn't fit in my crockpot, so I had to cook it the old-fashioned way: in the oven.  It didn't turn out bad, it just wasn't as moist as my crockpot version.  I also over-peppered the gravy; I guess I got carried away with my pepper grinder.  But it wasn't too bad.

Analiese and I ate quickly and left Ken and Jonathan with the dishes because we had our first Women's Conference together.  The women gathered together early so we could enjoy ice cream before the broadcast.  It was adorable to see all the little girls stand up in the conference and sing "Teach Me to Walk in the Light."  It's hard to believe she's getting so big, but she was eager to start this new tradition with Mom!

Sunday, March 30, 2014
Sunday started out pretty normal at church until Jonathan noticed Sra. Cruz in the back during the sacrament.  She is the one we visited in December with the missionaries and Nasly.  Her daughter is a member and lives about an hour and a half away and was here for a visit, so she brought her mother to church.  Ken was home sleeping, so I got to go to Gospel Principles Sunday School and interpret (apparently the daughter is more Spanglish??)  Anyway, I liked the daughter and we enjoyed sharing testimonies in English and Spanish.

I don't know if this is good for rabbits or not, but I've been feeding them dandelion flowers.  The weeds haven't been sprayed for poison (yet) and the rabbits really like them.  Hey, I figure they help keep down weed propagation!

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