Sunday, February 23, 2014


What happens when you've had a really crazy-busy week with hardly any down time?

Apparently, you get sick.  Not entirely my fault, Analiese was catching something last Friday and I didn't have the heart to tell her no Rabbit Show.  But by the end of the show, she was losing her voice and didn't make it to church on Sunday.

Then it spread.  To me, to Jonathan.  Sore throats, coughs, etc.  And then a dusty house-shaking wind picked up.  Thus blossomed sinus infections.  When I get a sinus infection, everything just shuts down, including my brain.  And I still don't know why I've never taken stock in Kleenex.  We certainly go through that product!

So, no daily blow-by-blow.

Did things happen?  Yes.  We've been weaning the babies off of Fluffernutter.  Four are outside in her cage (the bigger ones) and the three smallest are still in with her, but will be removed soon.  I also called Atwoods.  They're taking the babies the end of next week.  We are sad, but I'm also relieved.  Zookeeper duty is almost over!

I had lots of visitors this week.  The RS Pres and one of her counselors were shopping at United and decided to stop in to a) see the babies and b) see my garden box.  My VTs came to see me, commiserating over my sneezy, coughy, miserable state.  HTs came to visit (they actually made it together) and we tried to convince them to take a bunny or two home with them.

Saturday, getting ready for our weekly dinner with the missionaries, I get a call from a sister who's in the hospital, apparently.  We live only a few blocks away from the hospital (Walnut actually dead-ends at the east into the hospital).  Anyway, she lives in Snyder (halfway between here and Lawton) and needed someone to go to her house, get her keys and cell phone charger, and put out dog beds on her back porch for her pets.  I was feeling still stuffy and a little light-headed (I've been trying to blow my brains out for the last few days y'know), but Ken had to stay and be with the missionaries.  I went, and it was an adventure on it's own, but now I know where Snyder is.  Small, not much, apparently no hospital, and 5 miles off the main highway.  30 minutes up, 30 minutes back.  I dropped her stuff off at the hospital (she was asleep, so I didn't stay) and I went home to collapse.

I'm still stuffy this morning (Sunday) and really feel like being in bed.  Jonathan is still not totally with it, either (Analiese has been up and jumpy since Tuesday).  I'd like to stay home, but there's church and it's accompanying responsibilities.  And the Linger Longer (meal) after the meetings, which I signed up for.  Luckily, I had another quiche in my freezer...guess what I'm taking?  At least I don't have to make a big effort.  That would not have happened otherwise.

No pictures. Sorry.

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