Friday, March 14, 2014


Monday, March 3, 2014
Okay, I am not a fan of the "selfie," and I don't have a phone that can do this, so I tried with my camera.  How do people do it?  Anyway, I just wanted to show the riot of curls at the end of yesterday.  Wash, a little scrunching gel (with scrunching), and - bing!  Curls!  No, I was not born with all those curls.  I had curl in my hair, some.  Mom used to put my hair into ponytails and sponge rollers on the ends so they'd be organized curl.  In high school, I even got a perm!  I know, why?  It was superfluous, but everyone did it in those days.  I looked like a poodle for the most of my senior year.  It wasn't until I started having children, did my wave & curl become a tsunami.  I don't brush my hair except to get the snarls out to wash it - and it becomes a static, fuzzy mess.  After a shower, I just finger through it.  The worst part is, as it gets longer, the more the curl pulls out, so it's flat on the top and fuzzy on the bottom.  I put it up because I can't handle it.  I am not good with anything relating to fashion (as you probably well know.)

Oh, and Analiese just told me how to do a "selfie."  How does that kid know?  Is that how those weird photos all get on my camera?

It's on! The kids and I have struck a fighting, teasing, etc. for a whole week and I will buy them fried chicken from the Walmart deli next Monday for dinner.  Jonathan adores fried chicken; I hate cooking greasy things, plus they don't agree with me. If this will work.... Well, we'll see.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014
Jonathan is on the search for a job.  He had tried United Grocery at first and, why not?  It is right across the street from our house - very convenient.  But he didn't move fast enough (he's nervous about it all and drags his feet some) and so didn't get a job.  So after school today, I took him around some local fast food places for applications.

Some are online, some aren't.  But he's thinking about things like never before.  How much money should he ask for (minimum)?  Who are his references?  When is he available?  Lucky me, I get to answer some of that.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Wow!  We actually got some rain today.  Not much, really, just enough to make mud of the dirt on my van.  And to make mud of the dirt in my back yard.  Didn't even qualify for an umbrella.

I had a little quiet time to myself this evening.  Jonathan had Scouts; Analiese had Activity Days.  Just as I was leaving to pick them up, my brother Niles called.  Thank goodness for the technology of bluetooth!  That way I could talk to him on the way and then the kids could on the way home.  I ended up having a later night that expected, but we don't get to talk often, so I wasn't about to cut it short!

Thursday, March 6, 2014 
Something is coming up! Literally. I was clearing away dead leaves in one of the front side planters. This is where the rosebushes and the a/c unit it wasn't easy trying to pry the dead leaves from around them! Between the a/c unit and the fence, under all those leaves was a surprise. Something is growing and, I imagine, more happy to be able to see the sun. They are long, blade-like leaves, rather like some spring bulb. There are some in the backyard too, on the opposite side of that fence in a corner. Once they all bloom & die down, I am going to dig them up, divide them (if necessary) and replant them somewhere where they will be noticed and appreciated. What will they be? Daffodills, tulips, hyacinths? I'll let you know! 

Friday, March 7, 2014 
Tonight was the Young Women's Camp Fundraiser. They served us dinner - pulled pork - and then the fun began. They had a dessert auction, apparently they do this every year. Bro. Sherlock was the auctioneer and played the part well. Between him and Brother Page - who kept starting the bidding by yelling "$5!" to the point that they starting calling him Five Dollar Luke - they had everyone in stitches. There were TONS of desserts - they covered three long tables - and I literally felt nauseous and a little dizzy around all that sugar. The ward is very supportive of these events. Me, I made mint cookies & cream fudge. Fudge can't lose, right? Ken loves fudge (face it, he's a chocoholic) and I wanted to try something other than regular old fudge. It turned out sooooo yummy, with a chocolate fudge layer topped with a mint layer that had crushed mint oreos in it. It was warmly received and the winning family generously opened the package and passed around the love. Ken says that's the either open it up and pass it around...or "donate" it to the missionaries. It'll be a wonder if we don't find them in a sugar coma! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014 
The missionaries came to breakfast this morning. Normally, they are here for dinner, but we were supposed to go to an awards banquet for the local Eagle Scouts, so we had changed it from dinner to breakfast. They kind of dragged themselves into the house. I think they were coming off the sugar of the evening before (and who knows how much of it they ate!). I prepared bagels (three kinds) and cream cheese (two kinds), had Ken cook up some sausage, and I made a big pot of oatmeal, setting out toppings for it. I had purchased a fruit tray the day before, so they could have some yummy healthy goodness, too. It was probably one of our quieter meals with them - it can get fairly lively with the four of them - and they couldn't linger. Still, it was a nice change, especially since it didn't leave me with dishes until late at night. Another surprise came today. After I came home from Garden Club (my favorite time of the month!), Analiese & I saw that our neighbors had visitors in their front yard. Now, I see plenty of horses in the country and on the outskirts of town, but this was the first in our neighborhood. Analiese was enchanted. And I couldn't resist taking a photo! 

Sunday, March 9, 2014 
Just a normal Sunday, nothing special happening here. Didn't have any extra stuff to do, nowhere to go. If you think I'm disappointed, think again. It was nice not to have to much. A restful Sunday is welcome.

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