Monday, March 31, 2014


Monday, March 31, 2014
The month is gone...and I wonder, where is Spring?  Today acted more like summer in the high 80's and distinctly uncomfortable.  Because my stupid windows are all painted shut (okay, maybe three out of the twenty-odd can open) I have to turn on the A/C to cool the house down.  Seriously.

I hurried through grocery shopping today, even though there were several people there for the Walmart Meet and Greet.  I could NOT be late today; Analiese would kill me.  She had her homeschool P.E. again and absolutely loves it.  They stretch, run some laps, play capture the flag, and then divide into groups for basketball or volleyball.  She has discovered volleyball and it is her new passion.  Trust me, she can tell you all about it!

This evening our family went with another one to the church to clean it up and set up chairs for the Court of Honor on Wednesday.  Had to be tonight: a) families are all together, b) I am going to Lawton tomorrow for the cake, punch stuff, and paper goods.  I will leave right after picking up Jonathan from class, so I probably won't even get to Lawton until close to 4:00.  And I may end up doing three things at Sam's: 1) Court of Honor shopping, 2) Ken's work junk food shopping, 3) stuff I need shopping.  Plus, I want to go to at least one more store to look for some stuff (Yeah, stuff.  I'm not saying what.  Maybe I will later.  Because maybe I'll run out of time to do it tomorrow.)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014
This day was no prank and I was in no mood for any as well.  I have mucho-mucho to do, and no time for goofing.

I played rabbit-herd (instead of shepherd) to the three bunnies while the kids cleaned the cages in the morning.  Fluffer and Alice really enjoyed running around the yard and binkying.  Alice was funny because she kept running around the garden box in the sand.  But Twilight...I had to hold him the whole time.  If I tried to put him down, he bee-lined for one of the girls.  I tried about five times, and then just gave up and held him.  The kids put the girls back first, and then he could get a chance to run around, but he's a lazybones.  Even with Jonathan chasing him, he only ran a little bit and then just stopped as if to say, "I give up.  You caught me."  He wouldn't last long in the wild.

The afternoon was a trip to Lawton.  I'll call it a triple-header to Sam's, because I had three trips in and out of the store.  Trip One: Ken's Candy for work.  Trip Two: Cake & Paper goods for tomorrow.  Trip Three: Home needs.  By the third time, the gal at the exit knew my face pretty well.  And I said I would NOT be back (at least, not till next month).  But the cake turned out nice, and I only have a couple more things to get tomorrow for the evening's festivities.  Almost done - almost over!

Here's a newspaper article about tomorrow's Court of Honor. See for yourself!

Wednesday, April  2, 2014
Yes, I am running around like a chicken with its head cut off (a farm metaphor for y'all).  Atwoods, check!  Walmart, check!  Braums, check!  Flower shop, check!  It's all the last minute stuff, paper goods, water, lemon-lime soda, etc.  I hope it's enough.

We got to the church by five, so that we could finish decorating the cultural hall and set up the stuff for dessert.  We had tables set up to display each boy's interests and achievements.  Jonathan's had a lot of airplane stuff.  Weird, huh?  LOL

We started pretty much on time, which considering three families and all their friends were in attendance, is saying something!  We almost filled the whole gym and I think that was in part because we'd invited the Webelos to come do the color guard and the rest of the pack so they could see how great it was to become an Eagle!

And it was great!  The moms had a hard time not being emotional, but we were in good company.  The Scoutmaster had his moments...and so did our Eagles.  The tributes given to them...and to their families and mentors were really touching.  There were video presentations for each of the boys, too, so we could see how they've grown over the years.  Now, we did videotape the whole thing and had a photographer take pictures, so I hope to post them soon.  For right now, you'll have to deal with my amateur photography here.

The boys were blown away.  They didn't realize what a big deal this was and how great an honor.  Someone came from the AFB to speak and all three boys received letters and commendations from local mayors, representatives, and the governor.  Jonathan got a special letter from the Reagan Presidential Library, mainly because Ronald Reagan is one of his heroes and we've been to that library so many times!

We were so pleased to have all of our local friends that we had invited attend.  The Doshers came and were impressed by the program.  Jonathan's teacher, Mr. Hall came with his wife and the program director at Aviation Maintenance, Mr. Scott, came.  Mr. Hall surprised Jonathan with a shotgun (he had my approval) and a case to go with it.  Apparently a fellow-student is a championship shooter and they are going to go shoot clays sometime in the future.  Hands down, Jonathan won the prize for the boys with most exciting gift!  Even Ken was impressed.  Uncle Mack now says it's time for Jonathan to go learn to hunt deer.  

The cake was just enough, thank heavens!  I also had purchased a couple of fruit trays, and only half of one was left.  Our punch was a great success, too: Braum's Cherry Limeade sherbert with lemon-lime soda.  Everything got cleaned up fairly quickly (we really didn't want to come back another day to deal with it) and we were home by 9:30.

It was a night I'm sure Jonathan will never forget.  I believe he now thinks it was well worth the effort to earn the Eagle, and takes the Eagle Charge seriously.  I am immensely proud of him and the coming years are going to show people just how talented and special he is.  He's been through a lot and, while  I'm sure there's still more to come (isn't there always), I am confident he will meet the challenges head on into adulthood and is going to make one fine man.

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Guess what we did today?  Not much more than what we had to!

Jonathan DID go to Seminary; all three boys made it.  He didn't complain about being tired or doing any work, he just went on and did what he had to.

I made homemade buns tonight to go with BBQ pork sandwiches.  I didn't really want to go to any store today and I'd found a recipe.  I wanted to see if they'd be any good.  Glad to say, it was a success.  Much tastier and cheaper than those things you find in the stores.  I'll have to make a bunch to keep on hand for busy days.

Friday, April 4, 2014
Pretty much an ordinary day: lessons, laundry, driving back and forth and back and forth to the airport...

Went on base this afternoon.  It's been quite a while and the west entrance (where I've gone in before) apparently isn't the visitors entrance anymore.  That's on the south side on Broadway (going toward Lawton).

They were on higher alert today (probably because of the recent Fort Hood shooting), so I had to have my van totally inspected (I had to even lift my hood so they could see the engine).  Then I had to wait to be "sponsored" by a friend in our ward so I could go to her house.  It's quite the process. 

I was "helping" (loosely) her figure out how to reorganize some rooms in her house to help the flow of kids, toys, crafts and office stuff.  Other than being a sounding board, I don't know how much good I was.  The main thing was that Analiese got to spend the night there with a fellow Activity Days girl.  I didn't get much of a goodbye; she was too involved in playing!  I think our last words went like this: Me: "Goodbye!  Try hard not to miss me!"  Her (in another room): "I won't!  I'm busy playing Mario Brothers!"  I feel loved!

Saturday, April 5, 2014
Evidentally, she did miss me.  She had an allergy attack last night, which meant a horrible headache and a lot of sneezing.  They had a dog not too long ago (sadly it has passed), but there was enough hair still left to give her a problem.  She wasn't going to come home until the dad dropped her off on the way to Priesthood Session, but they're bringing her home this morning.

Biker group just rode in front of my house.  Yep, seven of them.  No mufflers for these guys!  I pretty much know where they live, too.  It's down Walnut west of us.  They sit out there with their big motorcycles all the time.

I guess I wasn't paying much attention to the announcements of new general authorities, because I totally missed that Ken's mission president - Lynn G. Robbins - was just made a member of the Presidency of the 70.  It's embarrassing when your sister notices and you don't.  Meri has sharper hearing, I guess.  Or she wasn't sleeping!!

Another nice thing about being able to watch conference at home: Ken got to see some of the Priesthood Session.  And I didn't have to take Jonathan to the church or try to finagle a ride for him!

Sunday, April 6, 2014
What is it about Sunday afternoon session that makes me want to go to sleep?  Maybe it's all that sitting around for hours for two days.  Because that's when I always want to sleep!  Jonathan poked me with his pencil once. I was listening - honest!  Just with my eye closed, that's all.

The kids got to Skype with their cousins in between sessions today.  That's another technology I am grateful for.  California doesn't seem so far away when you can see and talk with others as if they're right in the room with you!

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