Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hold on tight, folks!  This is going to be one fast roller-coaster ride!

Monday, September 2, 2013
Labor day was, well, laborious.  Besides the normal Monday stuff, Ken was off and at loose ends, so I had to find things for him to do.  Also, we had company for dinner, so I was busy baking rolls and planning out dinner.

The Butcher's, a couple here in Altus, came to dinner.  Jeremy works with Ken at Wal-Mart and he and his wife, Angela, are taking the missionary discussions.  They are very nice, so we invited them to come have dinner with us.  Besides the nice meal, we had such a great time talking and, afterward, playing games.  Ken feels comfortable around them and I'm glad, since he has such a difficult time socializing.  It's nice making new friends!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Today was drive-hither-and-yon day.  This morning it was to the church and back for yoga, later it was taking Jonathan to the airport for aviation mechanics and in the afternoon taking and picking up Analiese from 4H Sewing Club.  Kindly enough, Jonathan decided to bike to and from the church this evening for Cub Scouts (he's helping).  In between all that was baking two sets of bars - PB&J and Nutty Chocolate Caramel - for the 4H Concession booth at this weekend's fair.

I found out from Mr. Strickland what type of rabbit I have - a mutt, basically.  Her mother, Peaches, is a cross breed of some unknown sort, and her father is full New Zealand (Jonathan thinks this means she'll be big, but I don't know).  Anyway, she can still show, just not in ARBO (American Rabbit Breeders Organization) shows.  She's going to be lovely, once she gets fattened up.

I think we have cicadas in our trees.  I can't see them, but they are loud enough to hear through closed doors over fans and a/cs.  It sounds like a weird clicking, hissing, rattling.  At least they're relatively harmless.  The crickets are out, too.  You see them all over, including dead in front of buildings and smushed in halls and walkways.  None in my house yet, thankfully.  Their noise drives Ken batty.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013
One thing from last night that made me laugh.  Jonathan is now working with the Webelo scouts as their den chief and yesterday was his first time with them.  When he came home, he asked me, "Was I that energetic at that age?"  I laughed and laughed.

I dropped my bars off at the 4H office today.  April, the secretary, said she would have to taste them to see if they were acceptable!  I told her not to bother, we already had!

Tomorrow's the crazy day, so I'm off to bed early!

Thursday, September 5, 2013
I am so tired.  This morning Analiese & I delivered Meals on Wheels in the town.  It was a shorter list and we got it done quickly, which was a relief since I had to take Jonathan to school by 11:30.

As I was taking him to school, Ken texted me.  He was picking up Chinese food locally to take back to the prison for the workers and visiting big wigs.  It was a huge order and he wanted me to come help load the van.  When I got there I found the food wasn't ready and he'd already been there half an hour.  We sat there for quite a while until I had to leave (I left Analiese home alone).  He evidentally didn't leave there to go back to Granite until around 2:30 p.m.  He ended up staying at work much later, which put him in a terrible mood.

Meanwhile, the kids & I (and the rabbits) left the house at 4:30 to go to the Expo Center for the Fair.  We entered our rabbits for judging and put them in the show cases.  Analiese's friend Charesa had saved cases near her for us.  They had a moment where they showed the kids how to show their rabbits.  Analiese was a bit confused by it and had a hard time controlling Alice.  We are going to have to practice before we ready to try showmanship.

We all won ribbons - Alice got 3rd place, Twilight got 1st place, and Fluffernutter got 1st place (no ego there, she was the only Mixed Breed Doe).  Still, the kids were thrilled/

We had a good time talking with friends from 4H and homeschooling there and Analiese participated in a Farm Yard Olympics with two 4H friends left her tired, hot, dirty, but happy.  We got home late, with Ken right behind us (he went out with the missionaries after coming home).

I think we'll participate more in the fair next year.  I think I could win in the baked goods category.  The things I saw didn't look any better than anything I could make.  Sorry for the brag, but truth is truth!

Friday, September 6, 2013
The main part of my day was spent prepping food for tomorrow, since I'll be gone the majority of the day.  I had to cut up and brown sausage, chop veggies and assemble the crockpot dish I wanted for the elders on Saturday, plus I had to get the chicken and potatoes cooked and veggies cut up for the salad I need to take Saturday for Super Saturday luncheon.

My afternoon and evening was spent with Analiese at the fair at the 4H Concessions stand.  Even though she adamantly insisted that she could make change, the 4H people said an adult should take care of the money.  So I made change while she and her 4H friends took orders.  Other 4H adults did the cooking and making orders.  The concessions are run solely by 4H and it is their biggest money maker each year.  They sure got busy at dinnertime!

We did get breaks, though, to see the sights, such as they were.  I got a free massage from a gal in town advertising her business (guess what I want for my birthday?  Deep tissue!)  Plus, we got to see the turtle races (cute) and the weiner dog races (funny).  I enjoyed watching the pig judging where a small (6-7 yo?) boy guided a pig 3x his size around a ring with a crop.

This fair was small, but our opportunities to feel part of the community and 4H were priceless.

Saturday, September 7, 2013
This day, this weekend, has been too darn long.  This morning started out with a 7 a.m. trip to pick up my bountiful baskets.  Luckily, they were all set up (they are getting more & more efficient) and I had my order and was out of there in ten minutes, tops.

Then it was a quick run home to put away my produce, get a shower, get the crockpot set up, make my salad, and get the kids out the door so I could get Jonathan to the fairgrounds to work at the 4H concessions and then Analiese went with me to the Relief Society Super Saturday.

I was tired before I even got started.  I had planned on doing three projects, a wooden nativity scene, a wooden flag block piece, and a Christmas tree block piece.  I got it all painted, but not assembled.  I spent most of the time sitting and talking.  By a quarter to two, I was done and went home.

But, as much as I wanted a nap, I didn't have time.  I baked brownies for the elders, brought the bunnies in out of the heat, and got dinner on the table.  For the first time, I left clean up to Jonathan, Ken & the missionaries.  And clean up of the bunnies' bathroom mess to Analiese.  Tonight I shall sleep like the dead, I think.

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Being visible in a small ward means...triple whammies!  I got asked to teach a little yoga to the young women next month, substitute for Seminary, and substitute a Primary class next Sunday.  Three organizations...three assignments.   No wonder I feel tired.  Just thinking about it.

And there was no time for a nap, again.  After lunch we rescued bunnies from the heat, read our scriptures and went off to the baptism of a Primary girl.  Analiese was to sing with her class and I was asked to play the piano.

There's plenty to do this upcoming week, but hopefully I can rest a little better.  And make all of my aerobics & yoga classes.  I feel better when I do!

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