Monday, September 30, 2013


Monday, September 30, 2013
The weather has cooled down considerably and I love it!  The kids bundle up in the morning, but I revel in the crispness.  It still warms up in the afternoon, but it is not at all bad.  I could live with this weather all the time!

The bunnies are getting bolder now.  They know that they can get off the sofa now, so they take every opportunity to try and get off to explore.  If it weren't for the fact that they would chew on furniture and electrical cords and probably leave little "presents" everywhere (at least Twilight would, she's the least litter-trained), I might let them roam a little.  What we really need is a pen for them to run around in outside. 

They get so happy when they can run around (usually in the bathroom) that they jump and binky.  If we sit on the floor, we are less intimidating, so they'll come over, sniff at us, nuzzle us and then binky or shake their heads happily.  It's nice to know that they like us and the freedom they have.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013
It's October!  The weather is confiming the fall-ness of it!  I love it.  Analiese is busily making her Halloween/Birthday plans (she always combines the themes together).  The sight of pumpkins and decorations around is fun to see.

Got back to yoga this week.  The ladies mentioned how, without it, they noticed they were stiffer!  I'm glad they can see obvious benefits from it; that brings them back!  Me, too!  I was stiff the last few days and was eager for my stretch!

It's Homecoming week for the local high school.  Apparently, the school flower must be the mum, because the flower shops (all four that I've seen) are advertising mums for Homecoming.  They also said something about a "mum ring."  I wonder what that is.  I am curious enough to go into one of the shops and ask!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013
My daughter debuted on the radio today doing a spot for 4H month.  She had to write it herself and read it on a microphone at one of the local radio stations (there are at least 4 in Altus).  Apparently they were on air by this evening, because one of her friends in Activity Days heard her!

Yes, busy evening.  Activity Days for Analiese, Scouts for Jonathan, Yoga for me.  Luckily, they were all  at the church building at roughly the same time.  This was my first night class, and only one person showed up.  I was a little nervous, because she is very pregnant, but she's also very fit and does yoga on her own.  Basically, it ended up not being a class, but doing yoga side-by-side.  It was actually a good work out!

Thursday, October 3, 2013
Thursdays are supposed to be our Family Home Evenings (Monday I have water aerobics, so it makes us run too late).  But Ken had tutoring and then a one-on-one with our home teacher at Braum's (addictive ice cream place).  He's been a little antsy to have someone to talk with (who's not a child or is married to him, I guess).  He had a good time, though; he and Casey seem a lot alike.

Friday, October 4, 2013
I am exhausted, but it's been a good day.  Analiese & I went on a field trip to the Museum of the Great Plains in Lawton.  There were people in period costume talking and demonstrating things about frontier life.  Analiese liked the trading post; I thought the blacksmith was neat.  We met up with some homeschoolers from Altus and Analiese exchanged numbers with a girl from Duncan who is alike as peas in a pod to her!

After that was a trip to Hobby Lobby (if you're going for an hour drive, you have to get as much done as you can) for some Halloween stuff and then to Sam's for gas ($3.10 a gallon - read 'em & weep, California friends!), dinner, and a lot of shopping.  Both of us had very tired feet. hour to get home!  Analiese entertained herself by watching a large electrical storm to the north flash in the sky.  Me, I concentrated on the roads.  Not that it's hard...Lawton is a straight shot from Altus.  You leave Lawton, drive for about an hour, and get to Altus (there are side roads along the way that lead to other small communities, but this is in one town and out the other!).

The day's not done yet!  I have some cookies I have to finish (I had to get vanilla at Sam's) for tomorrow night's dinner with the elders.  And I need to put away laundry.  Neverending chore.

Saturday, October 5, 2013
I think Fall has finally hit.  Standing in line for my basket this morning, I was dancing around to keep warm (well, it was 7:00 in the morning).  Yes, I had at least my hoodie on.  But I think I am going to need something more for winter.  Brisk - At least you know I'm awake!

General Conference started today.  I am happy to say that, while my kids did draw a little in front of the television, they paid good attention.  They thought that the sessions went by fast, which is funny because when they were little, those sessions seemed endless!  But they could, and did, comment on the speakers and what they had heard and enjoyed.

In between sessions, we decorated the house for Halloween.  Last year we didn't do any decorating at all, so Analiese was excited to do so today.  Plus, I had purchased two Cinderella pumpkins with my food basket this week, and I put them on either side of the fireplace.  They are cooking, not carving, pumpkins, but until I get to them, they can function as decorations.

Appropriately for the weather, I made split pea soup for dinner with the elders.  I was a failure, though, because I bought rolls at Sam's yesterday instead of making them.  I kind of made up for that with my snickerdoodles.  Other than oreos, I really don't do store-bought cookies.  Besides being a Cookie Monster, I am a cookie snob.  Homemade is much better!

Sunday, October 6, 2013
It was nice and cozy, sitting in the livingroom and watching conference. The kids got a little squirrely during the first session, but that was because Analiese brought Alice into the livingroom. She jumped quickly off of Analiese's lap and spent some time hiding behind the sofa.  Jonathan finally wigged far enough under the sofa to grab her. But I firmly suggested that we have no rabbits for the afternoon session.

Some pretty red flower is growing in the side planter of my house. I think it may be monarda - bee balm, but I'm not sure.  It's a nice sight, though!

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