Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Monday, September 23, 2013
For the record, I really don't like doing laundry.  Well, most of the process is no big deal.  But folding it is a drag!  Especially sheets.  Even with You Tube videos and Pinterest pins, I still can't fold them.  Call it a flaw...it could be worse.

No real exclamation points people at Walmart today, though I did see green bowler hat dude again.  He doesn't count; I already saw him before.

Tried a new dish out on the fam tonight.  I had yellow summer squash in my basket and I had to do something with it.  So I cut it fries-size, battered it in egg, flour, milk, sour cream, S&P, and rolled them in parmesan.  I baked them (I do not fry)...they tasted really good hot and fresh!  Ken didn't care for them, but that was because they were about an hour old when he got them.  Sorry, I had to cook them before I left for water aerobics.  The kids liked it, though.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
A trip to Lawton I just did not want to make happened today.  Ken's been having trouble with his car: steering noises and not wanting to start.  There's no Honda dealer in town and nobody here wanted to handle it - "Take it to a dealer."  The nearest one is in Lawton.  Hence, the trip.

Problem #1 - Jonathan getting to Aviation Mechanics Class.  Solved: Friend from ward who takes class too drove him both ways.

Problem #2 - Analiese.  Solved: Homeschool friends took her for the day.  She had a great time (they are in 4H Rabbit Club, too, so she had more rabbits to play with.)

Problem #3 - Time & Distance.  What if it takes more than one day?  Lawton is over 50 miles away.  Would I rent a car?  Would I rent a hotel room?  Instead, on the urging of a ward sister, I asked if anyone was going to Lawton and could take me home today or take me back there Wednesday (or whenever the car was ready).  Solved: My VT (RS Pres., too) picked me up and, as we were running errands, the dealer called & said all was well, fixed and ready.  So I got to pick it up and take it home today.

Problem #4 - Money.  Solved: The cost of a new battery, some steering fluid, and labor.  Not bad.

Final Assessment: Very Blessed.

By the way, Jonathan got to taxi in an airplane today for class.  His instructor was impressed with how well he handled it.  So far, his best day in class ever.

I was told today by someone to quit complaining about the distance to go to do things.  "Everyone around here doesn't think it's far." (Meaning OKC, which is 2 1/2 hours away).  Since to go anywhere involves distances around here, I suppose so.  Still, I am not a road trip person and 2 1/2 hours means a day-long trip as far as I'm concerned.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Today we decided rabbit cages needed cleaning.  I had stopped yesterday by Tractor Supply in Lawton to get the cage parts I needed for one of them, so we could place them side-by-side.  In the meantime, the rabbits went into the bathroom while we scrubbed at the cages and Jonathan figured out the framing.  By the way, bunny poop isn't so bad; it's the pee that's noxious.

These rabbits are funny to watch together.  They really like running around the bathroom.  When a bunny is really happy, they do this thing called "binkying" which looks like a hop and an epileptic seizure at the same time.  Jonathan's Twilight is a very happy bunny, so she binkys all the time.  Today, though, every time she did, Fluffernutter followed her and did the same!  It was cute and funny. I even caught calm Alice doing a binky today.  Must have been a good day for rabbits.

Thursday, September 26, 2013
Church carpet was still drying this morning from yesterday's cleaning, so no yoga this week again.  Rats.  No wonder I am feeling stiff.  Still, there's lots of requests for doing a night class and I think this next Wednesday we'll try.

It's funny how my kids love history.  Analiese just finished one history book and was excited to see the next one come in the mail.  Jonathan had to pour over it, too, going "ooo" at the things we'd be studying and the projects we'd work on.  

Lots of chirpy birds out today, especially blue jays.  They are so distinctive and pretty-looking, but very noisy.  I remember how the jays used to compete with the squirrels at my grandparent's home there in Lake Arrowhead.  It makes me wonder if it's any different here.  Do jays eat pecans?  Because that's the squirrels' first love, here.  We saw a baby squirrel on our neighbor's roof.  Such a tiny tail!

Had a small blackout this evening; lasted all of 45 minutes.  Still, it's a worry because I can't open up most windows in the house.  Oh, well, it's over, but I wonder what would happen if we had a longer one.  Even the fans wouldn't work then!

Friday, September 27, 2013
Birds were noisily chirping again and the squirrels were running around trees and over fences.  To be honest, I enjoy all their chatter and bustle.  It's nicer than motorcycles revving and delivery trucks backing up, beep-beep-beep!  I feel a part of the outdoor world when the animals are all busy doing their things around me.

Though I am not appreciating a return of the mosquitos, which once again are proceeding to bite me and my family.  They itch terribly here!  And, I don't know why, but we keep finding wasps in the house.  At least five now, around one or two a day!  I've looked all around the outside of the house and can't find a nest.  I hope they're not up the chimney!  That could be bad.  Maybe I should just spray bug killer up in there and hope for the best? I'm rather scared of the idea.

A breeze picked up this afternoon; supposedly a big storm is rolling in.  I hope it means some rain.  More than that I could do without.

Saturday, September 28, 2013
Ever had one of those days where everything you had planned turned upside-down?  Even though I had things planned to the minute, things just worked out differently, which made me run around crazily trying to get things done on time.  I don't like that!

First, Analiese & I were supposed to man a concession stand for the 4H club at a local sports event.  Only, when we got there, no one was there!  It was probably cancelled on account of the weather last night, but still!  It would have been nice to know!

Then...trying to make two banana cream pies for dessert with the missionaries tonight.  I am not the most apt pie-maker, and pie crust is a hurdle!  I had done it once in my food processor and it had turned out splendidly, but I couldn't find my recipe today and had to try another one.  This one shrunk while baking!  And I found out I didn't have enough eggs...so go to United and get some.  Then, I didn't have enough milk...send Jonathan to United to get some (luckily it's just across the road).  And the eggs didn't blend well into the custard and I had to pull out strands of cooked egg!  They weren't the prettiest of pies by far, but at least they tasted good!

I had to hurry and finish the pies in order to go get my veggie basket. Only, when I got there, just in time, the truck had only just arrived.  Which meant waiting to unload it and then to sort and organize baskets!  That took an hour out of my day that I did not have!

Sunday, September 29, 2013
Do you sometimes wonder why you are where you are in life?  While I've had those times, often, right now I feel fairly confident that we are supposed to be here.  All the things that have happened, and all the opportunities I see here for growth, make me feel that this is our place, right here, right now.

For example, yesterday I met another local homeschooler who is a part of a group here.  Guess what? Her name is Michelle!  Considering this is the SECOND homeschooler named Michelle here, I am feeling like this is a direction I'm being pointed to.  We are going to participate in a couple of their activities soon and hopefully, we can make good friends in the process.

Today, besides teaching in Gospel Doctrine, I got to really use my Spanish.  A sister in our ward from Honduras just had her 18-year-old daughter move from that country here and the missionaries are teaching the girl.  Mom had to work today, so we brought the girl and her younger sister (who's in Analiese's class & Activity Days, but speaks perfect English) to church with us.  During the 3rd hour, when Relief Society was combined with Priesthood, I sat next to her and quasi-translated (I had help, one of the missionaries had a Spanish church magazine with the talk in it that the bishop was referring to).  My Spanish is really rusty, but I did fairly well and could answer her questions.

Just the missionary opportunities my whole family has had since we moved here have been uplifting.  Even if we wanted to, we can't really hide and claim we don't know anyone!  We're more involved in our community than ever before!

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