Tuesday, September 10, 2013


Monday, September 9, 2013
Mondays are my least favorite day to write on because they are so predictable. Do laundry. Teach kids. Go shopping.  Still, I try to find little gems that make the day brighter.

Like this: Duck Dynasty must be a contagious disease around here. What with hunting season and the supplies for it at Atwood's (animal blind or deer feeder anyone?) and all the heavily bearded guys around town (saw one on a mower at the college), it's a wonder we aren't all out there with our guns and calls! LOL

Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Yoga was good today...for me. I had such a headache and backache going in.  Coming out, however, there was energy and bliss!  I'm grateful for the opportunity.

Crazy animals! Suicidal cats? (I saw two of them dead in the road today.). Squirrely squirrels chasing each other up & down trees, especially the one near the rabbits' cages.   They are fascinated by the big furry thing with large ears that are locked up below.  Fluffer was funny today, too, running around in circles and jumping over things in the bathroom like a steeple chase!  Is the moon full?

The weather has done some cooling off. We're only hitting low to mid 90's. It's much more comfortable for longer periods outside. Now, if only the rain will come!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
For some reason, I have felt so tired lately.  Maybe it's because I was rushing around and not getting enough sleep last week.  Still, it was too much for me and at about 9:30 this morning, I took a nap.  And felt better enough afterwards to do some housework.

And funnily, after water aerobics tonight, I feel wide awake!

Thursday, September 12, 2013
It must be getting close to harvest time.  Actually, I know it is.  I see big rigs with round bales of alfalfa running through town.  Also, the cotton fields (these are the two big crops around here) are blossoming out into white puffs.  I kind of hope I get to see how they are harvested.  I'm curious.

Ken is so frustrated with his job right now.  It's a bad mixture with his Aspbergers and at times he is angry, others he is depressed.  I feel at a loss what to do for him.  Hugs & love are nice, but I guess they don't solve the problem.

I did get him to feel a little less frustrated by giving him meal ideas for my birthday. Also, we went on Pinterest and looked at the humor things.  A good laugh before bedtime is like good medicine.

Jonathan got his first "report card" from SWTC & the Aviation Mechanics course.  He's got an 82 - a B.  I think that's great considering he started a week late and has never had trigonometry or physics before.  He's really holding his own and I think his teacher really likes him.  He's one of the few high school students in his class and the only homeschooler.  The teacher has faith in his ability to do well, and so do I!  Jonathan said he was glad I wasn't one of those parents who demanded A's.  No, I just want him to try, to study hard, and to know he's capable of doing well.  Which is true!

Friday, September 13, 2013
Rain?  Could it be?  With only a 30% chance, it's pretty slim.  But, this morning was so nice & cool outside that I sat there reading to Analiese.  Of course, I'm not sure how much she got out of it, because her eyes were more fascinated with the squirrels running around.  Jonathan counted five, maybe six, of them in nearby trees.  All I ask is that they leave me some pecans to have.  But it was a lovely morning.

Saturday, September 14, 2013
I was supposed to be in Lawton this morning for a RS Women's Conference.  However, I am not.  Planning going for weeks and - poof! - changes practically overnight.  Part of it was, I have much to do today and, with Jonathan going to OKC for most of the day and into the night, I didn't want to leave Analiese alone for hours.  Well, Ken is home, but is in bed asleep.  Pretty much the same thing.

Also, Jonathan got home with the missionaries sometime after 9:00 p.m.  They stayed and talked a while, and then I had to finish making salsa, red taco sauce (yes, different), and getting the beans ready for the crockpot this morning.  By the time I hit my bed, it was after 10 and it took me a bit to go to sleep.  Wasn't exactly eager to get up early, in fact, I got up around 8:00!

Gray still, no rain.  North of us got rain yesterday and this morning.  The lakes that we get water from are being replenished.  But nada here.  I got a few sprinkles on the van, but nothing to talk about.

Jonathan left after noon today to go to OKC with his friends.  They are going to hang somewhere (a rock climbing gym) for a few hours and then go to the multi-stake dance that is being held at some convention center.  Luckily, I am not the driving parent and grateful to the one who is, because they'll be getting back around 1:00 a.m.  If it was me, it probably wouldn't happen.  As it is, I told him to wake me when he gets home, because I am not staying up for him.  I don't get enough sleep as it is.

Analiese had me paint tribal markings on her face today since I didn't do it yesterday.  It was part of her studying the Indian Immigration Act and the Trail of Tears.  It only made it more fascinating to her to find out that a) she has some Cherokee blood and b) they ended up here in Oklahoma.  I painted from her lower lip under her chin red and two white lines that went down on her right face over her forehead, eye, and down her face (we saw a picture online).

Sunday, September 15, 2013
Nothing as reassuring as a soft bunny in your lap.  Really, you just pet the stress away!

Today I subbed in Analiese's Primary class.  When the Sunday School teacher asked me where I was afterward, I said I was teaching a room of squirrely girls.  She laughed, especially when I said mine was the squirreliest of all!  Still, they are a cute bunch!

A sister in RS today asked if there was anything I couldn't do.  I replied, "Math."  Later, after I thought about it, I told her, "Woodworking.  I lack the tools and the skills.  Though I really want  to."  Now that I think about it, I should have said, "Swimming."  That skill comes after the resurrection when there's no fear of drowning.  Because that's a big anxiety/fear of mine.

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