Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Okay, it's what my mom calls it, as she laughs at our rural antics here.  I guess these aren't things you see, hear or do in the city!

Monday, August 26th
Actually, today was pretty normal.  Laundry, lessons, transporting Jonathan to the airport (for his Aviation Mechanics class), shopping, etc.  After water aerobics, Ken & I went out to dinner for his birthday.  A new place had opened up in town, not far from our place.  It was Japanese Sushi & Hibatchi.  I wasn't sure what to expect because they built it in an old KFC place, but it was part sit-down restaurant, part sushi bar, and part hibatchi grill (think Benihana).

Of course we had to have hibatchi!  That's the fun stuff.  I ordered some vegetable tempura (sweet potato is my favorite, though the onions were really good) and Ken had sushi (he can have it!).  The fellow who seated us and our chef were real-deal Japanese with accents so think I could not understand them.  Ken literally interpreted for me.

The guy did his show of knife throwing, food-flipping, etc.  We sat with another family there for a birthday, too.  I just had steak, rice and veggies, while Ken had steak and seafood (he really loves it and rarely gets it).  And, he got a tempura ice cream for his birthday.  Embarrassed or not, he thought it was good.  It wasn't a cheap dinner, but Ken really liked it and that's saying something.  He hasn't liked any of the restaurants in Altus.  Now he has one, that he'll probably never go to again.

Tuesday, August 27th
This is me just jumping into things like a crazy woman: I taught a yoga class today at church.  No, I'm not certified; yes, I had them sign a waiver (I don't want to get the church - or myself) in trouble.  All I really wanted was someone to do it with me, and the Relief Society Presidency all thought it would be a great idea!  We had five sisters to start, which I thought was great.  I figured I'd only have one or two!

I went to Atwoods again today.  I think I've been there four times in the last week, getting rabbit supply, etc.  I also made a stop at United.  My last basket had hatch chilies in them and I wanted to make salsa, so I needed cilantro.  I love finding funny looking people and did I there!  There were two guys (I assume they're from the rodeo last weekend) with HUGE, exaggerated cowboy hats on their heads (literally filed the aisle), wearing chaps, boots & spurs.  Crack me up!

Wednesday, August 28th
Oh, I try so hard not to laugh, but Walmart customers are so funny!  Monday I'd seen a lady who had one boob dragging down but not the other, like one had escaped from her bra.  That was sure a double-take!  Today I had to run in for a couple of things and saw a guy dressed ordinarily in jeans and a t-shirt, but with a long scruffy beard and hair and wearing a large green bowler!  At first I thought he had hooked his sunglasses on his beard, but on 2nd look, it was in his shirt.  Never a dull moment there!

On an itchy note, these mosquito bites are killing me.  Everytime I go out, morning or evening, I get bitten.  My ankles in particular are covered.  And they leave big welts that itch a lot.  They say, don't leave any standing water - I don't!  But there has to be some nearby; I wonder if "love thy neighbor" includes those who leave standing water for mosquitos to breed in.  I find it hard to sleep for the itching and don't recommend Calamine Lotion - that watery stuff does not work!  What's working so far temporarily is vinegar soaked into a sponge and dabbed on them continually.  It stings a little where I've scratched (I know you're not supposed to, but I wake up to find myself doing it), but gives some relief, if it's a bit smelly.  

Thursday, August 29th
I guess I didn't kill or gravely injure anyone in Tuesday's yoga class, because they all came back, plus one!  We got through a Sun Salutation and I taught them Warrior One.  It felt really good, physically and spiritually.  I wish I could afford to get certified; I would enjoy teaching it all the time.  Plus, with this and water aerobics, I'm actually getting in exercise twice a week.  The aerobics is good and heart-pumping (literally) and the yoga is the stretching and strength resistance.  I feel really good about myself.

Today we put the rabbits in the front (bigger) bathroom.  The day was supposed to be over 100 degrees and we thought it would be too much for them.  We had a box of bedding, water and food for them and let them run around.  Oy!  What a mess!

First, two of them, Alice and Twilight, decided to have a battle over supremacy.  Let's just say that the loser had tufts of fur torn out of her and scattered across the room.  Jonathan was very angry to see the fur and the bite on Twilight, but I just told him she lost the election for Alpha Rabbit.  Alice, a Himalayan, is about twice as big as Twilight and VERY pushy.  Fluffernutter wasn't even in the running and they pretty much leave her alone.  She's a very subdued rabbit who loves nothing more than to sit on her mommy's lap and be stroked.  I am working on feeding her up, but she loves the timothy hay too much and it's affecting her digestion.  She also loves frosted mini-wheats (look, my rabbit breeder said they can have one twice a week for roughage).

Secondly, they jumped in and out of the box, scattering aspen chips all over, plus the usual "poop wherever you feel like."  We had to sweep and mop with a bleach solution just to get that bathroom sanitary enough for us to use after we returned them to their cages.  We plan to leave them in there all Saturday (we'll be in OKC all day), I can't imagine what it is going to look like when we return!

Friday, August 30th
I attempted a new culinary feat - I roasted chilies and made salsa.  I'd been given some hatch chilies in my last Bountiful Basket and, not know what else to do with them, decided to put them into salsa.  I was a little hesitant at first - What if they were hot?  I don't do hot foods.  My stomach and acid reflux do not like them.  But as they were roasting in the oven, the scent wafting in the air, I knew that they were mild.  There was no pungency, no burning sensation in eyes or throat.  And, actually, they smelled pretty good!

The salsa ended up being a joint venture with Jonathan (he likes to cook & experiment with flavors).  I had him try the salsa (chilies, onion, tomatoes, cilantro, lime & lemon juice, garlic salt & pepper).  He added more garlic and pepper and had me blend some of it partially with a little more lemon juice and add it back into the mixture.  When the elders came to dinner and tried the salsa, they admitted it was pretty good!  I thought so, too!

Saturday, August 31st
Marathon Day!  After Ken returned from the night's work at Wal-mart, he cleaned up and we all left for OKC.  After a 2 1/2 hour drive we dropped the kids off at the zoo (we had free tickets) and Ken & I went on to do our first session in the Oklahoma City Temple.

That is the smallest temple I've ever seen.  I'm not sure it's any bigger than the meetinghouse next door.  It nearly felt claustrophobic, I don't think they can fit more than 50 people in each session.  That's probably why they ask if parties over 10 make reservations.  Still, it was the same peaceful, wonderful place and it was the first time in over a year that Ken & I went to the temple together.

After the session, we went back (changing in McD's) and spent some time in the zoo with the kids.  It was a really hot day, over 100, so we didn't last long.  Analiese spent a lot of time in the Children's Zoo playing in the water (she'd brought her swimsuit and a towel on purpose), but all of us were worn out before long and headed out.

We stopped in Lawton (hour out of Altus) for dinner and some Sam's Club shopping.  With all of these distances, we have to make our trips count!  Ken had to purchase incentive stuff for his work at the prison and I had necessities to get.  But it meant we got home around 8 p.m. and still had to get bunnies out of the bathroom, clean the bathroom and get the kids showered and bedded themselves.

Oklahoma City's nice.  It's just rather FAR.

Sunday, September 1st
I didn't have any other extra responsiblities in church today, so it was a calm and relaxing day at church.  The only thing was at the end, when we found out that the missionaries didn't have any dinner appointment today.  Sunday's aren't a good day for us to feed people because we generally do leftovers.  So we racked our brains and decided we had enough canned soup and bread in the house; they could come over for soup and sandwiches.  I also made cookies (which I never do on Sunday).  They were fed & happy, that's all that counts!

Ken & I went with one set of elders to visit the Butler's, a couple here in Altus.  Ken works in Walmart with Jeremy, the husband.  They've been taking lessons with the missionaries and even came to church a few weeks ago.  After the discussion, Ken & I spent time talking with them and ended up getting home around 10:30 - a whole lot later than we expected.  But Ken doesn't get much chance to get out and socialize, so I didn't pester him about leaving.  Also, I did enjoy my time talking with Angela.

To our amazing surprise, we came home to find that Jonathan had put the rabbits back outside and cleaned the bathroom!  I couldn't have been more grateful because it meant I could go straight to bed!

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