Monday, September 16, 2013


Monday, September 16, 2013
I did not sleep well last night; I just couldn't get to sleep. Finally, around midnight I got up to watch a lightning storm & then read some of a boring do-it-yourself manually to get me sleepy.  It must of worked, because I crawled into bed a few minutes later and was out.  But it means that today, my beginning of the week, lots of stuff to do day, is dragging. I want a nap; there's no time for one.

Several banks & pharmacies in town electronically post time, date & temperature along with other stuff on their boards.  It's funny, driving through town, because all of them post different temperatures.  One is really off, like 3-5 degrees higher than everyone else.  I just take all the numbers and average them and figure I'm pretty much in the ballpark for the temperature.

Monday is Ken & my date night.  Since it's close to my birthday, he took me out to dinner.  We drove 1/2 an hour to Mangum to a Mexican restaurant that one of his co-workers suggested.  It was okay, but my chicken flautas weren't very flavorful and the refritos were salty.  Ken had steak (he doesn't like Mexican & luckily they served more than that) and french fries.  We took home cream cheese flautas to share with the kids for dessert - very rich!

We had a rainstorm going up to Mangum and back.  We need the rain desperately, but the strength of the storm was a little scary on the road going.  Also, I'd straightened my hair and bought a new top for the occasion (don't like looking like a slob on a date), so I was worried about going Poof! - poodle hair!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Nice yoga class this morning - 7 people (8, if you count me).  Trying to figure out Sun Salutations in a chair so those who can't or don't want to get on the floor can do them.  Funny thing, we all ended on the floor today!  But that meant I could do some good stuff to twist my body - pretzel-like.  Now, what they thought of it...I'm not sure.

More rain today.  Jonathan's right, it will bring more ants (they bury deep in the heat and come out when the rains come).  It'll bring the mosquitos back, too, unfortunately.  But the rain is needed so badly.  The local lakes and reservoirs here are recording elevating waters...good!  But the temps still stay warm, so it's unbelievably muggy, like trying to breathe water.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013
Jonathan's alarm didn't go off this morning, so I got an early wake-up call to take him to Seminary.  Ugh!  I was really sleeping, too.

We've tracked in so much dried grass, leaves & mud (it's red around here, one day I'll post a picture.) because of the rain. I have rugs and such, but they have a saturation point.  So, today I'll be a vacuumy-sweepy-moppy kind of person.  

Oh!  And I get to make my birthday cake today - Almond Joy Cake (Wendy, jealous yet?).  Ken said he'd do it, but he's so tired & busy. Besides, I'd rather he cleaned up the bathroom after the bunnies tonight.  Wah-ha-ha!  Diabolical!

Thursday, September 19, 2013
It's my birthday!  La-la-la-la-la!  Jonathan made orange cinnamon rolls for breakfast (from a can, but still good).  I had my yoga class this morning and stretched them out a bit more with some warrior poses.

I was SUPPOSED to have a 90-minute deep tissue massage today.  My special birthday present.  But, no!  The gal was late and I waited 30 minutes before I figured she just wasn't coming.  I was very disgruntled, because it was going to be the highlight of my day.  No massage left everything else feeling anticlimactic.

I had to make my birthday dinner, too.  Ken felt sad about that, but he's working too hard to have time for that.  The kids were supposed to help, but I wasn't going to yell & bug them on my birthday.

We also had rabbit 4H tonight; this was our FHE.  We took Alice to show them, since we've been worried about her not eating and being too skinny.  Come to find out, Himalyan rabbits don't eat much and are supposed to be boney.  But she does feel lonely in her cage by herself, so we've been putting her with the other two at night.  She's been much more responsive.  Jonathan & I are trying to figure a way to merge the two cages together so there's more room, but they're together.

Friday, September 20, 2013
The sky is gray and it's quite windy outside.  The weather actually feels cooler - the Weather Channel says it's 78 degrees.  There's a big storm over southern OK & northern TX, but will we get rain?  As one meteorologist says, it's feast or famine for OK.  Some areas get almost 3 inches, others, like Altus, can expect maybe .17 inches.  I'd sure like to see more.

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Today I was a yo-yo.  Go here, for Bountiful Baskets.  Go there, take Jonathan to 4H.  Go back, and pick him up (and wait for another hour and a half, because they weren't done).  Go to the store for water & ice.  Take Jonathan to the missionaries' apartment.  

Too, I had so many things scheduled.  The elders came to dinner, and asked us to host (tonight!) a Spanish-speaking part-member family they were teaching.  They needed the help with the Spanish, and for Analiese to play with the young daughter to keep her from disturbing us.  Luckily, our three rabbits are real attention-getters.

Actually, it was a nice discussion.  Hna. Maldonado's 18-yo daughter just moved here from Honduras, but isn't a member of the church and doesn't speak a lick of English.  Only one of the elders speak any Spanish, and that sketchily.  So Ken was helpful (enthusiastic, I told him to let Elder Vance do most of the talking) and I tried to do my part, though my Spanish is rusty.  The girl is cute, though, and we had a nice talk.

Sunday, September 22, 2013
Normal Sunday...sort of.  Our regular chorister didn't show up, so another sister led the opening and sacrament hymns.  Unfortunately, her husband is the organist, so no one was with their little ones and the youngest proceeded to take marker and draw all over himself.  After the sacrament, I went over and whispered that I'd take care of the rest hymn and closing.  Ken was on our bench and my kids are old enough to know better.

Then, after Sunday School, I got asked to sub for next week's lesson.  On top of that, the bishop has asked me to be the Sunday School president and get people to say prayers and open the meeting.  OK.

But tonight, no meetings, no appointments.  Maybe I can do "normal" stuff.  If I can figure out what that it.

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