Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Monday, October 7, 2013
Ken has decided that every Monday evening is couple time (not FHE, because we have to do it after water aerobics & his tutoring, which could make it a little late) and the first Monday of every night is out-to-dinner couple time.  He lets me choose, which is difficult because a) I don't know the area well yet and b) he's so dang picky!  But I knew he expressed interest in a Chinese buffet that just opened (re-opened), so I decided tonight we'd go there.

It was okay, as Chinese goes.  They did have a lot of seafood choices.  Ken says he likes it better than the other one in town, but I'm not so sure.  To be honest, my stomach doesn't like either much.  Too much fried, greasy stuff, which Ken glories in.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Yoga felt sooo good today!  I've had a stiff neck and shoulder on the left for a few days, and this just hit the spot.  Of course, since I'm teaching, I get to choose what we do, and I focused a bit on neck & shoulder-strengthening poses.  And it was such a relief afterwards!

Taking Jonathan to the airport, I could see the cotton fields bursting out in white.  I have to get close to one and take a picture!  I've revised the Dixieland song just a bit, "Oh, I wish I was in the land of cotton, old times there are not forgotten!  Look away, look away, look away, Altus-town!"  LOL

Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Shaved the bear again today.  Buying those clippers was a great investment!  Cutting Jonathan's hair is rather like mowing a curved lawn - but I'm getting better at it.  He didn't have me go back this morning and fix anything!

Oh, but I'm bushed tonight!  For the first time in my life, I had two exercise sessions.  I did water aerobics from 5 to 6, came home to eat a small salad, and went back out to take Jonathan to Scouts and teach an evening yoga class from 7:30 to 8:30.  Let's just say I was ready for bed!

Thursday, October 10, 2013
Another first in my life: I subbed in Seminary this morning.  Ugh - I do not like to get up early, especially as tired as I was from the night before.  Still, it wasn't too bad.  And, yes, my son was my best student.  He's on time, helpful, and awake.  It was just me and him for the first five minutes of class until two others showed up (very small Seminary - 5 students, plus she has two home-study students).  The other two were very sleepy, and one was battling allergies or a head cold.  The other one had to leave early.  So it felt a little unsatisfying, but another gal who subs for Seminary sometimes says we should be glad and give them credit just for showing up.  With all that's on these kids' plates, it's a wonder they even come!

From there, I went home, got changed, had scripture study with my kids and got them started on their lessons, and headed back to the church for my Thursday morning yoga session.  When we had first started the classes, these ladies were saying that no way they could get on the floor.  Can I tell you? These ladies get on the floor!  They're finding more flexibility, less pain and more energy.  That is my reward - seeing how they improve!

I got my bench today!  Three months ago I ordered an old church bench from a local antique shop.  They were to cut it in half (I'll explain later) and paint it white for me.  I wanted it by my birthday, but at least now I have it!  It is an OLD church bench - tongue & groove workmanship - really nice.  I still have to figure out how to brace it up underneath and in the corner, but it's going to be my banquette bench in the kitchen corner.  And I got it for an amazing price!  Ken was more impressed with it than he thought he was going to be.  Now I need a round table and a chair or two to finish it off.

Relief Society Emergency Preparedness night was this evening.  One gal bravely brought her family's five 72-hour backpacks and went through them to tell us what she had, what she didn't and what needed updating.  She's been through a lot of natural disasters (do they follow her?  do I feel safer now or not? LOL), including Hurricane Katrina, so she knows what a family needs.  We also made emergency binders to fill with information to take with us if we needed to evacuate.  Oh, and we had treats made from food storage items.  I made pinto bean pecan pie, which turned out so-so (darn electric oven!  Should be outlawed!), but one sister made this wheat artisanal bread with all these seeds on it - so good!  I wanted to take some home & toast it!

Friday, October 11, 2013
In case you were wondering, I'm really dragging this morning.  I didn't have to teach Seminary today, thankfully, but Jonathan came home and at around 8 came in and asked me if I was all right.  I was fine, just really, really tired.

Thankfully, too, that I didn't have to pick up Jonathan from the airport.  Another classmate & ward member brought him home.

But I was such a slug, I didn't get pizza dough ready in time to bake it before my water aerobics class. Poor kids!  They had to wait for dinner after I gdt home.  Luckily, Jonathan was eager to put the stuff on the pizza, so I didn't have to do it all.  We were just able to have a nice, quiet evening.  Those have been pretty rare around here lately.

Saturday, October 12, 2013
Ugh!  I passed an awful night - sick to my stomach.  By three in the morning I was up ill and facing pain, misery...and a mess.  I was finally able to calm down by 5:30 to sleep a little more.

Because, of course, there were so many things to do.  The kids had 4H Robotics (Legos) and I had to do a little birthday shopping for my Mom.  I was going to mail it to her, too, but - rats! - the Post Office closed at 11:00.  Really?  Can you accomplish anything in two hours?  Argh!  So her birthday gift is going to be late.

I was sad to see, when picking up the kids from 4H, that the cotton fields around are being plowed under.  I guess the harvest wasn't going to be good, so they are going to do a fall planting of wheat.  Those poor farmers!  The drought has sure hit them hard.

Even though it was noon, and they hadn't eaten (which is usually a travesty in the stomach of my son!), we spent another hour after 4H talking with another homeschooling family - the Doshers - whose kids are friends with mine.  Afterward, I took them to where the high school band was selling hot dogs.  The only downside was that the wind had picked up (delightful, really, I'm so enjoying this weather), so they had a hard time holding on to napkins!

I got a small afternoon nap, and Ken & Jonathan helped me a lot with dinner and clean up.  Think I'll tuck in early (as I can) and try to re-coop my rest.

Sunday, October 13, 2013
I had a few stomach cramps last night, but nothing like Saturday, so I spent a fairly restful night.  The clouds have rolled in and it looks like rain (pretty please?).  Jonathan is outside covering the rabbit's cages with a tarp so they don't get wet if it rains while we're in church.

I am sad to report that this year there will be few to no pecans (so those of you expecting a box at Christmas...sorry!).  I've learned that not only the drought affected the production, but several late spring frosts that I was unaware of, being in California at the time.  I hope there's enough for the squirrels, at least!  You'd think four trees would produce enough!

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