Sunday, April 29, 2018


Monday, April 23, 2018
Another beautiful day! The sun is shining, the birds are busy nest-building and chirping happily, and the pollen count is up.  You got it, I feel like a zombie. I took a nap this morning and still feel like I could take another.

It doesn't mean I can slack off, though. Mondays are very busy with the mundane, yet important, things. We did manage to get a lot done by mid-day, thanks to Ken pushing us on. He even got me to give him a hair cut. Trust me, he needed it!

For Family Home Evening, I talked a bit about my allergy appointment and some things we could do around the house to help all of us who battle allergies. That's everyone, except Ken. My biggest thing with him is getting him to use allergy filters (his read: more expensive) and keep the A/C on. Yes, fresh air is cheaper - and I love it - but pollen is no joke. Not anymore!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018
On the way to Norman this morning, I was able to enjoy more signs of Spring in the countryside. The swallows are out building their mud nests, wildflowers grow by the roadside in purple and coral, and there are lots of wobbly calves walking beside their mothers in the fields. I can't be down on a lovely morning like this!

I got my first allergy injections - one in each upper arm. The left arm gets the pollen/plants shot and the right gets the cat/dust mite shots. It will always be those arms, those shots so we can keep track of any reactions I might have. I also have to keep an epinephrine pen with me for three hours after each injection...and no naps during that time, either (bummer). Just in case.

One of the "downer" things about spring animal activity is all the road kill. I saw two deer, a possum, an armadillo, some skunks, rabbits, and possibly a porcupine. Yuck!

Wednesday, April 25, 2018
We had a rainy night and morning. Analiese and I weren't able to go on our walk. Trust me, there are no sidewalks or storm drains here; it's like trying to walk through a swamp. Driving the roads isn't much better. Besides avoiding other cars, you have to avoid enormous puddles. If not, well, cars don't drive well with wet alternators. Experience speaking.

Dinner tonight was a fun experiment: Egg and cheese hashbrown waffles. It is exactly what it says: eggs and cheese mixed in with hashbrowns and cooked on a waffle iron. A VERY well-greased waffle iron. But they tasted great and we ate everything I made. Jonathan wanted to know if they would freeze...I think he was looking for seconds later!

Thursday, April 26, 2018
Yellow wildflowers have joined the coral red on the road between here and Norman. I think I saw a corn field today between the obvious cattle ranches. Plus, a buffalo ranch - squee!  But the major industry out in this part of the state is petroleum. Oil. The big trucks and rig workers come through Chickasha all the time. I see them swarm Taco Bell.

I had to give myself an injection today...under supervision. I was more than a little nervous. The left arm took me a couple of tries, but the right went in smoothly. My "homework" is to practice pulling the syringe open with two fingers on one hand like I will when I "shoot" myself, and then push. I keep an empty syringe on hand to practice with. Open air...not my arm!

It was ladies' night at the Bolton house as Analiese and I welcomed the sister missionaries over for dinner. Ken and Jonathan were both working. Their loss. I made burritos using my homemade refried black beans!

Friday, April 27, 2018
Our morning walk was fantastic! We decided to go toward the hospital and past where a large field was edged by woods. It's cut across by a semi-busy road and as we neared the woods, we saw, at least, TEN deer crossing that crazy road! Luckily, the cars all had stopped to let them pass (very wise, hitting a deer can do serious damage to your vehicle), but it was quite a sight! I wasn't able to get my phone/camera out fast enough to get a picture! I'm so lousy at this. Later on, we had a crane fly overhead. It was all so wonderful!

To be honest, the whole day was peaceful. The sun was shining and I think a robin sat in the tree by our back door and sang all afternoon for our enjoyment. Such bliss!

Jonathan came home from work around five and it was just the three of use for a quiet dinner and evening. I really don't know when we're all going to be together to go out and watch the new Avenger's movie. Analiese has been working hard on her school work so she can go! Ken's gone so much for work and Jonathan's schedule is always changing. But I don't want to go with someone missing!

Saturday, April 28, 2018
Jonathan had work this morning; he had the Honda. Ken was supposed to have today off but had to go in to work for a few hours; he had the van. Good thing I didn't have any plans. I'd have been stuck.

Jonathan was supposed was supposed to go to a baseball game in the City through Walgreens this evening. Only, no one else in his store wanted to go! So Ken decided we would all go - we've never been to a game as a whole family. We drove to Yukon to pick up a friend of Jonathan's, got to see the temple's renovation progress
while we were there, and then headed to Bricktown (a section of OKC) for the game.

It was the OKC Dodgers (yes, affiliated with L.A.) versus the Iowa Cubs (affiliated with Chicago).

The Dodgers won and we had such a great time enjoying the experience.
I haven't been to a ball game since my mission! We got to sing "Take me out to the Ballgame," and "Oklahoma," duck a fly ball (well, Analiese and I did), and call out encouragement to the home team. It made for a long night - we got home at midnight - but we didn't regret it a bit. We made great family memories!

Sunday, April 29, 2018
None of us were too eager to get up this morning. We all love our sleep and (most of us) like to be in bed by 9:30 - 10:00 p.m.

It was Branch Conference today. We had the two counselors from the Stake Presidency there; the President had to be elsewhere. But it was still nice. They both spoke, along with our Branch President.

Ken had developed a band headache during sacrament meeting, so I took him home second hour to rest. Maybe I should have taken Analiese, too, she fell asleep on the pew, but I didn't and went back to the church. As much as we enjoyed the ball game, I don't think we're going to do it again soon.
Analiese stuck this drawing for me on my board!

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