Sunday, May 6, 2018


Monday, April 30, 2018
Ken had work very early this morning. Jonathan had to be at Walgreens by seven, so he took Analiese to Seminary. But I had to car to pick her up, so we arranged a ride home for her with one of the other students. Our house is on the way to the high school, so it's no big inconvenience.

The weather is weird today. Warm and windy with clouds sometimes covering everything with gray, but sometimes allowing the sun to shine through. To be scarily honest, it's typical tornado season weather.

Despite that, we went to the park this evening for dinner and Family Home Evening. I had quickly gone shopping after Jonathan got home at three. I had picked up some fried chicken, chips, cookies, and fruit salad at the store and we met the sister missionaries at a picnic bench. We had the best time! After the sisters ate, they had to leave, but we walked around the pond,
"Flags," a type of iris, growing by the pond.
admired the birds,
Mr. Crane looking for fish.
and played on the playgrounds (yeah, even the parents got on the see saw!) It was so relaxing, if a bit windy!

Tuesday, May 1, 2018
The gray skies meant that the sun wasn't in my eyes as I drove toward Norman today.
Freeway underpass. See the brown spots? Those are swallow nests! You can't tell, but the birds are flying all around it!
I had my last supervised injection. From now on, I have to do it myself at home. The allergist gave me the two vials of the allergen stuff I have to inject. They went right into the fridge when I got home. I won't have to go back to see her until I've finished the doses on this batch - 15 in total given every other day.

Gloomy days make me sleepy, but I got a lot done anyway. The big thing I did was cut out Analiese's second trek skirt from a flat sheet I bought on clearance at Walmart. I had to measure her, figure out the fabric pieces I needed (measure twice, cut once), and do some scary cutting. Cross your fingers; I'm not really a seamstress.

The wind really picked up in the afternoon. A storm came in and we were on alert. There was a possibility of hail...and tornadoes. Yep, Dorothy, we're still in Oklahoma!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018
There were so many varieties of birds at the park this morning. Besides our regulars, we saw a hairy woodpecker (so small...a female) and - a first! -- an orchard oriole! His bright orange belly unmistakably flew over us. We had to go home and check out our bird book!

One of my students commented today on how often our lessons coincided with a struggle or issue he was having at the time. It blew his mind! I just told him that the Lord is mindful of him and loves him so much, He even arranged Seminary to help him. What wonderful miracle! I love my calling!

The expected storm rolled in this evening around six-thirty. YW was cancelled, so that was no worry and Ken got home just before it started. Bang! slow work up. We got weather warnings all evening: thunderstorm, flood, tornado. It was quite the lightning show, too. But we survived. The only one left to come home in it when he gets off at ten-thirty is Jonathan.

Thursday, May 3, 2018
Jonathan made it home safely; he said it was just barely sprinkling on the way. Good, because this morning it was wet, wet, wet! The rain and lightning were back as I drove Analiese to Seminary. I stayed in the car; she had a tiny umbrella and I didn't want to get soaked trying to get in the church!

I gave myself injections at home for the first time. It was a little nerve-wracking. On my right arm it drew a bead of blood. I'm supposed to inject just under the skin, not in the bloodstream, so that made me anxious. I didn't see any blood in the syringe when I pulled on the plunger like I'm supposed to. I called my allergist who said sometimes the needle come out can nick something. There was no other reaction besides a little raised bump, so I think I'm okay.

I watched a squirrel go back and forth across the front porch this afternoon. The sun was out again and my porch was dry. He was digging up pecans and eating them...mostly on my porch and making a mess of it. I had shells everywhere!

Friday, May 4, 2018
Herb garden update: I lost one basil plant a few weeks ago to frost but the other two have recovered nicely. The cilantro and dill have taken off and my strawberry plants have berries coming. I need to start tying up the rosemary to the trellis soon, but I'm not sure that the mint and oregano have done much growing. Best of all...I have three chives up. I wasn't sure I'd get any!

Analiese, after several weeks of hard work, has finished all of her Study Island state-standard math assignments. This hasn't been easy for her; she's really had to work hard and there have been many tears shed, plus quite a bit of grouching. She's watched Khan Academy videos to try try and help and regularly logged onto EPIC's 24-hour homework help chat line. That probably frustrated her the most! To celebrate, we took her out to dinner. She earned it!

Saturday, May 5, 2018
Giving myself injections every other day does "up" my anxiety a bit. I will relax eventually and it will become commonplace, but for now...awck! Today my right arm itched at the injection site and, along with rabbit reaction (Saturday is cage-cleaning in the morning) I had to take some Benedryl and an inhaler puff. These, in turn, made me so sleepy, but that's a no-no for three hours after the shot. I will get used to it... but today is not that day!

I went to a baptism in the branch this afternoon.
Iris from a member's garden. It's blossom time!
It was cute (and funny) that we had four former sister missionaries Skype in to see it on four members mobile phones. Plus, one other sister came with her companion from OK to see the baptism as well. Afterwards, they took a photo, with the newly-baptized member, the two local sister, the OKC one, and the phones with the sisters Skyping in, all being held by the others! I had to laugh, but marveled at the technology that is the future for the Church as well as everything else.

Sunday, May 6, 2018
I played the organ for the first time at the Branch for Sacrament meeting. The month of May is my month to play; we're switching off every other month. I don't think I flubbed it too badly. Ken says I didn't.

With each Sunday, my levels of comforts within the Branch increase. Today I could joke with one sister, sympathize with the pregnancy of another, and consult with one who will be going to Girls' Camp with me. By the way, she knows as much about what's going on with camp as I do, which isn't much!

Everyone but me took a nap this afternoon. I couldn't... I had my very last Seminary lesson for the year to prepare. I'm going to try and hold it in, but I may get a little emotional tomorrow!

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