Sunday, April 22, 2018


Monday, April 16, 2018
This is the worst time ever to be off of my allergy medication. I've been off of all of it since last Tuesday so I can take the allergy test tomorrow. But with the wind and wildfires,, the air quality is awful. All I've done lately is sniffle and sneeze.

My husband had a hankering for my banana-chocolate chip muffins, so I made some - fresh and warm - for dinner. He wanted nuts in them, so I put in pecans. He's rarely home for dinner, rarely wants anything, so when he requests something, I'm going to do my best to make it for him!

Tuesday, April 17, 2018
I've never been so glad to visit the doctor in my life! I had my allergy test this morning. The allergist did skin tests up and down both arms using a plastic grid to prick them with the essence of various allergens. Then I had to sit there for fifteen minutes and NOT SCRATCH. By the time it was over, I wanted to tear the skin off of my arms!
Left arm - the big guy on the right is pecan pollen!
Right arm - those two biggies are dust mites and cat dander!

Yeah, I'm allergic to a lot of stuff, that we were sure of. Some were not new news, like cat dander and dust mites (very allergic to dusting!). Some, however, were a little startling like pecan tree pollen (inescapable here) and timothy hay, which is what we feed to the rabbits! I'm allergic to a couple type of weeds, but not ragweed, which bothers a lot of people.

The result of all this is me going on immunotherapy. I'll be getting shots every other, one in each arm because the animal/mites shot can't be combines with the plant shot...for a year! They'll start me next week in the office for a couple of times and then teach me how to do it to myself. It's a gradual build-up of immunity that will hopefully eventually help reduce symptoms. The best news? My insurance covers it 100%!
My beautiful dinner salad.

Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Believe it or not, there were a few tiny welts and itchy red spots on my arms this morning. Don't mess around with my allergies!

I do not know if there is a full moon today, but the police and firemen were out in force this morning. Going to get Analiese, I saw two firetrucks with hoses at the ready and a police car blocking off the street a few blocks from the house. Further east, another police car raced across the road, sirens blaring. And at Grand, the main street I have to cross to get over to the church, there was a firetruck, ambulance, and a police car blocking one side of traffic responding to an accident. Busy day!

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. Instead of dessert, we had root beer floats to go along with our chicken enchiladas. It made for a fun, refreshing change!

Ken's Taco Bell finally had their corporate inspection today. Yes, they passed! Hopefully this means he can take it a little easier for a while. He's been working thirteen-plus hours every day lately and even going in for a few hours on his days off!

Thursday, April 19, 2018
After getting home from our morning walk,
Favorite house on the corner has peonies!

Peony close-up

I got a call from Ken. He needed my help scanning and emailing some work records. They had just started a new computer system plus their printer was unable to do it. I think maybe they need to put me on payroll as an administrative assistant! So I picked up the documents, scanned and emailed them at home, and took them back to TB for Ken.

Then I went and got a much-needed pedicure. My nails were long and least, the big toes were. I went to a different place from the last time, but still in the shopping area behind the TB. I liked these people better and didn't have to wait at all.

Believe it or not, I still have a couple of itchy spots left on my right forearm from Tuesday. Ken says it means I shouldn't take allergy tests. I say it means my allergies are serious business and I'm glad we're going to do something about it!

Friday, April 20, 2018
This morning, it was me taking Analiese to and from Seminary. Ken actually slept in. He asked me last night who would take her and I automatically said I would. He's very tired; he's been working too hard.

It was a pretty boring, regular Friday. I did laundry. I worked on next week's Seminary stuff. I took Analiese with me to the library to return books and get more.

Once Jonathan left for work around 2:30, it was just us girls for the evening. I made a hamburger-rice casserole for dinner and we relaxed in front of the TV watching an anime series of hers on Netflix. She's very into anime right now.

I did get in contact with the Stake YW camp director today. She's supposed to email me with some camp information so I know what to do. Girls' camp has changed so much since I was a young woman. I bet the songs I know are still good, though!

Saturday, April 21, 2018
It rained today; pretty much all day. Trust me, we needed it. It didn't take out all the fires, but a lot of them were contained. I didn't have to go out and check to see if my herb boxes were dried out, either. It also meant I felt very sleepy and not very motivated. Where's my library book?

In fact, Jonathan came home from work in the afternoon to find me taking a nap. Hey, I was tired and had a headache. Like I need an excuse for a nap!

I tried a new recipe tonight: homemade Top Ramen. It smelled great cooking. But it tasted so bland when I served it and the noodles were super-gluey. Of course, part of that was I was using stir-fry rice noodles instead of stir-fry chow mein noodles because Walmart didn't have the latter. Didn't help. Bummer.

Jonathan went to Stillwater (1 1/2 hours away - OSU territory) tonight for a YSA dance. It'll be a long night and a tired morning for him, but he needs (and wants) to socialize with the young adults more.

Sunday, April 22, 2018
The rain is over. The skies are dotted with white, poufy clouds. The temperature is comfortably mellow. It's a perfect Sunday.

Jonathan got home safely from the dance last night in spite of the inclement weather. He had a good time and even saw some friends from his YSA ward.

Ken went to church even earlier today for his first branch presidency meeting. The sad thing was, before that he was at Tb for FOUR hours working on personnel scheduling on the new computer system.

They did a fifth Sunday combined class at third hour today (even though it's the fourth) because next Sunday is Branch Conference. A brother from out of state who talks to businesses, leaders, missionaries, stakes, wards, etc., came and spoke with us about body language and communication. He talked about how our thoughts were communicated through our bodies and how other people perceive us because of it. He talked about recognizing evil thoughts and doubts, turning to Christ so that His light and truth can shine through us!

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