Sunday, April 1, 2018


Monday, March 26, 2018
Back from Spring Break, we had a good Seminary class today. We were talking about the importance of heeding the words of the prophets (they've come from God) and about recording spiritual experiences. It led us up to General Conference for this weekend. I think all of us will be a bit more attentive to all the speakers!

Ugh, but it's a hot, muggy day! Finishing class, I removed my earphones to find I'd sweat all around them. The humidity was a precursor to a big rain storm coming in, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. I find humidity oppressive and hard to breathe in.

Ken and I drove all over town (well, on the northeast side by the Union Pacific station) looking for this Mexican restaurant he was sure was there. I think we passed it two or three times before we realized that was it! The food was pretty good, but the real miracle was that Ken actually liked it! Usually he doesn't; he thinks Mexican food is nothing but onions. This time, he said he wouldn't mind going back. I guess he can still surprise me.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018
It rained all night, accompanied by lightning. It has been drippy wet all morning, too. Both Analiese and I were feeling well enough to resume walking, but not up to slogging through puddles, mud, and squishy grass!

My head has hurt all day. It's those sinuses and it has focused over my right eye. I took a nap that helped for a short while. But it hasn't completely gone.

Because it was a rainy day, I decided it was a good soup day. I made a cheeseburger soup, creamy with butter, milk, and Velveeta. Jonathan usually doesn't care for Velveeta, but he liked it in the soup...two helpings worth!

Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Even though the morning was still damp-ish, Analiese and I took our regular walk at the park. We did not regret it! The brisk morning air was invigorating and we found a new bird - a heron had decided the park's pond must be a good place to hang out. He was a bit shy, though, and I wasn't able to get a very up-close-and-personal picture.

In anticipation of dinner with the sister missionaries tomorrow - and wanting to do something special for Easter - I baked some cupcakes today and snuck a treat in the batter. I put small filled Cadbury eggs inside each one before baking them. The batter rose and covered each egg as it baked, hiding them from sight. Analiese and I will decorate them tomorrow.

I was going to practice the organ and piano at the church this evening while Analiese was at Mutual. But they had a "murder mystery dinner" in the overflow/multi-purpose room right next to the chapel. They had a great time, as evidenced by their noise level. I popped in to the Book of Mormon study class, instead.

Thursday, March 29, 2018
We had quite a thunderstorm last night. At one point, a crack of thunder right overhead woke the whole house. It was like a cannon - Boom!

Despite all the rain, we still went walking. Our friend the heron was still there. We also saw a scissortail flycatcher (state bird) in a nearby tree. Analiese didn't realize they have pink chests!

We had so much fun this afternoon decorating our cupcakes - bunny butt cupcakes.
I took care of the frosting and she did the coconut. She snipped the big marshmallows in half and I used a pink cookie marker to draw on the paw prints. They turned out so cute!

The sisters loved them! They loved the surprise inside, too, which wanted to stick to the bottom of the paper cup. We fed them an early Easter dinner of ham, funeral potatoes, and green beans. It was all worth the effort to see them smile and and laugh (at the cupcakes). They work hard; a fun treat was in order!

Friday, March 30, 2018
Analiese took some of the cupcakes to Seminary. No surprise, they were well-received. They're starting to learn that having the Bolton's around brings benefits!

Coming out, we saw the heron out flying over the park...and then we saw another! There must be fish in the pond attracting them.

We took our talking this morning in the neighborhood, enjoying more spring flowers. Our favorite house-on-the-corner has more kinds of daffodils

coming up, some tulips,
and even lily-of-the-valley!
The redbud trees are so gorgeous right now, with bright pink

or fuchsia flowers.
TB Redbud
Dogwood - across town. I haven't seen one since I was in Massachusetts!

We made some friends, too, two kittens in the garden on the corner. I guess they decided we were nice people. I even dared to pet one - it purred! - but I had to keep my hand in my pocket until I could get home and wash it. The last thing I need is a cat allergy reaction on top of my sinus issues!

The Relief Society birthday dinner was tonight. I didn't feel terrific - that sinus headache on the right was back - but figured I needed to go and get to know the sisters in the branch better. We had a taco salad bar, punch, and cake. There was a short program and that was it. I was glad: short, sweet, and nice.

Saturday, March 31, 2018
I had to start my General Conference participation in my car listening through my phone. Isn't technology wonderful? Still, running a TB errand for Ken, I could hear - and sustain - the new prophet and the two new apostles. The Spirit couldn't be restrained even in the car! How I love the Lord and His Kingdom!

My favorite talk today from both sessions was from Elder Lynn G. Robbins of the 70. He spoke of failure and it's necessity for our growth. He's quite the speaker and this is the second talk of his in the last few months that I've really gotten excited about!

Jonathan had to grill some burgers this afternoon for Ken. The men were have a BBQ this evening over at the church before the priesthood session of conference. Ken got home from TB right about 5 o'clock and the two of them left for the church about 5:30 with the dinner starting at six and the session at seven.

Jonathan came back from the session saying he'd received his personal witness of President Nelson during the prophet's talk. That thrilled me...we all have to receive our own witness. I was glad he had his.

Sunday, April 1, 2018
Happy Easter! I love these glorious times when Conference and Easter happen together. The messages from conference always seem to reinforce the testimony of Christ's life and mission.

There have been many changes and announcements these last two days. It's like moss isn't allowed to grow on our rolling stone of the church anymore. There's a vigor in the tones and attitudes as the church leaders have spoken. One spoke particularly about us needing to mature spiritually as he introduced one of the new programs.

The prophet was amazing as he spoke, urging us to draw closer to the Spirit. He also encouraged us to make more room in our lives for more temple attendance...and he announced seven more temples. One is for India, it's first! And Russia is going to get a second! How wonderful!

He was cute, too, in his sense of humor as he announced another new temple...for Utah. His face just crinkled up into a grin as he waiting for the laughs to subside. You could tell he understand and joined in on the fun. He has so much energy and you could really feel him infusing the church with it and his vision!

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