Sunday, April 15, 2018


Monday, April 9, 2018
Seminary started great. One of my students had gone to Salt Lake City to see General Conference live and he gave a report of his experiences plus his testimony. At times like that, I feel like I don't need to go on. They've accomplished more on their own than I could possibly do!

Ken and I tried a new place in town - literally, they just opened - for lunch today called Legends. It was basically a burger place and it was okay. The prices were good, though.

This is Sister Jones last day in the mission field; she requested to have dinner with us, so it had to be special. I made my million-dollar spaghetti casserole (Jonathan ate three helpings and even Ken admitted it was tasty) and peach cobbler for dessert. I was so sad to see her go...she served half her mission in Altus and Chickasha. Plus, she was always so gently sweet and encouraging. Don't even get me started on her violin!

Tuesday, April 10, 2018
After picking up Analiese from Seminary, I took her home - no walk! I had a forty-five minute drive ahead of me to Norman for an appointment with my new doctor. Why so far? He was recommended to me, has an allergy clinic and a weight-loss clinic. Check off "all of the above" for me.

I had a list of all of my issues to talk over with him and I spent a good bit of time discussing them and squaring away my prescriptions. I'm going back next week for an environmental allergy test and the next time I see the doctor specifically, we're going to address my hormone levels and see how they might be affecting my health issues. In particular, my anxiety.

I stopped at a Lowe's in Norman afterward to get supplies for a project that Jonathan and I put together this afternoon. Using stair risers and plastic window box planters, we made an herb garden planter. Yes, it's a bit crooked and we probably shouldn't have put it together on the uneven ground.
But it works. I planted rosemary, oregano, dill, chocolate mint, basil, cilantro, chives, and strawberries. I am so happy!

Wednesday, April 11, 2018
Yesterday morning started out with a freeze warning. Today started out with a fire warning. Why? The Oklahoma winds decided to sweep down the plains and things are too dry.

It was outrageously windy! I had to hold on to doors as I was opening/closing them - cars, homes - because otherwise they'd smack wide open. I've had car doors strike other cars in parking lots and hinges busted on house doors! Don't mess with Oklahoma winds!

I made sure my little herb babies were sufficiently moist this morning, but I'll definitely have to check them tomorrow, too. Containers dry out fast enough without extra help!

Thursday, April 12, 2018
Our kitty friends met us on our morning walk again. They did rub up against my legs, but only Analiese petted them.
I'm fighting enough allergies, thank you. But they sure are sweet.

Today really heated up (fire warning still in effect) with temperatures reaching ninety degrees! I turned on the house a/c, but I don't think it's working. The coolest it got in the house this afternoon was eighty degrees!

That's a big problem. Analiese does not do well with the heat. Around dinner time, she got flopped and started complaining of a headache. She ate dinner, but felt nauseous and by seven-thirty had vomited it all up. I put her and Jonathan in the car (no functioning a/c either) and drove them to TB for an hour of a/c, leaving the house windows open. With a rising breeze, I hoped to cool off the house while Analiese recovered.

She was so pale and shaky - it scares me when she gets like this. I got some fluids in her, took her home to cool off in the shower, and by then her room was cool enough for her to relax and sleep.

Friday, April 13, 2018
Though it sure seemed like, Analiese does not have heat exhaustion. She was up all night and by morning still was unable to keep anything - including water - down. She did not go to Seminary and I took her to an urgent care place next to Walgreens.

They gave her a flu swab test. Negative. They had her give a urine sample; that was interesting for a dehydrated girl who can't keep anything down. That didn't show anything. So they said it was a stomach virus. There's not much they could do for it, so she would have to ride it out. They did prescribe some anti-nausea/anti-cramping medicine so she could start to keep at least liquids down. If that doesn't work, she'd end up at the ER with an I.V.  Ugh. Please. No.

She pretty much spent the rest of the day sleeping it off: on the sofa, in the recliner,
in bed. I had to go get Jonathan from work at one point and left her alone (sleeping) for a short bit. Of course, the a/c guy came then to fix things. He did and was gone by the time I got back. Oh well, she was okay and the house is cooling down nicely.

Saturday, April 14, 2018
So we had a freeze last night. That's right: mid-eighties yesterday, mid-fifties today. From a/c to heat. I set up my crockpot this morning for lima beans and ham soup for tonight's dinner.

I went with the Chickasha Seminary teachers to Norman for a small meeting at the Institute this morning. (Jonathan was home this morning with Analiese, so I didn't leave her alone a long time.) After a great spiritual message, we talked about the practicalities of finishing off the year and getting ready for graduation. A lot of classes are really behind because of the OK teachers' strike/walkout. It's going to be interesting for them to get everything in, students assessed, and grades reported before graduation.

The sisters were here for dinner tonight. They were so cold and very happy to have hot soup. I also had a warm berry cobbler for dessert, allowing them to leave all warmed up! The new sister is cute and funny and the two of them look like they get along well.

Sunday, April 15, 2018
I do not think my basil and cilantro like the freezing temperatures last night. Both looked a little sad this morning. The dill, however, looked downright cheerful!

Ken received a new calling today. The stake reorganized part of the Branch Presidency and he was called to be the second counselor. The stake president had called us a couple of days ago and asked him then. I got ANOTHER calling - Branch girls' camp leader. I'm going with Analiese to the Norman Stake girls' camp the first week in June. I'll have an air mattress, of course!

Analiese is doing much better today. In fact, she's ravenous, wanting to eat everything! I'm more worried about her fluid intake and being careful about WHAT she eats!

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