Sunday, March 25, 2018


Monday, March 19, 2018
Spring Break is this week, so I didn't have Seminary. Good thing, with me being sick and all. So I awoke around 7:30. The kids were still in bed; Jonathan didn't have work until nine. But where was Ken? It was his day off!

He had to go to OKC for TB supplies, taking up three hours of his morning. They kept calling and texting all day, like a bunch of babies who can't think for themselves and need to be told what to do. And this was his management staff! You can tell, it irks me.

I met our landlady today. She came over with her handymen to fix a couple of issues in the house. She was very nice.

I am still tired, thought the fever, aches and chills are gone. I tried to nap today, but the cough with phlegm I've developed didn't let me. So I basically lazed on the sofa. I let Ken go grocery shopping alone today. That is always interesting.

New surprise: drum roll...a piano! Our Branch President has neighbors who've been trying to get rid of a nice upright for cheap! It's going in the area I cleared in the living room last week.
The President and his son brought it over. It was a little cold from being stored in a garage for a couple of months, but hopefully will warm up nicely and then I can get it tuned.

Tuesday, March 20, 2018
I just have no energy for anything today. It was all I could do this morning to start some towels in the washer, drink some orange juice, and take some vitamins.

My back refused to let me go back to bed, so I spent the majority of my day being a slug on the sofa. Mr. Mockingbird came to keep me company again but, as usual, got very camera-shy when I brought out my phone!
Me and my awful camera skills.
I ate some crackers. Drank some water. Drank some juice. Went to pick up Jonathan and then go to Walmart to get a prescription. I was too tired to drive back; that's what Jonathan was for!

I'd purchased some bananas while I was there; they sounded good. Ate one and liked it. I even had enough appetite at dinner to have a small bowl of my home-made refried beans. But I think tonight will be like last night - early bedtime for sick-y!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018
Today's Slug Day was accompanied by frustration. I'm feeling well enough to care about what is or is not or needs getting done. But I do not have the energy to do it.

My biggest accomplishment today was setting up the printer. Well, Jonathan got it out of the box and plugged it in for me. But I sat at my laptop and phone for the next hour installing, registering, aligning printer heads, and testing. All so I could print up some sheet music.

Because...I dragged my saggy, sickly self to the church at six (see what I did there?) to practice accompanying a violin duet with a sister missionary and a branch member. They want to do it in a couple of weeks; actually they wanted to do it this Sunday but I knew I wouldn't be ready. I was embarrassingly awful and out of practice, what with the new music and my steadily warping hands, not to mention my lack of real piano training and my - as Ken puts it - "creative fingering."

That wore me out. Done. I am now in my jammies, waiting for Ken to come back with Analiese from YW so we can have Devotional and I can go to bed.

Thursday, March 22, 2018
Doing a bit better today. Mainly it's just gunk in my chest that I'm trying to cough out. I have a  little more energy, too, though the appetite is still depressed.

I actually got some work done as well. Did some organizing on the computer and got all of the stuff that was sitting on the dining/office area floor put away. My box of filing, though, got moved back to sit in storage near the file cabinet (where I can conveniently forget it). It will take a very healthy, energetic day to get me to tackle THAT!

During my week "off" of Seminary I've also been watching talks from a video summit on gospel teaching in all callings. Some have been better, more useful, more interesting, than others. Today, one of them actually focused on Seminary.

I even cooked dinner tonight, BBQ cups. I didn't eat any, though. I had canned soup. The kids loved them and Ken came home actually hungry and was pleased to have some.

Friday, March 23, 2018
Just a lingering cough left. Usually it's most annoying at bedtime when I'm lying down. In the morning I'm faced with gunk to cough up, but it's better. I'm still a little tired, but even that's improving.

It was overcast today with a breeze that comes and goes. It's pretty strong when it comes, though. The temperatures got up into the mid-seventies, so I opened windows. It becomes a game of breezes, pollen and dust or claustrophobic, stinky suffocation. I prefer open windows. If I was feeling any better, I'd've said let's go on a picnic. Maybe next week.

My appetite is slowly coming back. This evening I not only made dinner - taco salad - but I actually ate it. I'm glad to be finally on the mend.

I'm making a habit of practicing the piano after dinner every evening. Often, I feel sluggish and unmotivated, but I know I need to work on that musical number plus keep limber and ready myself to start playing in sacrament meeting on Sundays. My goal is to start in two weeks, the Sunday after General Conference.

Saturday, March 24, 2018
A headache and neck-ache had me up at 1:30 this morning looking for pain relievers and blue gel. I was able to go back to sleep and awoke at 8:30...that's very late for me!

I took some time this afternoon to take a books, sit underneath a tree in the backyard, and just relax outdoors. The day was so beautiful, softly warm. It was a peaceful moment to just enjoy...being.

The sister missionaries came to dinner this evening and we were all home to enjoy it! The one musical sister oohed and aahed over the piano. I had made chicken alfredo lasagna rolls for dinner and tried out a new cake recipe that I'd found on Facebook: Lazy Day Cake. It sounded like something made just for me. I wouldn't say it was any easier than other cakes I've made, but it tasted good. Actually, warmed with a little vanilla ice cream is wonderful! The sisters both liked it so much they wanted the recipe.

Sunday, March 25, 2018
Today I was planning on talking with the regular ward organist about who plays when. But Ken texted me from ward council: She was ill and it was up to me today. It was going to have to be the piano, though. I didn't know what the hymns were and had no opportunity to practice on the organ or figure out the stops. As it was, I learned that if I don't focus hard enough, I'm going to lose my place and make mistakes. Which I made. In spades.

I did get set apart for the calling after church. So did Analiese; she's the new Mia Maid president. Leadership skills opportunity!

Jonathan said that this afternoon his records were read into the Norman YSA ward. He heard whispers about a calling, too. That's all part and parcel of our church membership - we and out of church!

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