Sunday, March 11, 2018


Monday, March 5, 2018
Right after Analiese got out of Seminary, we headed straight to Lawton. We needed to make a Sam's Club run - I get my OTC meds and vitamins there cheaper. Plus, Ken got some stuff for a priesthood barbecue they're going to have after their session of General Conference at the end of the month.

Then we hurried home so we could be there to meet the plumber. I guess there were roots getting in the way (similar to our Altus problem) and he cleared it up. I don't know for sure because I left to go do regular grocery shopping while Ken dealt with the guy.
I got stuck by the train tracks near my house. Hi, engineer!

Ken and I had lunch at a place near TB. It was a diner - filled with laminate tables, an eating counter, sock-hop music, and black-and-white photos from the 50's and 60's. The food was good, too, and you knew locals knew it - the place was packed! It liked like they could have used an extra hand or two!

Tuesday, March 6, 2018
The tree pollen season has begun. They are beginning to bud and, beautiful as it is, the unseen little tormentors are everywhere. Both Analiese and I are busy sneezing, wheezing, and struggling to breathe! It hasn't stopped us from walking, though it certain took away some of the pleasure. It was pretty cold this morning, too, so I cut out walk short. My nose was frozen!
I'm having a hard time getting a good picture of a cardinal!
I am determined to get the living room finished so I can sit there without being surrounded by boxes and just relax! Unfortunately, I have my boxes of linens at one end, waiting for the cabinet I ordered to arrive.

The days are nice and sunny, even to me opening the windows. I know, it's a fight between my desire to have fresh air versus the tree pollen! But once the sun sets, it cools off quickly. I made a simple dinner, but warm and cozy: grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup. Old fashioned, but always so satisfying!

Wednesday, March 7, 2018
Our walk in the park took us up and around the pond. I gave Analiese an idea for her future she'd never had: she loves nature & being out of doors, maybe she'd like working one day for the park service? The more we talked about it, the more it appealed to her. She's a very gifted and intelligent girl, I'd like to see her think through all of her options.

For our breakfast-for-dinner I made chocolate cheesecake-swirl muffins. It was a bit of a mess - I had to clean my mixer twice for the two batters. I braced myself for the oven...and succeeded! But it made for a rich, dense was plenty and pass the milk!

Taking Analiese to YW, I stayed at the church to practice the organ. I looked up some YouTube instruction and went on the church website to try and get help. The church had a link to a BYU site with some free classes. I found a small book of organ exercises in the bench and spent the greater part of my hour doing them and stretching my fingers. By the end, my hands ached. I haven't practiced that much in a long time!

Thursday, March 8, 2018
We took a neighborhood walk this morning, starting with a stop at our favorite house-on-the-corner to take pictures of all the daffodils blossoming.
Just one section of "daffs" in our neighbor's yard!

So happy and Spring-y! We walked down past the train tracks and up several blocks, walking in a grassy meridian. We saw a large field down the dead end of one street, so we walked toward it to check it out.
At the end, we saw an alleyway between roads that pointed toward we followed it. It led us back toward the train tracks and where we started. A fun little adventure!

I took an allergy pill after lunch, only to have to go to bed and nap because of it afterward (I know, feel sorry for me). It still had me groggy when I left to get Jonathan from work. But at least I was breathing better.

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. So far, Ken hasn't been able to join us; he works later on Thursdays. If we can do a different day, he has something special he'd like to do for them.

Friday, March 9, 2018
I know that the Lord blesses you when you accept and magnify callings, but I didn't expect blessings to come so fast! This morning, after doing my warm up exercises on the church organ, I began playing some hymns. The Spirit came so strongly, especially while playing the sacrament hymns, testifying through the notes of Jesus Christ and His Atoning Sacrifice! As concerned as I've been about my abilities and my hands, this was a sweet, reassuring surprise!

Jonathan and I went to the Tag Agency (read: DMV) to change our addresses on our licenses and update our voter registration. I was concerned about the Oklahoma IDs not being flight-worthy, but apparently we have a reprieve until November. Good, because my vacation to Oregon is in July!

My books were due, so I went to the library today, taking Analiese with me. I guess working at a library has made me a library snob because I really wanted to straighten their shelves and tell them they were too small to have duplicate copies in their circulation! Yeah, I could volunteer there, but I'm still trying to get my act together here. I'll think about it and bite my tongue when I visit.

I made chicken yakisoba for dinner this evening. I wanted something healthy and it was...okay (Pinterest recipe). I didn't use Top Ramen noodles, but Japanese soba noodles because they're healthier. If I did it again, I would cook them for less time. They were very glutinous and gluey. Also, I'd saute the onions along with cooking the chicken. I just don't like my onions crunchy.

Saturday, March 10, 2018
Despite the pollen, I kept the windows open all night. It was warm enough and I love me my fresh air. I didn't get it much in Altus because the windows were all painted shut. Here, I can open any window I want. I awoke to bird song (I've come to identify the cardinal song) and cows lowing. I love the nature/country feel to this place!

It's a beautiful day out, too. No breeze to spread the dreaded pollen and the sun was out bright and clear by noon! I took advantage of it by going to the back yard. I swept the porch of leaves, pecans, and twigs, then raked a little. I saw the trees, budding out gloriously and iris leaves poking up from the ground. I love Spring - too bad it doesn't love me back!

I tried something different this evening for dinner: crockpot deep dish pizza. Weird, I know! I took canned dough (next time I'd make my own, I like it better), formed it into the bottom of my greased CP, put on sauce and toppings, and set it on low for two hours. You know, it worked! I was very surprised, I thought it would be doughy. It doesn't make a very big pizza if you're wanting a feast, but it worked and everyone liked it. I think the hardest part was getting it out of the CP!

Sunday, March 11, 2018
NOTE: If you're not into TMI, skip the first paragraph. You're welcome.

As I approach the dastardly "M" season of my life, I find my cycles less and less frequent, though they never were really very regular. When they hit, though...POW! Be prepared to take a day off, curl up in bed in the fetal position, and think you're going to die.

So I didn't go to church today. Considering the waves of dizziness washing over me, it was a good idea. Analiese stayed home, too, victim to the winds that picked up last night and sprinkled pollen over her fitful dreams. She really has suffered this season and I'm trying to get her to start taking allergy meds like I do, if only to alleviate her condition.

We both took naps, completely wiped out by what assailed us. (If you know Analiese, she does NOT nap - hasn't since she was almost two. She doesn't like missing out on life! You know she's bad when she naps on her own!) When I awoke, the rest of the family was assembled in the living room. Ken had come home earlier between church meetings to get moving boxes for a sister in the branch (Yay! They're gone! Well, almost all of them.) and had come back. Jonathan had been to Norman YSA ward and announced he transferred his records there. Another step in the growing-up process. Necessary and natural!

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