Sunday, March 18, 2018


Monday, March 12, 2018
Mondays are always full steam ahead! After I finished with my seminary class, I took a shower, sorted laundry, put beans in the crockpot and dashed off to pick up Analiese from her class. We stopped at a store nearby to pick up some orange juice for her; she's still suffering from those allergies, poor dear! Then I went home to start laundry, have breakfast, and study tomorrow's lesson.

Ken and I went to a tiny grill on the side of a main road for lunch today. I do mean tiny, too. There was a counter with the staff behind it, cooking and serving, about five people. There were stools at the counter and a few benches behind that for people waiting for to-go orders. It was packed at lunch time and I felt cramped on my stool next to Ken and a stranger on the other side. The food was okay, not much in the way of seasonings and my fries were oily and overdone. But we're trying different places each week with me keeping track to see what we like and what's good for the price!

I served homemade burritos with homemade refried beans. Ken and the kids love those beans and I haven't had the time to make them for quite a while. Happy family with happy tums!

Tuesday, March 13, 2018
Apparently the temperatures dipped a little below freezing last night. The dew transformed to frost and I had to scrape it off of the windows of the car before heading out to pick up Analiese. It also made for a very cold walk this morning as we headed north of us toward the hospital. Our hands were stuffed in our pockets and our noses were cold as ice!

I did a little re-arranging in the living room today - more on that later - and tried hanging up a few things on the walls with the help of command strips and hooks. Clocks went up great and the FHE chart and family calendar were fine. But hanging heavier art work...nope. It wasn't the fault of the command strips, really. It's the textured walls! The owner doesn't want us nailing things up but what am I supposed to do when stuff won't stick because the wall is too textured?

My linen cabinet came this afternoon - very heavy and entirely unassembled. Yes, it's particleboard, but all weighs a lot! I've let Mr. Lego Master - aka Jonathan - assemble it for me. Mainly because I've already dropped heavy parts of it on my foot, wrenched my elbow and shoulder and got a huge paper cut!

Wednesday, March 14, 2018
I think I've identified the cardinal's song. It's one long trill followed by several "cheeps." So now I know by hearing that they're around. Though they're much smaller than I thought they'd be. I figured they'd be blue-jay sized!

Yeah, winter has pretty-much fled. When I got back from picking up Jonathan from work, Analiese was in a panic. There was a wasp in the house! I located our fly swatter and then found the wasp resting on the linoleum. Making sure I hit the thing squarely so it couldn't retaliate, I swatted it several times and gave it a burial at sea. Wasps! Not my friends. Bugs are coming out. Lovely.

Analiese didn't go to YW tonight. She's so stuffy and miserable. She says she can't taste anything. At bedtime I gave her some mucus medicine so at least she could sleep without coughing all night.

Thursday, March 15, 2018
I think Analiese has a sinus infection. I ought to know, I've had plenty of them! I kept her in from our daily walk and gave her some sinus pressure medication. She took a little nap this morning after seminary before starting her school work. If this gets any worse, I'm taking her to the doctor. I guess I'd better find one.

Jonathan finished the cabinet for me yesterday, so today I cleaned it up (dusting, removing labels), sorted through my linens and put the stuff I'm keeping away.

After I picked up Jonathan from work, we went to the animal shelter (on the far side of town next to the dusty Union Pacific train terminal). We donated three large yard bags full of old blankets and towels. They said they were getting short on blankets, so it was a win-win!

While I was sorting linens this afternoon, a mockingbird flew by to keep me company. No, he wasn't in the house, but perched on a stump of a shrub outside the front door. He stayed there a good while. I eventually went to get my phone to take a picture, but he flew off. That pretty much sums up my experience photographing birds!

Friday, March 16, 2018
I had taken some allergy meds last night and I think they were still working (keeping me drowsy) this morning when my alarm went off. After Seminary, I came home to take an hour nap and get the rest of it out of my system!

Tomorrow is St. Patrick's Day, but Ken is cooking a special dinner for the sister missionaries then. I'm making a special St. Patty's Day dessert for them, but tonight I've got a special stew in my crockpot called Dublin Coddle. Potatoes, bacon, sausage, onions...very Irish ingredients!

I'm feeling rather heartbroken this afternoon. I opened a box containing the glass temple (Los Angeles) that had topped our wedding cake over twenty years ago. I hadn't packed it correctly and it's in too many pieces for me to try and fix it. I'm sad!

But not too sad, because a sister from the branch came over to get all the rest of my packing boxes today, including the two gigantic ones that had my linens in. Yay! The boxes are gone and I feel much better. There's still a few things to sort out in my office/work area, but other than that, we're moved in!

Jonathan took me out to the movies tonight. We saw the Black Panther. It was a visually beautiful movie and a fairly good storyline. Of course, it's all part of the movies leading up to the big Infinity Wars movie at the end of April.

Saturday, March 17, 2018
First thing this morning, I made brownies for the trifle I'm making for dessert tonight. I watched rabbits while Analiese cleaned cages. Then I made dough for rolls and set them for the first two-hour rise. That was just this morning.

Ken was going to get Shamrock shakes on the way home from work of our St. Patrick's traditions. Would you believe it...this McDonald's doesn't carry them? That's practically un-American! I know, it's an Irish holiday, but it's actually celebrated more in the U.S.! Next year, courtesy of Pinterest, I'll have to try and make my own.

I made the rolls, trifle and salad, while Ken smoked the bacon-wrapped chicken breasts. When the sisters came...we feasted. It was all so good, but I can never finish the whole chicken breast in one setting, it's so big. The trifle - brownies, vanilla pudding (dyed green), whipped cream and mint Oreo cookies - was a hit too.
Nice, but not too rich or heavy. And my strawberry spinach, well, I could eat that as my main course without anything else!

Sunday, March 18, 2018
I am sick. I don't know what happened, but by the time bedtime came yesterday, I was aching all over and felt cold. By the time Jonathan came home from work, about a quarter to eleven, I had the chills (he got me an extra blanket) and was downright miserable.

I wasn't any better this morning, the aches and chills accompanied now by dizziness and nausea. Church wasn't going to happen for me today. Analiese, either, the sinus infection had her resting parts of her face on a heating pad. Even Ken had a migraine-type headache. Only Jonathan was fine, heading out to Norman.

I spent most of the day in bed, resting or sleeping - though at one point I did take a bath to try and ease the aches. I was cold and ache-y until about mid-afternoon when all of the sudden, I started sweating (fever broke?) and the aching eased. The malaise and dizziness were still there, so I took things easy the rest of the day. I'm just glad those chills are gone - they were the worst!

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