Sunday, March 4, 2018


Monday, February 25, 2018
I was back to live video classes for Seminary today. Everyone was there, but one, and I got a lot of good participation. The lighting in the room I was in cast everything in a sickly yellow color. But that didn't seem to bother my students.

It was so lovely and sunny out today! Ken opened windows and blinds to let in the fresh air and sunshine as we worked on more unpacking and setting up projects. When we went out to go shopping, he even turned on the air conditioner in the van.

Dinner tonight was shepherd's pie. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that if I've made mashed potatoes a day or two before, I'm going to make shepherd's pie afterward. It's a great way to use leftovers. Jonathan really loves it and had three helpings (he missed his mother's cooking when we were apart)!

For the first time in forever (seriously, no singing), we had Family Home Evening and on a Monday to boot! We bought some ice cream at Braum's (the best around), set up the games in our storage room (we have a lot of games), and played one of our many Munchkin games, thanks to Karla. We ran out of time before we could finish it, but enjoyed playing together just the same. If you're curious, Ken was the closest to "winning."

Tuesday, February 27, 2018
As we left the church building after Seminary, Analiese and I spotted a flock of Canadian geese just hanging out on the park lawn across the road. They were completely unruffled by drivers coming past, sauntering in and out of the road at will.
They are very regal-looking birds.

Analiese and I walked three or four blocks north of our house this morning, stopping at the police station but not quite making it to the hospital. We are busily exploring our new environment. We turned back earlier than planned as the rain began its fore-casted falling. The storm only lasted for a couple of hours, but got loud at times with thunder.

My biggest challenge with unpacking currently is finding places for everything. We have one small closet in the living room as you enter the house and each bedroom has a small closet. I have nowhere to put my linens - towels, sheets, blankets, etc. My brain is still pondering solutions...

Another issue I have is with the oven. The dial for it is unreadable. That makes it difficult (very) to set a temperature for baking. I made a blueberry oven pancake for dinner, using an electric thermometer to try and gauge temperatures, but it got a little overdone. It still tasted good, but I was frustrated. I want to make some cookies, but I'm not sure how I'll manage it.

Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Ken said he'd take the kids to work and Seminary this morning, so I didn't get up. I should have. He decided to take a shower and I heard Jonathan asking him if they were leaving soon. I think they headed out the door at 6:45, right when Seminary starts and fifteen minutes before Jonathan's shift began. I don't think they'll want to do that again; neither one of them likes being late!

I unpacked all of the china today - seven boxed filled with and all its wrappers. What a mess! I did, however, find some missing kitchen-ware I'd been concerned about. I cleared up a lot of box space, but took up a lot of space with trash bags filled with newspaper!

I took Analiese to Young Women's tonight and stayed for the Book of Mormon study class that the ward mission leader and the sister missionaries sponsor. It seems pointless to me to go all the way home and come back, plus I got in some extra scripture study, which is never a bad idea!

Thursday, March 1, 2018
I substituted in Analiese's Seminary class this morning. Yep, they caught me! The reasoning was, I was a Seminary teacher, so why not? I had seven students (including Analiese) and I think we had a good discussion about pride. At least, Analiese didn't say that it was boring!

We didn't walk for very long this morning, mainly because I had a lot to do today, but also because a brisk wind was freezing my nose! We spotted a woodpecker at one point and even heard a cardinal singing.

Today I battled the oven in earnest. I'd purchased an oven thermometer and a sharpie, determined to test temperatures and make them on the unreadable dial. After ascertaining three basic marks, I attempted to make chocolate chip cookies. This was only a a partial success, some batches came out better than others. I've decided that, while a basic benchmark is okay to start, I will need to look at the thermometer in the oven directly to be precise!

So when the sister missionaries came to dinner tonight, I baked homemade taquitos in the oven using my new technique. I proudly report, success! They were actually very good, along with a cilantro-lime ranch dressing I made to go along with it. I can't tell you how happy my kids are (especially Jonathan) that I am home and cooking again!

Friday, March 2, 2018
After Seminary, Analiese and I took a small walk through a part of the park. She really loves and looks forward to our daily walks. They help her settle down to lessons better afterwards. And she gets upset if we don't go!

I've pretty much got the most important stuff unpacked. Now I'm just working on the little stuff and straightening things up. Other than the linens...they are sitting in big boxes in the living room until I get a cabinet to put them in.

We had dinner early tonight because I'd been asked to help drive youth to Paul's Valley for an activity with the ward's youth there. It's south of Norman, about an hour drive from here one way. The nice thing was, it was at the home of two of my students, so I got to see them again! Jonathan came with me, acting as navigator and DJ - the girls sang in the van at the top of their lungs most of the way there! They had a great time at the house, too, playing air hockey, ping pong
and pool.
There was a barbecue of hamburgers and hot dogs waiting for them, plus cookies and chips. Some went outside to sit on swings by the pool and watch the moon rise. Everyone was very quiet on the way, home, though. They were worn out!

Saturday, March 3, 2018
Despite a late night (we got home and settled by 10:45), we were up at seven so I could take Analiese to the church so she could go off with the youth (again) for a mini stake youth conference in Norman. She'll be gone all day, so I did not volunteer to drive. I couldn't have anyway, Jonathan had to have the car to be at work mid-day.

I stopped afterwards at Taco Bell to swap vehicles with Ken. I ended up running an errand for them. They'd run out of Fritos for their burritos (RHYME!), so I drove across the street to Walmart, purchased some, and returned. Yes, I was reimbursed.

While I was there at Walmart, I purchased some $1 pots of spring flowers - iris, tulips, and hyacinths. There are two barrel planters by the front porch, so I filled them with the flowers.
One already had some naturalized pansies, so I kept those in and just added the others. It felt good to be outside "grubbing in the dirt!"

I had some plumbing issues as Jonathan was showering for work. The tub wasn't draining well and water was leaking from the base of both toilets. The plumber can't come out until Monday. So I ended up taking a sponge bath and washing my hair in the kitchen sink. Oh. Joy.

When Ken got home this evening, we went out to OKC to go to dinner. With Jonathan at work until 10:30 and Analiese in Norman until about the same time, we could go (a 40-45 minute drive) and enjoy a leisurely meal. Gee, a real date!

Sunday, March 4, 2018
Ken didn't have any meetings before church today, it being Fast Sunday, so we went together (minus Jonathan, who went to the YSA ward again). I'd say that was nice, except Ken wasn't in Sunday school at all because of his EQ President duties.

I wasn't exactly in Sunday school the whole time, either, because a counselor in the Branch presidency pulled me aside to talk to me about being a part-time branch pianist/organist. The current one is quite elderly and bent over with arthritis. Since I don't have a piano or organ, I'll have to use my time at the church when Analiese is in Seminary for practice time instead of working on my class. That I'll have to do at home, I guess. But I will need to practice because I don't have a piano or organ at my house and I'm especially less skilled at the organ.

After two late nights, I finished church up today with a headache. I made a beeline for my bed as soon as I got home! When I awoke, Ken was gone. Analiese said it was TB-related. He had to drive 75 miles to get cups for his store. His supply order person isn't doing so great at their job. This is the second time THIS WEEK he's had to travel to get stuff for them, not counting me going to Walmart for him on Friday!

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