Sunday, February 25, 2018


If you want my new address, please message me privately!
Monday, February 19, 2018
We didn't get up too early; I think I finally pulled out of bed around 7:15. The birds outside serenaded our wake-up. Nice!

My first order of business was to get the kitchen in order. Of course, it's the biggest, most complex job. the frog! I started by cleaning the fridge - figured I might as well before heading out to grocery shop. Then I made an inventory of the cupboards (not many 😟) to devise how much shelf liner I was going to need.

After lunch, Ken and I went to Dollar Tree and Walmart for house supplies and groceries. It wasn't much, but enough to get us started. At home, I put away our perishables but left the rest out until I could get the shelves covered (and figure out where I was going to put stuff). That took up a huge chunk of time this afternoon. These cupboards all have weird sizes and configurations, making the kitchen into a giant puzzle.

I didn't get it finished. I'll have to do it tomorrow. Instead, I rabbit-sat outside while the kids cleaned their cages. Alice was on her leash connected to the chair I was sitting in. PomPom sat in my lap (occasionally climbing onto my chest or shoulder) as I attempted to brush her coat. She was in need of some serious attention! I told her the birdies were going to love the fluff I was brushing off of her to line their nests!
Here's Pom getting some lovin' on my lap. Note the huge moving box in the background!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018
The forecast this morning was for rain. I didn't see much driving over to the church for Seminary, but as Analiese was in class, thunder and lightning started. As we returned to the van, the rain began in earnest.

It kept going pretty strongly, morphing into ice in the early afternoon. Ice formed on the back windows of the house and icicles started dripped off the eaves.
Icy eaves.

Ice-covered window pane.

Ice covering the road in front of the house.
When I went to pick up Jonathan from work, people in the parking lot were scraping ice off of their windshields!

I managed to get all the kitchen shelves papered today. I can't say they're all a pretty job, though. Those bottom cupboards in the corner were a bear to do! I did the bottom shelf lying on my stomach!

I started my efforts to assemble the kitchen. I'm not quite done; hopefully I'll finish tomorrow. It's a smaller kitchen, so I have to be creative in my placement of my stuff.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Ken took Analiese to Seminary and I was going to pick her up. Then I got the message...Seminary was canceled and I had to pick her up from Taco Bell instead. Which I did...after I finished my class's studies and the sun rose.

There was a little ice on the road for which I was grateful. But by mid-day, stuff started coming down. Analiese said snow, but this wasn't light flakes; it was small ice pellets - sleet - and it kept coming. By the time I had to pick up Jonathan from work, the roads had become the icy mess I'm terrified of. I drove VERY carefully, like the little old lady I am slowly becoming.

I pretty much finished the kitchen. I'm missing a few things, though. I haven't located a box or two, I think. A drawer fell apart on me, too...not my fault! I've got a call in to the PM here.

But I was actually able to cook a meal tonight, if you consider scrambled eggs cooking. Hey, it's a pan on the stove, not just heating some things up in the microwave. I call that progress!

Thursday, February 22, 2018
There was no Seminary this morning because the roads are covered in ice. Tomorrow's off, too, but not due to the weather. I was a bit nervous this morning, though, because Jonathan was driving to work on the icy roads for the first time.

No more sleet came down this morning, but it did start raining late morning. This melted the roads clear, which made me feel better about Jonathan driving home. He said the car skidded a tiny bit on an empty residential street going to work, but that was it. Whew!

Despite the weather, the birds have been out in force. The little black birds swarmed the yard in the back and the robins' territory is in the front yard. They are brave fellows, sitting on the bush by the porch on on the front step. We've even seen a couple of cardinals flying around the house as well. They are so beautiful to look at!

Friday, February 23, 2018
It basically rained all day today. I left the house around 10:45 to run errands and it was lightly sprinkling. My first stop was the library (this girls needs a card and some books!) and by the time I got out of there, the rain was really starting to come down.

I drove down to the south end of town - popping my head in at Taco Bell to say hi to Ken - to get a pedicure (in the same shopping area). While I waited, I saw the rain grow steadily heavier. It didn't let up. Not when I went back to TB to grab some lunch, not when I went across the busy street to Walmart, and not on the way home. I wondered if I'd have to get my oars out and row the van home!

It eased up some come evening, but by then I was high and dry at home. Just where I wanted to be!

Saturday, February 24, 2018
A thunderstorm woke me this morning, accompanied by another deluge. It didn't last too long so that by the time Jonathan left around mid-day for work, the sun was actually out and shining strong! First time this week.

After lunch, Analiese and I decided to take advantage of the sun and go for a walk. There aren't really sidewalks here, so we resorted to walking on the driest areas, be they street or lawn. At the end of our road are some grazing fields for cattle which we heard, but didn't see. In one field, we saw a road runner!

We walked around the neighborhood, looking to see what we liked about our neighbors' houses. Our favorite is the one on the corner by the railroad tracks, about three houses down and across the road.  The house and outbuildings are fascinating and their gardens have me entranced.

They have hundreds of daffodils in their front planters, pushing up from the ground ready to flower! They have a lot of garden art, too. Do they make it? And apparently they are OSU fans...lots of orange.
They don't know it yet, but we are going to become friends. I have to meet these people!

Did you know the state flower for Oklahoma is mistletoe? Weird, huh? But here in Chickasha, there are many trees loaded with the parasitic plant. Here's one we found on our walk:
When the trees leaf up, you won't be able to see the mistletoe!

Not so romantic up there!

Sunday, February 25, 2018
This Sunday Jonathan wanted to attend the Young Single Adult ward at the Institute in Norman. Ken left earlier for a leaderships meeting, so Jonathan dropped me and Analiese off at the church before heading out to Norman.

I was definitely more awake and aware this Sunday. People I hadn't met last week greeted me. One was a stake high councilman who wished he'd been consulted about my calling. He didn't want me in the Stake, but in the Branch! LOL. Everyone is very happy we are all here. Our records were read in today, too. They didn't waste time.

They didn't waste time in asking me to assist with things, either. On Friday evening I'm driving a group of youth to an activity in Paul's Valley - wherever that is. All I know is that I have two students there and I may see them! Ken says it's at least an hour drive one-way.  I've also been asked if I'd occasionally substitute for Seminary. No real surprise there!

My afternoon and evening have returned to "normal." I worked on studying my Seminary lesson for tomorrow and finishing up my blog for the week (lucky you). Plus, I was able to grill Jonathan on his visit to the YSA ward. Apparently, there are lots of pretty girls there. LOL! He's a very normal young man!

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