Monday, February 5, 2018


Monday, January 29, 2018
Ken didn't make it to the house this morning until after nine o'clock. I wanted to do his laundry for him (and Jonathan), so focused on the grocery list for the week until he arrived. Analiese and I are rather "bare-bones-ing" it, with minimal meals and minimal effort. I have little time to give to it and two nights this week Analiese won't even be home for dinner. Salads, sandwiches, and frozen meals are pretty much our current staples.

We managed to pack the van pretty full with the efforts of last Friday. In fact, Ken couldn't fit everything in there. I was rather proud of that fact! But I have more to do to be ready for next Monday. Our to-do list grows steadily.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018
The CES director over our seminaries and institute around here has made a Facebook page for better communicate. Today, we received an assignment. Who's the student here? (Ha-ha) Actually, it's great, hopefully we can accomplish more and share ideas this way.

With my boss out sick, it was no surprise to find a few boxes of new books waiting for me. I texted her this morning and told her to not worry. I've got her back!

Oh, and my mailbox came down sometime Sunday evening - Monday morning. Was it the cheap double-sided tape I'd bought? Was it the weight of the poster board, times two, as I had them going back-to-back? Was it the outrageous heat we have in the library? I don't know, but I taped them up again with something sturdier (not double-sided), arranged the poster board on both sides of the glass, and crossed my fingers. Not as pretty, but hopefully it will hold.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018
We sort-of/kinda saw the Super Blood Blue Moon this morning as we went out to Seminary, though it wasn't bloody yet. Analiese caught the tail-end of it's redness just as class ended, but after that the clouds covered it and I didn't see a thing.

My boss is still sick, but feeling better enough to be bored. She texted me back-and-forth for over an hour this afternoon. I teased her that my boss was going to be angry that I wasn't getting work done and was texting my friend all afternoon! Ha! She said I was providing moral support to encourage her healing. At least she hasn't lost her sense of humor!

The mailbox is still on the door. My super tape job held. Today's library temperature has cooled significantly, without us doing a thing. This is so weird!

Thursday, February 1, 2018
I saw the good and not-so-good sides of Altus humanity in a five-minute space on my way to work this afternoon. I had a green light to go straight through an intersection when a guy in a pick-up from the other way turned right in front of me (he was looking at his phone). Little did he realize his truck and/or life was spared by my paying attention and braking in time. Ergh!

The better incident happened as I parked on the side of the library where the employees enter, by the garage. Leaving the car, the wind whipped an important paper right out of my bag! I would have chased after it, but there was a pick-up heading towards me, so I figured it was a loss. Not so...the driver of the pick-up pulled to the side, got out, and retrieved the paper for me! I was extremely surprised...and grateful!

In the middle of cataloging this afternoon, my boss texted me about ILLs (Inter-library loans). I was never taught how to do them; I was specifically told I was NOT to do them! But they are time-sensitive, and with her being sick all week, she needed them looked after. I went tot the secretary, who supposedly knew how to do them, for help. I'll be honest, she did most of it (I guess since I'm leaving there's no point in teaching me?), but it held me up for about an hour. For the secretary...more like two or more!

Friday, February 2, 2018
One of the first things I'm going to need to do after the move is buy some new shoes. They all seem to be falling apart at the same time! To be honest, some of these shoes are at least seven years old. They have "lived" a good life. But to go all at once? And now?

Today I had only myself to help me pack (Analiese did help a little later in the day), so I struggled to stay motivated. It's amazing how much dust eyes, nose and throat were complaining! I didn't want to take extra allergy medicine, though. That would know me out and I'd get nothing done.

The sister missionaries stopped by briefly late afternoon. For a moment my heart stopped - had I signed them up for dinner today? I had nothing prepared! Nope, they just dropped by to chat a little before going on to their next appointment. I was glad for their sweet distraction.

Saturday, February 3, 2018
This is my LAST Saturday working at the library. Next week is my cleaning day with the R.S. at home. I can't believe I'm moving in two weeks!

Six boxes of books greeted me this morning. I had to use the three-shelf cart for them rather than the two! And I had more than one invoice to compare them all against. No lack of work today!

My boss came in today for a few minutes. She had cabin fever like crazy. But she's not up to snuff, I can tell. It's going to take a while for her to get her energy back. I don't think she's going to be ready for a full eight-hour day come Monday. We shall see.

I was all alone by myself again this evening. Analiese went with the youth up to Norman for a tri-stake dance. I guess Ken was driving kids up from Chickasha, so he was there, too. He promised not to hover or glare at boys who were too attentive! The internet still wasn't working, so I spent my time working on a few projects and chore before heading for bed to try and sleep without anyone here. 😢

Sunday, February 4, 2018
I tried to sleep, but couldn't really until Analiese came home, sometime after midnight. I mean, I was in bed, with my eyes closed and everything. Just no daughter, no sleep. Then, after I went to sleep, I came to at one point to realize Ken had come home and was in bed. I wasn't expecting him until Sunday afternoon!

So I was sleepy in church. With the internet at home not working, I spent my Sunday School hour in the clerk's office (bishop's idea) to work on my Seminary lesson for tomorrow. If it isn't up by tomorrow morning, I may have to go to the library early and use their wifi so I can have class!

I got a goodbye gift today from a sister in my ward (the one I did the tree of life with and the prickly pear jam). It was a set of measuring spoons shaped like hearts. The best part of it was when she said, "I cannot measure all the love I have for you!" I told her I wasn't ready to cry yet!

This evening there was an open house at a ward member's for ourselves and another family that's moving around the same time we are. It was very nice (though the guys were all gathered around the TV for the Super Bowl)
Panorama shot of the guys at half-time!
and I was glad to see and talk with some of these wonderful people we've gotten to know these last four years. They've been such a blessing in our lives!

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