Tuesday, February 13, 2018


Monday, February 5, 2018
I dragged myself, my laptop, my scriptures and my notes over to the library at 5:45 A.M. so I could do my online video lesson. I also looked over tomorrow's lesson and opened the module for it. I'm actually very grateful for my job and the access to the building when I need it...like this!

We all kept busy-busy today. Ken did a little touch-up painting and I started laundry. After Devotional, we dropped Analiese off at the library to do her lessons for the day and we went grocery shopping. Ken tried working on a plumbing issue under the kitchen sink while I packed some more. Then we went to get a part for the sink, picked up new burners for the stove, dropped off donations at Goodwill, and went to lunch (I liked the last part best). We passed by the library to see how Analiese was doing and dropped off some juice I bought for my boss. Then we went back home to working on stuff - him the sink, me packing and laundry. Then I picked up Analiese, went to the bank, and back home to finish laundry and stuff so Ken could leave at two to go back to Chickasha and wait for the internet people to hook up the house there.

Whew! I'm gonna need a vacation!

Tuesday, February 6, 2018
The temperatures have dropped below freezing again. There's talk of an ice storm. Gee, I hope not!

One of the problems with it this cold is everything freezing. I don't know if it was the city's sewer system or my pipes but my washing machine backed up dirty water into the bathtub and front toilet plus it spilled over the top of its drainage pipe, onto the laundry room floor and into the back bathroom! This was all figured out just as I was getting ready to leave for work. I mopped up what I could, laid down some towel rags, stopped the washer, and ran out the door.

I tried it again when I went home for dinner. Nope. Same issue. I'm going to have to write out those wet, heavy towels tomorrow and run them through the dryer a few times. Hopefully they're clean enough. Just what I need right now!

We were going to have tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for dinner. Only problem was...I packed my can opener! Have I mentioned that I dislike packing and moving?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018
Analiese and I spent our morning removing everything that was left in our kitchen cupboards, putting them in boxes or stacking them on the kitchen table. Tonight, the Young Women are coming to clean the cupboards - inside and out. I'm grateful, I hadn't been looking forward to that chore.

Work is a frenzy these days. I'm trying to get as much done as possible in the time remaining so as not to leave it for my boss. They've been looking at resumes and I think they're actually interviewing someone Friday, but they're going to be super-short handed - especially in the evenings - once I'm gone. As much as I sympathize with that, I can do nothing about it. My time has come and I have to go!

It's just me and FD1 again tonight. FD2 called in saying her husband was bleeding from his ear and she was taking him to the E.R. The director (and consequently, her secretary) is not happy about this, FD2 has missed twice in two weeks. We need some solid, dependable people...why is it so hard to get them? This is why I think my boss is so picky about my replacement.

Thursday, February 8, 2018
Seminary was wonderful this morning. I was studying tomorrow's lesson, which focused mainly on Helaman's 2000 stripling warriors. I recorded a comment on it for my students, during which I became so choked up, testifying to my students that they are also valiant warriors in today's fight for righteousness and to not let the adversary tell them otherwise. I felt God's love for them SO strongly. And I love them with all I have, too.

I had little extra rest this morning. Analiese started another online math class this morning. For this one, I even had to purchase her a special calculator. You'd think we'd have figured out a program or app to do that stuff nowadays without resorting to a calculator.

I did not get as much cataloging done today as I would have liked. We were down a person (death in the family) and I had to go up and help at the front desk several times.

Oh, but I processed the funniest children's book today called "The Big Bed."2018-02-08 15.54.27.jpg It's about a little girl explaining to her father why he will not be allowed to sleep in the big bed with her and mommy any more.2018-02-08 15.55.20.jpg Really, it's more of a picture books for adults; it's hilarious.2018-02-08 15.55.27.jpg My boss and I had a great laugh over it!

I'm so tired tonight. I'd like so much to sleep in tomorrow, but there's Seminary, another online math class for Analiese, and more moving stuff to be done. Seriously, after this move, I'm going to take a rest.

Friday, February 9, 2018
Analiese and I dragged ourselves around this morning. We're both super-tired. We both have a lot to do. She had another math class and I had to face the washing machine. Seriously, prayers were involved.

I got two loads done with no issues. I was so relieved. So I did a third load - ironically it was the rags I'd used Tuesday to clean up the overflow then. And it did it again. I think there's a clog in the pipes that can't handle all the water in a big load. So I sat in front of the washer, pulling the plug when the pipe was about to overflow. Then I drained the tub and threw it all into the dryer.

We threw away a bunch of stuff in the alley dumpster, put painting supplies back in the garage, shuffled things around the kitchen so we'd have room on the table for dinner tonight, baked a frozen (horror!) store-bought pie, and made an easy-to-put-together dinner. Oh, and I did Seminary planning for the next two weeks, just to be safe.

The sister missionaries came to dinner. The new sister - Sister McKee - really loved my pens, stickers, and post-its that I use for my planner (which she loved, too). It was dinner in the midst of chaos, but it was a nice break!

Saturday, February 20, 2018
I feel like I got a good night's sleep. That's good, because there's a lot I need to do today! I'm not working at the library today, but I AM working.

RS sisters are coming over to help us give the house a good cleaning. Analiese and I started by taking everything we could off the tile floors to have them swept and mopped first. Then it was the reverse of that, take stuff from carpeted rooms to tiled rooms so we could dust and vacuum. This included cleaning blinds, trim, and baseboards. Masks up! The dust went flying and I think I emptied the vacuum at least twice.

When our first helpers left, Analiese and I took our lunches to the library to sit in the break room and eat (it's too cold for the park) and let the dust settle at home. But sitting down was almost a mistake. Between our exertions and the Benedryl we'd taken, we both really wanted to sleep!

After that it was detail vacuuming and trash removal. We had more help finishing the blinds and cleaning my gruesome tub (from back up mess yesterday). I think we're as packed as we can be until we leave. I've pulled a shoulder muscle from over-reaching and I ache all over. But it's DONE.

Sunday February 11, 2018
It was the Most. Awful. Night. I had terrible pain and bloating yesterday afternoon and evening. I went to bed, chilled, hoping sleep would help. Around midnight it all hit...and it didn't stop for at least five hours. I've never felt so dehydrates or so weak. I was dizzy and headache-y and afraid to sleep. I ran out of medication and guzzled down water and Gatorade.

So Analiese and I didn't make it to church. And, yes, I had goodbyes to say and hugs to give that went unsaid and ungiven. But if life has taught me one thing it's that making plans doesn't necessarily mean being able to execute them.

Ken came around midday, bringing me medicine, more Gatorade, and crackers. He also gave me a well-needed blessing. I felt better in my stomach the rest of the day, but remained weak, tired and still had a persistent headache. Probably symptoms of the dehydration.

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