Sunday, January 28, 2018


Monday, January 22, 2018
Gee, I sure do love these Seminary kids! I started asking them this week to respond in an email what they got from the lessons and what actions it prompted them to do. Not only did they have great insights, but said some cute and sweet things. One even made a little comic pertaining to the lessons that she sent to me. I love this calling!

Besides our normal Monday stuff, Ken and I got some moving errands and chores done. He went to the Maytag appliance shop to order new electric burner plates for our stove (I couldn't go in, they were sheltering a cat - ah-choo!). Then we sent to our PM to discuss some details about renting the house and go over our renter's application.

And we packed. I packed boxes, he packed up the van. He shoved as much stuff into the van as he could fit, but he had a couple of shelving units in there that took up a lot of room. There was an awful lot of dust and eventually I had to quit and use my inhaler. We have three more Mondays before we move to get as much done as we can. We reserved the U-Haul, Ken's going to talk to the Chickasha Elders' Quorum for help on that end and I am to reach out to the ward here. Three weeks and counting!

Tuesday, January 23, 2018
I could have sworn I opened today's lesson module last night. I know I had my laptop out for that very purpose yesterday evening. But this morning, it was closed! Trust me, my students let me know! I quickly opened it, emailed that the coast was clear, and everyone was fine. But, what happened? I think my brain is not retaining what it should!

I can illustrate this point better. As I was leaving work for my dinner break, I walked out of the back offices with a pair of scissors. Did I need those scissors? No, I have a couple pair at home. My mind thought I was reaching for my empty container of yogurt to take home and wash. Nope; I ended up with scissors instead, which I did return. My boss thought it was hilarious. I warned her that my mind probably wouldn't be at the top of its game for the next three weeks. The insanity has begun.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018
I had a regular check-up with my doctor today. I informed him that I was moving. He was so sweet about it, saying I was one of his best patients, offering to have me come back or call if I needed anything (even though it's a distance) and gave me a hug goodbye. He's a short, albino Asian man with a lazy eye and a funny sense of humor. He's never chided me about my weight, just patting his own belly and saying we could both use to lose a little. He's been a good doctor; I hope I can find another like that in Chickasha.

The dingy-ness continues. I forgot to pack a healthy snack for work (yes, I need one) and I walked out of the house in falling-apart flipflops. They're hard on my no walk for me and Analiese today.

This evening I worked on the February/Valentine's door display. I won't say anything until I've put it up and taken photos, but it involves poster board, construction paper, and a lot CUTTING! No painting this time!

Thursday, January 25, 2018
I had to wait to have breakfast this morning. Usually I have it right after Seminary. But the doctor told me yesterday I was to have lab work done and go in fasting. The lab didn't open until eight a.m., I had to wait until after I got to the lab (right when it opened) to eat. They took four vials of blood - ouch! It left me a little light-headed for a time afterwards, even after breakfast!

I kept plenty busy at the library today. I finished up my regular weekly order plus I cataloged a special order of large print books that the Library Director had requested for a specific patron. This evening, I put out some donated books onto the book sale cart and looked up some particular nonfiction books on finance for this year's Financial Fitness program.

Oh, and I nabbed a bunch of old newspapers that were going to be recycled. The library is a great place for packing materials!

Friday, January 26, 2018
This has been a week of go-go-go, no extra rest, needed or not! This morning, one of my coworkers came over to help me pack, bless her! She's moved many times, including overseas, so I valued her hands and expertise. In fact, I had her wrap the heirloom china from Ken's grandparents. I was too chicken to do it!

I managed to get a bunch done myself, motivated by her work ethic. I packed up a good bit of the kitchen, culling and cleaning as I went along. The kitchen is by far the biggest hassle to pack.

After the gal left, Analiese and I headed over to the 4H extension offices to the Rabbit Club meeting. We didn't stay for the meeting, just going primarily to say goodbye to our friends, in particular, Valerie and Joy. I'm friends with them on Facebook, so it's not the end, but still, it's sad. Their annual Rabbit Show comes up next month...right on the 17th - our moving day!

Saturday, January 27, 2018
With regret, I washed the snowman off of the lobby door this morning. It was time to move on to the next holidays. I put up my Valentine's door display - a mailbox with flowering vines around it and a bluebird on top (holding a Valentine in its beak).
This was a bit trickier than others I've done because I decided to make it double-sided. That way, you see the front and back of the mailbox through either side of the glass.

I kept pretty busy today with another book order that arrived. There were only three of us in the library today, New FD2 wasn't there, but it was quiet enough that we managed. By the way...I only have ONE more Saturday to work!

In the late afternoon my boss's husband called me, telling me they were in the E.R. She has the flu. I kind of thought she was coming down with something this week and I heard she went home yesterday dragging and just feeling awful. I texted her later in the evening, telling her not to worry about work, just rest up and get better. Now I'm praying I don't get it. This would be a REALLY bad time to get sick!

Sunday, January 28, 2018
So...I said I would sing in Church today. I agreed to it over a month ago (pre-moving date), I tried to find someone to do a duet with...Analiese chickened out. Apparently my alto is too strong for her to do a melody. I've never done a solo, so I looked off-and-on for something. Do you know how hard it is to find a church-appropriate alto solo?

Anyway, today was the big day. I had an accompanist, I had a song. He had a better arrangement in the same key, but before this morning I'd never seen nor sung it! We practiced it a couple of times before Sacrament meeting was what it was. I'm really not a musical performer. But it's a favorite hymn of mine - "Be Still My Soul" - and I just prayed to be able to sing my testimony without too much congregational cringing. I was so nervous, I gripped the podium tightly and my voice shook a bit. I was no means perfect - breathing and timing - argh! But the Spirit carried my testimony, I'm sure of it. Someone asked me if it represented this last crazy two-household year. I said, nope, it represented my whole, crazy life!

One of my visiting teachers had crocheted two beautiful shawls for me and Analiese. One is all purple, and the other is a mix of blue, green and purple. They are so lovely...she was so thoughtful, I know it was a lot of work! Hey, I even got Analiese to take off her ratty old red hoody that she wears, literally, everywhere in order to use the multi-colored shawl!

We had a linger longer potluck after the meeting block today. It really hit me, I have only two Sundays left with these people. Amazing how you can come to love and appreciate them in so short a time. I'm really going to miss them!

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