Sunday, January 14, 2018


Monday, January 8, 2018
New Year, new semester in Seminary. We started in Alma 17, talking about the "disarming" personality of Ammon the missionary. Ha-ha! Analiese said her teacher made the same (read: lame) joke.

Ken spent most of his day - interspersed with yard work and a shopping trip - making his famous chicken and dumplings. The sister missionaries are coming to dinner (again) tonight and we promised them that treat. I also made brownies with mint chocolate chips and walnuts for dessert.

One of the sisters is sick with a cold (?). I purchased some lemons and honey so Ken could  make his also-famous honey-lemon tea. I swear by it when I'm sick. He made up a thermos for her to take back to their apartment.

They loved dinner and there was plenty of it - Ken always makes sure of that! So we loaded them with some more of the soup as well to enjoy, giving extra broth for the sick sister. We do try to take care of our angel missionaries!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Now that birdie knows he has wings, birdie wants to FLY! Jonathan drove Analiese to and from Seminary yesterday and today. His reasoning was so that he could let his mother sleep in. How sweet (wink, wink)!

I had plenty of books on my cart when I got in to the library today. Maybe they'll last, oh, two days? Actually, we've had a bunch of donations lately, so there are more things I can do.

Jonathan didn't have work today, so he got to make dinner tonight. He wanted to make his own hamburgers, not just cook up pre-made patties. Coming into the house, it smelled great! Tasted great, too. But after eating dinner, I didn't want to go back to work; I wanted to go to sleep.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018
This was not a slow, leisurely morning. We had to be at the library at 9:00 a.m. so Analiese could take what the charter school called a "benchmark" test. Basically, it's a pre-ACT practice test and her teacher even timed her on it. He said if she took the actual ACT test today (which she won't for two more years), she would pass all of it except the math. Even the math wasn't too bad, considering she's only had half a year of Algebra 1 and no Geometry or Algebra 2. Good news!

Analiese and I took a walk on our afternoon break. My back was achy and she'd been facing a computer screen since her testing this morning. A nice breeze was blowing, but it wasn't cold. It blew all of the mental cobwebs away.

It was just two of us this evening in the library. Our normal third went home early since she wasn't feeling well. Since several employees have had their turn being ill (and I haven't, fingers crossed), I don't want to be near anyone who might pass something on.

Thursday, January 11, 2018
Winnie-the-Pooh would say it's a rather blustery day. Analiese says the winds are "sweepin' down the plains" (thanks Rogers & Hammerstein!). The Weather Channel has given us a high wind advisory notice until late this afternoon. All I know it that it woke me up early morning, rattling the house like a giant ghost who is tired of being ignored!

It made the library garage feel like a meat locker, too. My boss & I had to go inventory some things stored in there...and I had to wear my coat! Those of you who know how hot I run should be appropriately surprised! If we had had any precipitation today, it would have been snow or ice.

So it was nice to get home on my dinner break and find that Jonathan had fixed dinner for us. I'd sent him the recipe ahead of time and it wasn't very complex, plus I'd prepped some of it before I went to work. Still, it was so nice!

I have another "cousin" here in Altus. One of our literacy tutors has ancestors with the Carr last name. Strange thing, though, they are from Mexico! He loves doing genealogy and swears we're related. So now I have two "cousins," both with Hispanic roots, here. And me whiter than white! I hope my DNA thingy shows something. It would be so fun to tell them they're right!

Friday, January 12, 2018
It's still pretty cold out there, though the wind has died down. I decided to wear my coat when I took Analiese to Seminary this morning. Good call.

I won't go into details (except to say I was not sick - no cold or flu), but I wasn't feeling well this morning, so when Analiese went off to do her online math class, I went to bed and slept for two hours. Good, yes? No! I woke up in a sweat, thinking I missed the broadcast of President Monson's funeral. I didn't, I had another hour and a half to go (time zones make me crazy), but you know that overslept feeling!

I did get to watch the funeral.Well, nearly all of it because I had to get Jonathan from Walgreens. I did cry a little, because I loved that humble servant of God and, as a mortal left behind, I will miss him. Still, the tributes were wonderful and I came back from it more inspired by his example and more determined to live the principles he taught.

A gentleman came over this afternoon to look at the house. I gave him the tour...but he looked familiar. Turns out he's a friend of our library director and has visited the library often. He thought he recognized me, too. He said he'd left me know Monday if he was going to rent it or not and was willing to give me a months time to complete my obligation to the library. However, two hours later he called. I guess he really wants it...he was willing to come over and put down the first payment, but he'll have to wait until Monday to do it with our property manager. The shift is coming, the wagon wheels are getting ready to roll!

Saturday, January 13, 2018
I would have rather stayed in bed this morning, but I had to work. My boss was there when I arrived - surprise - but she had some personal errands to run and stopped by the library on her way. She's not happy about the moving thing, but she knew it was inevitable.

It was very quiet in the library today. Good thing, since I wasn't feeling energetic enough to do much (see yesterday). I had a few new books waiting for me, but after that I worked on some donations. Most went towards replacing previous copies of our that were worn.

I had an orange for snack this afternoon at work. Yes, this is the most interesting thing I have to tell you all day. I'd only purchased it Monday and already the peel had shrunk to the fruit, making it super-hard to remove. What a juicy mess! Half of it I had to eat right off the pith because it would not come off! I ended up wiping down the whole table in the break room after this fiasco. But it made the room smell like oranges, and that was an improvement!

Sunday, January 14, 2018
Today was Jonathan's last Sunday in the Altus ward. Next week he'll be up in the Chickasha branch with Ken. Rumor has it, the Elders' Quorum President there has an assignment for him already! 😆

During the third hour, I substituted for the Primary chorister. I didn't exactly use her plans because the instructions for the game she had planned confused me. So I reviewed their song for the month - "I am a Child of God," the verses they knew, and then went over the next verse some and left it at that. We ended up singing (for fun) "Nephi's Courage." I had the kids act out the parts, which they did with gusto!

Ken and I were home alone for a good amount of time this evening. Jonathan had to work and Analiese went to Lawton with the Youth for a Pre-Trek fireside. (She REALLY wants to go on Trek, has for years, and even if we move to Norman Stake before April, I'm going to try and see that she gets to go. It'll be a good way to see her friends here one more time, too.) So we had the peace and quiet and time to just talk, have dinner, and act like we're a married couple after all!

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