Sunday, January 7, 2018


Monday, January 1, 2018
Image result for happy new year 2018
I awoke to 7 degree temperatures outside. I think we may be giving Alaska a run for it's money (not really, 7 degrees was their HIGH for today). No real precipitation, though, and I'm not sorry. There's pockets of icy snow in shady areas and ice slicks anywhere water has been lately, but the roads are nice and clear, if chilly.

Our Happy New Year was pretty much a normal Monday. I "officially" started my new planner (though I've been prepping it for a couple of months now) and the blotter calendar I purchased as our family's 2018 scheduling calendar is on the wall.  We're as ready as can be.

Once more, we've had the sister missionaries over for dinner. Ken and I saw them at Walmart earlier, but I didn't think to ask them if they had an appointment. Someone posted on the ward Facebook page that they didn't, thought so I texted them and invited them immediately. It was only black bean soup and nachos, but my kids love (I always have to double it) and in this freezing weather, it was well appreciated!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018
I had today off from work. I slept in and thought: "How nice.. A day where I can take my time. No rushing to do anything or go anywhere." Until I looked at my planner (which I guess means I should look at it BEFORE starting to think each morning) and saw that, sadly, I had a funeral to attend. As it was nearly nine a.m. when I discovered this, I had to race to the shower and get ready before heading out into the icy winter morning towards the church.

It was a short, yet sweet, funeral for Ruth, and the tributes given were touching. They caused me to think on the times I'd shared with her and I laughed a little, and cried a little. She had a lot of family there, which was good. Not a whole lot of ward members came on account of the cold, but we pretty much ran the service.
This is my DNA (saliva) sample. I put it in the mail today!

I have less than a week until Seminary starts up again, but I still had to work on closing out the first semester and assigning grades. All of my currently attending students have taken - and passed - the assessment. Hooray!

Wednesday, January 3, 2018
President Thomas S. Monson, Prophet, Seer, and Revelator for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, passed away yesterday at the age of 90. He'd been ill for a while and didn't attend any of the last General Conference, so it wasn't too surprising. He's out of pain and with his beloved Frances now. I'm happy for him, though it's a loss for all of us.

Jonathan took his driving test for the second time - and passed!
He's over the moon and is immediately making plans to transfer to the Chickasha Walgreens and be with Ken in a couple of weeks. I guess the Walgreens people are excited to have him there because he's so experienced!

I put away the rest of the Christmas decorations this evening at the library. I got dust and glitter all over my clothes. It's always so sad, but at least Mr. Snowman gets to stay for a while.

I need to remember to keep my new planner with me at all times. The old one was too big, so I never did. Today, though I had three items to add to it, and it was at home while I was at work! Some help, that!

Thursday, January 4, 2018
I didn't need to turn on my electric blanket last night and slept quite comfortably. I'm not worried about frozen pipes, either.

My boss was back at work today, but I can't say she was better. Another employee looks like she's not feeling well, either. And we've had patrons coughing, sniffling, and sneezing all over the building. This time of year it's such a risk going to work!

Having finished my books for the week already, I was asked to do another display case. They wanted something for Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday. We don't have a lot of books on him, so I printed up photos, quotes, and newspaper clippings from his life. I think it looks fine; I used a little alternate levels to add interest.

Friday, January 5, 2018
Since I don't have to work today (Fridays at the library are done...for now), I made plans to get some stuff done besides laundry. Things like: a pedicure (none since the beginning of November, I was quite chipped and my ingrowns were starting to hurt), packing up my bedroom (non-essentials), and paying some bills.

Working on the first box for my room was revelatory. I had no idea how many filled journals (plus some blank ones) I had! I'd been and off-and-on journal writer for the most part of my life. Then I got into note-taking at conferences and church (thank you, Elder Richard G. Scott), and then I started my blog. My responsibility to my blog ensures that I keep an up-to-date journal. Thank you, everyone who has encouraged my writing. I've done more than my younger self could ever believe!

I am sad this afternoon to report the death of Sherry Berry. She and her husband, Jeff, were friends of ours from California who currently live with their two children in Arkansas. She'd been hospitalized after a bad fall, having super-low blood pressure and kidney failure just before Christmas. This last week things were looking better, they'd gotten her blood pressure up and had her going through some dialysis. But she had a bad turn yesterday and it became final. My heart breaks for them!

Saturday, January 6, 2017
My sister, Wendy, lost a friend last night who'd been battling cancer. So much loss and sorry this week! I'm so grateful for my knowledge of the gospel and the plan of salvation, otherwise all of this pain would be stark and meaningless. Still, ouch! The world is lessened greatly when good people die!

A Saturday co-worker was out sick today. She came in for a few minutes, but I shoo-ed her home. I really don't want her germs hanging around me where I could (accidentally) catch them!

This building was so ridiculously warm. Even with two fans running and the door to the garage open (it's cooler because it has no insulation), it still registered 80 degrees back in my area. I should not be sweating (without extreme exertion) in January!

Steve the Squirrel is hanging out on our window sill. Hi, Steve!

Sunday, January 7, 2017
Testimony meeting was dear and tender today as many members testified of our beloved, belated prophet, Thomas S. Monson. They chose the hymn for closing to be "We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet." Seriously? Bring on the waterworks!

Jonathan got to drive the Honda "solo" for the first time today. Ken couldn't keep his eyes open during Sunday School, so he had Jonathan drive him home and then go back to church on his own. He was rather pleased with himself.

Then, we let him take the car to Walgreens for his work shift this afternoon and evening. No one else needed it, so he could. He was so nervously excited about it that he left early...and forgot his lunch/dinner. I laughed when he sheepishly texted me about it!

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