Sunday, January 21, 2018


Monday, January 15, 2018
One of the sister missionaries in our ward gets transferred this Chickasha! They texted me about it last night and I was, like, "No way!" I told her she'd still beat me there by about a month's time. She knows Ken, though, so there will be one friendly face there (two, really, when Jonathan gets there Wednesday). She is so excited!

Image result for rabbits dance
I just got the phone call from Kay - our house is now rented! Thank you, Father in Heaven! In a month, we'll all be back together in Chickasha! Yee-haw!

Our internet through AT&T was down all afternoon and evening. Was that because of the severe wind storm that raged through SWOK today? Or did AT&T have a major U.S. breakdown? All I know is that tonight I needed to open the lesson module for Seminary tomorrow. I went to McDonalds to try and use their wifi. They were down, too. (BTW, going out in the freezing cold was NOT nice!) So I went to the library, sat out in front in the parking lot in my car (stay warm), and it worked! They don't have AT&T, just so you know.

But it was so cold! I went home, had cocoa, and a warm tub bath. That is something I haven't done in a while!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018
It was a bitterly cold day. It started at 5 degrees at 6 o'clock this morning and I think it reached a high of 23 degrees. Oklahoma or Alaska? Hard to tell by the chill, but at least there's no snow or ice!

President Russell M. Nelson has been set apart as the new prophet and president of the Church. His two counselors are Elders Dallin H. Oaks and Henry B. Eyring. The press conference held today about it had some sweet, cute moments. I had my confirmation/witness, of the verity of the first presidency, too. I told the kids it was up to them to get their own, but I told them I'd had mine!

I turned in my notice today, much to the chagrin of my bosses and fellow employees. One kept sniffing each time I passed her desk. Jonathan had his last day at the Altus Walgreen's. He said there were a couple slightly-emotional a cake. He reports to the Chickasha Walgreen's on Friday.

I gave my library "cousin" a copy of the Book of Mormon today. He's a bit agnostic, soured on religion from some past experiences. but he said he would read and treasure my gift. I hope it will help bring him peace. Plus, if he's going to call me a relative, he needs to know what I believe!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018
Today was one of those "best laid plans" sort of days. First, when I got up, I found the pipes in the back (non-insulated) bathroom frozen, thanks to my son who forgot to drip water when he got out of the shower last night. GRRR! No shower for me, and hopefully no busted pipes! I turned on the bathroom heater, turned on the faucets, and closed the door, hoping the heat would warm and defrost things.

After Seminary, I was going to drop off Analiese at home (to watch the water/pipe situation) and leave with Jonathan by 7:30 to head to Chickasha. Nope. He was still sleeping (strike two, kiddo!). I got him up and took his little remaining "stuff" to the car, stopping at a gas station to put more air in the tires (the freezing temperatures fiddle with air pressure). On the first tire, the air hose seemed to make the problem worse! So we hobbled over to another gas station, took care of all four tires without issue, and started east. Half an hour later than I intended.

The trip went fairly smoothly...until we hit the toll just before Chickasha. There'd been an accident, and the three lanes (including the FastPass) were down to one for everybody. That slowed us down as we waited for cars, trucks, and everything in between to go on ahead.

We finally made it to the house, and Jonathan changed clothing quickly (into something warmer, he was going to do a little walking around town), I said "hi" to the bunnies, and took him to Taco Bell. I wanted to see Ken; he wanted something to eat. He was going to walk to the bank (across the street) to open an account then introduce himself at the Walgreen's (about a block over). I left him there to go back to Altus, via Lawton.

I had to go to Sam's Club (auto fuel), Hobby Lobby (library project) and Chick-Fil-A (people fuel). Then I hurried home, changed clothes (no shower, still frozen), and headed to work an hour late. I'd warned them, though, so they weren't surprised. But the good news is that the pipes unfroze shortly after 1:30, and Analiese (as well as Jonathan) knows how important it is to drip water in freezing conditions. I always worry about the water bill, but that's nothing in comparison to a plumber's bill if the pipes bust!

Thursday, January 18, 2018
My mind raced with all kinds of thoughts, mostly anxious...I didn't sleep well last night. Badly enough so that, after coming home from Seminary, I dragged myself to bed for another hour's sleep.

Hey, at least I got to take a shower today! Last night, while below freezing, was not nearly as cold as the previous two nights. And I remembered to drip water!

I have plenty of books to work on: some from the weekly receipt of orders (it took a bit this week because of the holiday Monday and my boss being busy or gone), some as samples from a book company, and some donations. I'm not sure I'll get through them all by week's end.

FD2 has gone, so today a new gal from the employment agency began training today, once again keeping my boss busy (she's in charge of training). They need to get this all sorted out before they can work on getting my replacement. FD1 wants my position, which would mean finding another FD person, though. We sure do go through them!

It looks like I'm taking Analiese to Lawton tomorrow morning, meeting up with her soon-to-be Seminary teacher/YW president (Lawton's the halfway point). She'll be spending the day with her and then attending a youth activity that night and spending the night. She'll be with Ken (at TB) and Jonathan on Saturday, go to church with them on Sunday, and come home with Ken that afternoon. It'll be just little old me alone by myself this weekend!

Friday, January 19, 2018
We ended meeting up in Lawton a little latter than I expected, so I was able to shower and get ready for work before going and not after. It was clear and sunny (the day was warming up), but stock ponds along the way are still frozen pretty solid.

Uh-oh! Her ST/YW leader got out of the car (we met at the Carl's Jr. in Lawton)...with a dog! Rats! I forgot to ask the all-important dog question! It made Analiese's day more interesting and I told them to dope her up with Benedryl, if necessary. She ended up going to our house in Chickasha to spend the night after attending the youth activity. Sorry!

I said I'd go in to work today, since they were down a person; namely, my boss. It was a long, boring, quiet six hours. I got a bunch of cataloging done, but it was so dull!

My evening alone wasn't much better. I filled it with Seminary work, laundry, dishes, and reading. It was so quiet and empty that I had a hard time settling down to sleep. I didn't really like being alone for the night!

Saturday, January 20, 2018
My alarm went off at seven-thirty as usual. And I was just me! I mean, I did my normal Saturday morning routine: showering, breakfast, getting ready for work, studying scriptures. But it was lacking. I supposed you get used to being alone. I think it would take me awhile!

I finished my cart of regular books today and made a sizable dent in the sample books. No one needed me up front (well, one tiny computer issue), so I was in the back all by myself all day.

After work, I went to the movies with FD1. I didn't want to be at home alone or go to the movies alone, so I asked her to go with me. We saw Jumanji, which was funny but a little overboard on the language and innuendo side. I don't really think I want my kids seeing it. But it was fun to decompress (FD1 is a funny person) and not have to think about moving, children, and my empty house for a few hours!

Sunday, January 21, 2018
Was it the lack of sleep for the past few days or the increased winds outside (wind & fire advisory) that created the crackerjack-of-a-headache this morning? Maybe it didn't help that I accidentally (mental capacities: down) took my night medication this morning (can you say "anxiety trigger"?). All I know is that the top of head move, to think, to talk.

I went to Sacrament meeting, but knew I probably wasn't going to last past that. What made it harder was that every noisy, squalling baby and toddler seemed to be sitting behind me. I get it, having been that mom, but it did nothing for my brain (Public Service Announcement: Parents, I give you permission to take your children out of the chapel to calm them.). I don't think I said goodbye to anyone, just jetted home and to bed.

With a cold lavender pack on my head, I slept for three hours. Yikes! I awoke with a teeny headache for which I treated with a Dr. Pepper (trust me, it helped). It tamed down a lot, but lingered thereafter like a terrorist threat if I moved too suddenly.

Ken and Analiese came home shortly after four. She was tired, but had a good time this weekend, even despite the dogs and allergies. I think she's going to be happy and comfortable with the youth in the Chickasha branch!

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