Monday, December 4, 2017


Monday, November 27, 2017
I went to bed with a headache; I woke up with a headache. Why are Mondays always so tough? It's not like I'm a party person. So after putting on another brave face for Seminary, I went back to bed to sleep for another hour.

The headache didn't completely let go, though, until I sat down to lunch with Ken at Taco Mayo. Their grilled burrito (steak or chicken) is my favorite. This is our "date" time for the week, sitting back and doing nothing but chatting for a short bit. He was busy this morning dealing with the shed clean-up and replacing some pickets in the fence.

Today was another warm, 70's day. I planned turkey leftover shepherd's pie for dinner, but I was loathe to turn on the oven. I did, and paid for it in sweaty discomfort. But it was delicious. Like Analiese said, "It was Thanksgiving all over again!"

Tuesday, November 28, 2017
I went to bed earlier than usual last night and woke up feeling pretty good. I didn't go back to bed and I did a little packing and straightening in my bedroom. I felt very productive.

The sleepies hit me, though, just as I was leaving for work. Was it the after-lunch nap desire or something more psychological? I recovered fairly well and got a good bit of work done. My cart only had sixteen books on it, but I worked some on the launchpads, too, including bringing back a bunch I put in storage to fix an "oops!" I'd say "my bad" (No, I wouldn't. I hate that phrase), except it really wasn't. It was more like, "I never thought of that and no one bothered to mention to me...until today."

One of the literacy tutors here is into family history and we talk some about it. He has some "Carr's" in his line that moved from Texas down to Mexico. He says he's my darker-skinned cousin. I tell him I'm his Spanish-speaking, blue-eyed, white cousin!

Wednesday, November 29, 2017
There are no Christmas tree lots in Altus, Oklahoma. No live trees at Walmart or Ace hardware. In fact, in only one store - a vintage/antique kitschy place - can (or could?) you find a live tree here. The owner herself drove for hours to a tree farm to get ONE DOZEN trees. That's it. It's either that or an hour trip to Lawton. Nearly everyone in town has an artificial tree. Christmas in Altus. Genuine.

It was a pure launchpad day at the library. It was pretty boring after a while. My back didn't care for it much, either. But I did spend a little time trying to think of what to put on the entry doors of the library for Christmas.

The Young Men of our ward were coming to the house tonight to do some service. It's too dark for them to do yard work, more's the pity. I had to go to the hardware store on my dinner break to get some supplies for them. I'm having them patch and paint a few things inside the house. I only hope and pray that they don't get paint all over!

Thursday, November 30, 2017
Okay, I was wrong; nothing new there. We DO have ONE live tree lot at a strange "nursery" in the middle of town. At least, they have a sign saying they have live trees. I only pass by there in the dark of early morning. But their whole area is very small...they can't have many!
Jonathan received an award from Walgreen's for his amazing stocking ability!

With the holidays on us, I was a little too squirrelly to do many launchpads. But I got the green light on the lobby decorating project, even inviting Analiese to do the display cases with me. Since we're not doing any decorating at home, she was thrilled to be included on the project. She takes after her mother and likes to be creative. She's picked out the themes for the two cases and we went shopping on my short break for supplies (yes, we'll get reimbursed!).

I spent the evening mainly cleaning windows so paint will stick on them. The worse part is the bottom section that has waxy residue from the floor cleaner on it. I began working on the tree and the sign. I wasn't too thrilled with the acrylic paints they had here for me to use. They went on very light and needed numerous applications!

Friday, December 1, 2017
Today was all run-run-run! After Devotional, I was in the kitchen making cookie dough for my Seminary students in Norman on Sunday, browning ground beef and chopping onions to put in the crockpot for dinner tonight, and gathering up paperwork for my 9:30 appointment with the property manager to get this house up for rent!

Then, I went to the library. They've asked me to work Fridays from noon to six to make sure they have enough people to cover things until a new head librarian's been hired. I spent all of those six hours painting windows. The tree worked out well...they're going to have kids color paper ornaments and tape them on the tree. The other door window I painted with a snowman watching the snow fall. I have to admit, he looks pretty good. The other side windows are still works in progress. I'll have tomorrow and Tuesday to finish them (the deadline the LD gave me, before she has a big shindig with the library board on Wednesday morning). My feet, by the way, are killing me.

Saturday, December 2, 2017
Analiese came with me to the library this morning.  She was especially excited because she was doing the two display cases by herself. Okay, I helped a little. I put up the shelves and trimmed the backdrop, but that was it. The rest was her show. The nice thing was we'd just received a donation yesterday of a little Christmas village. That went perfectly in her Winter Wonderland case.

Her "Up on the House Top" case was all cute and fun for the kids. I think she did a marvelous job!

On top of that, when she was done, she said the inner library (the other stuff was in the lobby) needed decorating, so she pulled out artificial poinsettias and other decor to "spruce up" the place. I envy her energy.

I didn't paint any today; I'll have to finish that up on Tuesday. (By the way, no pictures until it's all done!)  Instead, I put up a display in front of the terracotta sculpture mural. Trust me, this thing took all day. I had to rummage around in a huge closet looking for useful things. Remember I told you about the ginormous closed full of boxes of books? We have another one for Christmas decorations, crammed, unorganized, and full of stuff, not all useful. But I managed a nice burgundy-and-gold themed display that I hope they like. My co-workers today did. I am going to need Sunday and Monday to recuperate!

I had a drive ahead of me out to Chickasha after work. Analiese had gone to spend the night with a family in our ward; Jonathan was working late. I drove to Lawton, filled the car, grabbed a sandwich for dinner, and did a Hobby Lobby errand. Then I went straight to the house in Chickasha. Ken and I spent time catching up and loving bunnies, then dropped off, exhausted, to bed around ten p.m. I slept in the bed, but not terrifically. Yes, I struggled with bunny allergies, which made sleeping difficult, but also with aches and pains from the exertions of earlier.

Sunday, December 3, 2017
That was the best decision - going to Norman Stake Conference today. I was able to see five of my students in person. And they seemed generally happy to see me. I just exploded with hugs and tears! One of them played the flute in a small orchestra they had for the occasion, plus she spoke - and well - on Family History. I elbowed Ken, "That's one of mine!" It's so true what they say, you do come to love those you serve!

Also, the Stake President made a point, before the meeting began, to come over and introduce himself to me (he'd already met Ken). His wife is the Institute secretary, so he said many sweet things that he'd heard from her. Of course, I found her and got a great big hug as well!

I was oh, so exhausted on the drive home. I dragged myself into the house in Altus and pretty much declared I was down for the count. I went to take a nap. I needed a little energy refresher because I still had to study for tomorrow's lesson and tonight was the 1st Presidency Christmas Devotional. I never want to miss that! It's just not Christmastime until we have the Devotional!

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