Sunday, December 24, 2017


Monday, December 18, 2017
Today was my last video class for the semester. We went over the Assessment they will have to take online at the end of the week. It helps clear up any confusion and we can go over doctrine or questions they're not sure of. My little gift to them.

Since Ken had to go back to Chickasha latter this morning, we went out to breakfast. We went to the Friendship Inn's Restaurant. It was okay. I have a hard time finding a great/good place to eat breakfast here. Beyond my own home.

Ken left for Chickasha and I made pecan bars for the work luncheon tomorrow. Then I did my shopping, came home, and made brownies for dessert (Sister Missionaries are coming), picked up Jonathan from work
This is my Squashmallow friend. I walked around with it all over Walgreens to give Jonathan a hint for me. He didn't get it! His boss thought it was funny, though!
, took him to the bank, went home and made burritos for dinner. After all that, it was a relief to sit down and have a nice meal with my kids and the sisters. We used the brownies to make our holiday favorite: hot fudge brownie sundaes using peppermint ice cream from Braum's. Fa la la!

Tuesday, December 19, 2017
It was a busy enough morning at home, but I had to leave early for work because we had our Christmas luncheon potluck today. I took my pecan bars, drizzled with chocolate, and they were a big hit!

We also had sandwiches, tamales, salads, BBQ smokies, queso & chips, deviled eggs, peanut butter balls (those two were made by the secretary) and other store-bought sweets and sodas. Also, a patron had gifted us some homemade cookies and breads. I liked the cranberry bread.

I felt spectacularly unmotivated after all that. But I managed to get all of my books for the week done.

At home on my dinner break, I decided to have a piece of Mom's cashew brittle. Yum, right? It got stuck on my teeth, so I tried to pry it off with my tongue. Something went "Pop!" There went a crown! Analiese was totally grossed out, even though there was no blood, no pain, and the crown looked like a fake tooth. Guess who's going to the dentist tomorrow? Oh, joy!

Leaving work, it was a Rudolf-worthy foggy night. Our neighborhood streets have very few lights, so it was slow-going to get home!

Wednesday, December 20, 2017
Right at 8 o'clock, when their office opened, I called the dentist. They squeezed me in at nine. Good thing the crown popped off last night and not tonight - their office is closing from tomorrow through New Year's! It didn't take them long - I was in and out around half an hour. The dentist said the tooth underneath looked clean and healthy and the crown was undamaged, so he just put on more cement, and stuck it back in place perfectly.  Thank heavens!

Today I basically worked on launchpads all day. I'm trying to get them done. I think I'll be able to finish them this week.

This evening I began to pass the torch of cataloging. I showed one of the front desk gals, who would like to take my place when I leave, how to cover books. She'll be recovering books who's plastic protective covers have began falling apart. It's something she can do at the desk when it's not busy.

Thursday, December 21, 2017
My students started taking the Assessment today. I gave them today and tomorrow to complete it. So far, I know of four - probably five, if I know these siblings - who've done it. I was a little concerned about the link for it since it's separate from our class website and my management (grades, attendance) website. But so far, so good.

Before work,  my allergies were acting up, so I took a pill. Mistake. It left me so drowsy all afternoon. I may not have been completely coherent all the time. I went for a walk with Analiese on my break just to clear my head.

I finished the Launchpads today! Realistically, I have a few tweaks on some of the records still to do, but for the most part - FINITO! It's been a laborious process, new and untested and sometimes inscrutable. But it's DONE!

Friday, December 22, 2017
Even though Analiese and I didn't have Seminary, I still had to get up early. Jonathan had to be at work by seven. So much for sleeping in!

I tried to go back to bed and sleep afterwards. I may have dozed, but don't think I got much. So I got up, had Devotional (before Analiese had to do her online math class), made up sloppy joe meat for dinner, got a shower, and did some laundry. So I felt productive, at least.

The library was D.E.A.D. today. I had some record amending to do, which was tedious and unexciting. In the afternoon, I did receive a couple of boxes of books and audiobooks in the mail, so that gave me a change of pace. Still, alone in the back, it was all so very dull.

But my boss came by in the late afternoon with...a present for me! It's a squashmallow, just like a I wanted (see Monday's photo). It's so much like a pillow, I'll want to nap on it!

Saturday, December 23, 2017
The weathermen said nothing yesterday morning about snow. But at 9 p.m. yesterday evening, the flurries came. Not much and not for long - I think it stopped around midnight - but Analiese happily got her holiday snow. She was thrilled.
Not more than a dusting.

My rosemary (in the middle of the garden box) faired well!

I was thrilled this morning to see clear roads with only tiny pockets of ice that were easily avoided. That's my idea of a snowstorm!

Ken surprised me by walking in the house around 8 a.m. He'd left the other house around 6, shopped at the Chickasha Walmart, went to Lawton to pick up our Christmas roast from Sam's Club, and then came straight here.

He also brought me lunch today, since we won't be going out on Monday. He brought pizza to the library and we just sat back in the breakroom and talked.

The rest of the day - doing a little cataloging here, a little cleaning there, etc. - was rather dull. I guess two days before Christmas isn't a popular time to visit the library!

Sunday, December 24, 2017
Jonathan had to work from six a.m. to four p.m. today. This was so he could be with us this evening and all of tomorrow. So he didn't get to go to church with us today.

We only had Sacrament meeting today, no Sunday School, no Auxiliaries. And the program was all music with a little narration in between. The best was one of our sister missionaries, who played the violin along with the choir singing "Silent Night." Second best was a violin duet with her and a member of the bishopric playing "What Child is This." Even Ken got (nearly) emotional. The Spirit works so well through music!

Dinner was finger foods whilst watching "It's a Wonderful Life," which the kids had never seen before. They grumped about it at first, but then decided it was "OK." After that we Skyped with the family in California. We had a good time watching each other open one another's gifts.
Jonathan rocking his Deadpool t-shirt from his cousin, Amanda.
But the Who's must go a snooze in their beds. Merry Christmas!

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