Monday, November 27, 2017


Monday, November 20, 2017
Oh, I had a terrible night's sleep! A tickle in my throat, leftover from the sinus infection of last month, kept me up and down all night. I got up this morning with a horrendous headache and feeling flat as a pancake...not good for my Live Class Seminary Monday! But I put on my bravest smile, and basked in the youthful spirit of my students. The love I feel for them makes it all worth while.

The let-down came soon after class was over and getting myself moving was a slow, painful proposition. I worked on assembling Christmas packages to go to California at first. I really can't dally when there's so much moving stuff to do.

Ken, Analiese and I went grocery shopping together today - hopefully the last trip before Thanksgiving. We saw - no kidding - SIX ward members there at Walmart. It's a wonder if you can even get out of the store in under an hour!

I made my pies tonight. I decided on a two-in-one maple pumpkin pecan pie. I made two of them because I'm giving away one as a thank-you to a sister in my ward who is generous, sweet, and adorable. The better-looking one of the two gets donated.
As long as they both taste good, my family can eat the uglier one.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017
I hate to admit it, but I'm not sleeping well. Last night it was pain in the left side of my neck and shoulder. About a quarter to three, I finally gave in, got up, and put on the blue gel gunk. Still, six a.m. didn't feel all that great.

I WISH TO ANNOUNCE... that I made my Goodreads Reading Challenge goal of 45 books for 2017. I could probably say I've read more, but I didn't always remember to count. Working at the library, I've lost track. Also, because of my job, I've branched out and read different things I might never have tried before. That's a positive change!

It was just me and FD1 this evening, though the LD was back in her office. FD2 has been sick since Monday, apparently. I hope she's better by Saturday because we're down another person (out of town) and it'll only be two of us for the whole day!

We had a group of rambunctious kids in the library this evening. School is out for the holiday today, so I figure that was part of it. They stayed out in the lobby for the most part, but they were rowdy. Eventually, catching them yelling out the front doors and trying to bring a bicycle inside, I gave them two choices: go home or have the police come and make sure you go home!

Wednesday, November 22, 2017
My tolerance level is dropping rapidly. I met with Analiese's teacher today...and the report was not good. Let's just say...she's busted. Another group of kids were messing around in the library when I got there for my shift. I hung around them until they uncomfortably got the hint and left. I am not putting up with ANYTHING today!
This is me today. I don't recommend giving me a stick.

I guess our troublemakers from last night reappeared this afternoon, but since no one brought me out to the front to take care of it, I remained blissfully unaware until long after they had gone. Maybe after the earlier display, the front decided I needed a little space. We did close early today, at 6:00 p.m., for the Thanksgiving holiday. No complaints here. I need it.

I went home and spent the evening working on mashed potatoes and stuffing. Both will be going into crockpots to reheat tomorrow. Plus, I worked on my extensive list of things to take to Chickasha. Even for a simplified dinner, it takes a bit of planning and hauling stuff back and forth!

Thursday, November 23, 2017
Image result for happy thanksgiving
It's a beautiful sunny Thanksgiving Day. Not like our first one here, all cold and snowy. But that was find with me, because it's an hour and forty-five minute drive to Chickasha and dry beats wet any time!

Jonathan and I split up the driving. I drove up; he drove back. He needs the night driving experience anyway. Other than a little slowing for construction work (not like they were out working, just their cones and stuff were there), we made good time and were there before 11 a.m.

I turned on the oven, put in the turkey to reheat (a pre-hickory-smoked turkey), plugged in the two crockpots, and sat down to enjoy the company of rabbits and play games with the family.

Then, when the rest of them moved out doors to toss around a ball,

I went to the stove to saute the green beans and season the gravy.
Dinner was mashed potatoes were awesome! And everyone really liked the smoked turkey.

Ken had to be at Taco Bell by 4 p.m., so he left, taking Analiese with him (to do school work). Jonathan and I remained behind to do dishes, pack up the van, say goodbye to the buns, and the head out in the near-dark to the park to see the huge Festival of Lights that Chickasha is famous for. It was very cool, as we drove through the park, and I took lots of pictures. I will display them on Facebook as an album, only including a couple of my favorites here. Next time, though, I'd walk through it instead. There's so much to see and I'm pretty sure we didn't get it all!

Friday, November 24, 2017
We all slept in this morning. No Seminary. No work (for the moment). Thanksgiving Recovery Day. Sorta-kinda,

I avoided Black Friday completely...almost. I only went out once to take Jonathan to work at 3 p.m. He had to deal with it, poor boy, but I've done it before and know...that's retail! They had photo orders just waiting for him to get there and complete! To me, Black Friday sucks the soul out of the Christmas Spirit. I refuse to play that game!

I packed a little. Like, four small (though they read "medium") boxes. I worked on next week's Seminary, and even tried to straighten up a little. That's a futile effort, I think, because chaos just explodes again! I did spend my evening relaxing a bit, a rare commodity these days!

Saturday, November 25, 2017
I trudged off to work this morning wondering: Would it only be two of us there today? FD1 and I got things started out front when FD2 called saying she was coming in. Good! Two is just not enough to run the library for the whole day!

My boss still came in mid-day to help cover lunch hours. That was nice, because we got it done quicker and could overlap a little. My morning was busy running back and forth between the front and my desk, but in the afternoon I managed to get a bit done. I processed twenty launchpad tablets, my new record!

I had a nice surprise waiting for me when I got home in the evening. The sister in my ward I gave the pie to...her sister was in town for the holiday. And she's a massage therapist! I came home to a back room with a massage table, candles and soothing music! She worked on me for nearly 2 1/2 hours doing a deep tissue massage - hurts so good! Did I say it was a nice surprise? It was the awesome-est surprise ever!

Sunday, November 26, 2017
I awoke feeling muscles where I did not remember muscles being before! I am a little stiff and sore; trust me, my bra did not go on easily today. range of motion is good. So worth it!

We had very good speakers today. A member of the bishopric spoke and relayed a phrase from a member of the 70 he'd heard: Blessings don't have feet." The meaning of that is that our blessings don't just come to us, we accept them as we walk by faith and keep the commandments. It gave me much to think about.

Yes, it's November. Yes, it's the end, we just had Thanksgiving. But...the weather is in the mid-to-low 70's. I was so warm in church, I pulled out my fan! Someone had the heater on in the chapel and the Relief Society room. Sorry, it's not winter yet. Even Analiese said the rooms were hot. We have not yet reached hunker down and cuddle weather, yet.

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