Monday, December 18, 2017


Monday, December 11, 2017
It was so hard for me to stay awake this morning. I got through Seminary, I started laundry and made it through Devotional. But I got stuck as I began working on my grocery list. I kept pausing - supposedly to think about the week's menu - and drifting off. I stumbled my way through it and headed toward the bedroom for an hour's nap!

Ken and I had our regular lunch date and grocery shopping outing, with a small side trip on the way home. Am I revealing? No! It's Christmastime; you don't ask those questions!

Tuesday, December 12, 2017
I tried a Pinterest oven-cleaning hack last night and this morning. I put a pot of boiling water on the bottom rack and a bowl of ammonia (p-hew) on the top rack to sit overnight. It's supposed to make everything come off super-easy. Conclusion: NOPE. I'm having Jonathan spray a store-bought oven-cleaner in there tonight and I'll try again tomorrow. I'm bummed; I was very hopeful.

Speaking of hopeful, Jonathan did not pass his drivers test today. He was off by one point. I told him not to feel bad; I didn't pass the first time either. A lot of people don't. But he learned where his weaknesses lie, so now he can practice those and try again.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017
Day two of oven cleaning was somewhat better. I got everything off except the really bad stuff off the bottom and door. I even scraped at it with my plastic kitchen scraper. I'm going to coat those spots really well tonight and we'll try again tomorrow. Third time's the charm!

Analiese and I stopped off at Walgreen's before heading to the library this afternoon.  I needed some lip balm and throat spray (combating allergies), but Jonathan had also asked us to bring him a couple of sandwiches for lunch. I think he's starting to learn that eating out all the time is expensive!

I had him repay me when he got off of work and came to the library. My boss wanted to move her desk configuration around, so he helped her figure it out and do it. I wasn't much soon as the dust started flying, I started wheezing and sneezing!

Analiese had a Dollar Tree gift exchange at YW tonight. Look at her fun socks!

Thursday, December 14, 2017
Okay, the oven is at 85% clean. It's not perfect and it's going to stay that way. My knees and my sanity could go no further. The door looks great and the bottom looks respectably used. Trust me, it's a huge improvement from before.

I am constantly learning things here at the library. It's one of the benefits of being exposed to all of these books. It's a drawback, too, because I can sometimes get distracted. 😃 Today I learned that Ada Lovelace, the only legitimate daughter of Lord Byron, was a brilliant mathematician and was THE pioneer of computing and modern-day computers. Cool!

I had to call the police to do a walk-though this evening. A group of teen boys, who we've had problems with since the summer, decided to run in and out of the library loudly, and then roughhouse in front of the building, throwing themselves at the glass doors. I am done playing with them. From now on, every time they come in and cut capers (on my watch, I can't speak for anyone else), the police get called in. The two officers that came were so nice, too. They took my report - they were familiar with this particular group of kids - and said to call any time. I said it was my job to ensure that the patrons, employees and library property were safe. So I would do it again in a heartbeat!

Friday, December 15, 2017
I think maybe I got six hours of sleep last night. Not good. I did get in a little nap this morning, but it was underwhelming. More, more!

We made a stop at Walgreen's for a sympathy card for a co-worker before heading over to the library. We spotted a hawk in the parking lot with a small bird in its talons, still squirming. Analiese swore it looked at her reproachfully as if saying, "This bird is mine!" Don't mess with the hawk!

This was a shorter day, and quieter. The story of last night's incident had gotten around. I made up a report for LD officially last night, but I had to go debrief her and answer some other questions. No worries, I handled it just fine.

So dang tired this evening. It's a good thing I made up dinner in the crockpot this morning: Sausage and potato soup. I have no energy for cooking now.

Saturday, December 16, 2017
Technology is not my friend today. My printer at home is kaput, so I took my laptop to work to try and print my talk off there. My laptop would not recognize any of the printers that use wifi. Of course, as I write this now, well after work and ready for bed, I could have put the file in my Dropbox account, pulled up the account on my work computer, and printed it from there. But, no, my brain was too slow for that!

I tried cataloging some more launchpads today. They've become very popular and we can't keep them on the shelves. But the records wouldn't come up on my computer. My boss will have to look at it Monday. I think I got one record done. Big help.

Tonight, being very tired, I was not motivated. It was a night of frozen meals and vegging in front of the TV. And, now, sleep.

Sunday, December 17, 2017
I gave a talk in Sacrament meeting today on centering our lives and homes in Jesus Christ.
I used an analogy using an orange to help evaluate the depth of our relationship with our Savior. I tried to talk as much towards the kids and teens as I did the adults.

Every talk and less today was wonderfully Christ-centered. In Relief Society, our lesson was on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. There was so much heartfelt gratitude and testimony for Him! The Spirit was so very strong. I was uplifted and enlightened.

Ken was already home when we got back from Church. He was doing his laundry too because he has to go back to Chickasha tomorrow morning. Work stuff, erg!

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