Sunday, December 10, 2017


Monday, December 4, 2017
It twas fun the day after Stake Conference to see those kids online again for Seminary and reminisce a little. I told my student who spoke that she rocked her talk and how proud I was of her. Don't underestimate these kids - they are amazing!

Yep, it's our regular Monday and, even though it's still a busy day, it's still a break from the rigorous week schedule. Especially last week. Ken and I went to Fred's Steakhouse for a relaxing sit-down lunch. It wasn't much more expensive than fast food, but nicer. My smokehouse burger was good, but I didn't care for their deep fried chips. They tasted burnt and bland to me.

The sign is up: For Rent. They put it up this afternoon when I wasn't watching. It's official now! Now we see how long this takes!

The sister missionaries came to dinner tonight. I just love it when they come - they tell us of the work they're doing, the experiences they're having, and their wonderful testimonies. It strengthens me to be a part of this intimate in-home sharing. I just wish I could do it more often!

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
This morning, after Seminary, I popped back into bed for a tiny nap before Devotional. Analiese crept into bed beside me, cuddled up (cuz I'm warm) and fell asleep! Funny kid.

I finished my project at the library today. I felt it was my contribution to the Light the World campaign. I painted Christmas decorative scenes on the inner lobby doors,
Have a very Library Christmas!
Happy Holidays

Kids color paper ornaments that we tape on our tree
Snowman is my favorite. He turned out great!
I made sure the real reason for the season was represented, too!

I like my sign.
Of course we had to have books!
Books make great gifts!

put up lights and decorations in the planter in front of the mural,
and rearranged the whole lobby (meaning stands, benches, and fake plants)
so that it would flow better and look tidier. I call it my Christmas present to the library. The sister missionaries came by to help me finish it off this afternoon.

The LD, who's having a lousy end-of-year, was in tears. She was so pleased! I hope the people at her meeting tomorrow appreciate it...for her sake.

I rushed home on my dinner break this evening because the PM (Property Manager) called saying someone wanted to look at the house. Already?!?!?! The kids scurried to straighten up and I turned on the lights and tucked some things out of sight. But they never came. Bummer.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017
In a week and a half, I have to give a talk in Church (Analiese has to this Sunday). So I spent some time this morning studying and taking notes. I get nervous about public speaking, so I have to over-prepare to reassure myself that I've covered everything.

Analiese and I left the house earlier than usual so we could go to Walmart. I needed to fill up the car at the gas station in front of the Walmart, then went to the pharmacy to pick up my "happy pills" (anxiety). Analiese had a special errand (unmentionable at this time of year) to run as well.

Work was normal stuff today, all books. But going home for my dinner break, we saw two people standing in our carport. They were interested in looking at our house. They seemed to really like it as I showed it to them. They liked the location - only a block from family and across from the grocery story - and said it was the nicest-looking house they'd seen for the price. They took the PM's card and the gal kept saying "I like this house." Only two days after the sign went up...I may need some help packing, A.S.A.P.!

Thursday, December 7, 2017
What with our visitors of yesterday, my thoughts at night swirled around everything that needed doing and the wondering of my time table. I did not sleep well and I paid for it today.

I worked, finishing my books and doing some launchpads, but it was all slow and I felt thick-headed. By late afternoon, my head began to hurt and I only really wanted to go to bed.

Responsibilities are the pits sometimes. I still had to work. FD1 didn't come back after her break; she's feeling the after-effects of a serious root canal. I sympathize. But it meant I couldn't rest on my laurels in the back. It was a proactive evening.

No word from the PM today. I was wondering all day about it. The couple yesterday seemed so enthusiastic. Maybe they just don't move quickly. I feel rather in limbo. Tired. Headache-y.

Friday, December 8, 2017
I went to bed with an allergy headache and woke up with something worse. I think it might have been a migraine - it covered the top of my head and Tylenol and a nap didn't do any good. I worked on staying hydrated and rested my eyes when I could. Finally it let go, shortly before I had to be at work.

My boss wasn't at the library today. She left early with a migraine (are they contagious?) yesterday and apparently felt bad enough today to stay home. I just told her to stay in bed and rest.

I took my crockpot to work. The ward Christmas party was right after work and I'd committed to bringing funeral potatoes. So it sat in a corner, cooking away during my work day. It smelled so good!

Along with those potatoes, the ward served smoked turkey. They had a ham, but who'd pass up that turkey? Analiese wouldn't! She loved the one we had at Thanksgiving, she didn't miss this one, either! They had lots of games and a nice Christ-filled program. I was too tired to do much but sit, eat, and watch. Still, it was nice.

Saturday, December 9, 2017
Remember my student who played the flute and spoke in Stake Conference last Sunday? She's in the New Era this month, too! She is commenting in an article about family traditions.
I whooped out loud when I saw it - that's my student! Gosh, I love these kids!

We were down FD1 again. That root canal turned bad - now it's infected! So there were three of us juggling today. It wasn't a big deal; we were pretty quiet. I rarely went up front and spent most of the day doing launchpads.

The city of Altus has really stepped up their game this season. The park lights look better - they've taken out all the dilapidated non-functioning ones. It's not as amazing as Chickasha, but definitely an improvement! The town square is all lit up - besides the store lights, they've wrapped the tree trunks lining the square with strings of colored lights. Each tree is a different color!

And they've decided to put more lights on the library! For years we've just had a strand of white that lined the top. This week they've put lights in the windows facing the streets and are going to do the front arch! Spectacular! Everyone's getting into the spirit!

Sunday, December 10, 2017
Analiese spoke in Sacrament Meeting today. Considering she only worked on it last night, it wasn't too bad. If I'm working on a talk, I worry over it for weeks (or as long a time as they give me!).

The Relief Society sang "Away in a Manger" in the meeting, too. We did pretty well, dividing into parts at the last verse. We'd been practicing during RS meeting every Sunday for the last 3-4 weeks.

The kids and I stayed after church for a bit to meet with the bishop for tithing settlement. It was strange doing it without Ken. He's been paying it over in Chickasha, so I didn't have much to report beyond saying we do it. Jonathan, though, used the opportunity to report his!

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