Sunday, November 19, 2017


Monday, November 13, 2017
I was feeling a little stressed this morning. There's so much to do, so many decisions to be made, and so much chaos that I feel rather frazzled. Poor Ken had to do some wifey consulting because I wanted to cry and yell...simultaneously!

Still, he managed to get me out shopping and to lunch before a realtor came by at 1 p.m. That was the good news. The bad new is we can't sell our house right now. Not enough equity, not enough $ to cover everything. Too many problems and needs. But she did suggest renting it out. So that's on the table now, not that I wanted to go that way.

After Jonathan got back from work and we had some discussions about his needs, choices and decisions as well as general family stuff, Ken gave both of us blessings. Mine was quite surprising, in the middle of it he paused for quite a while and then said, "Hmmm." I guess I can put to rest my job-hunting anxiety (that's one thing, at least) because it's not in God's plan for us in Chickasha. He also said something about my blog - don't worry, it's not going to end - so you may see some changes coming. I can't begin to tell you how RELIEVED and FREED I was because I've been nerve-wracked, praying and fasting, trying to figure out the job angle. I felt lighter. In Chickasha (once I get there), I'll get to focus on the Lord and my family. Hooray!

Tuesday, November 14, 2017
After Devotional this morning, Jonathan and I went to Walgreen's on a Christmas gift errand (Sh! It's a secret!). When we got home, we found a healthy, clean-looking pit-bull with a pink collar (no tags) roaming the street and our yard. I tried to coax him to come to me so we could try and find his home, but he thought it was more fun to run away. Later, I heard that some unmentionable person is opening yard gates ON PURPOSE to let dogs loose. Not cool!

I spend most of work today finishing up 50 of the launchpad tablets
so we can finally shelf and display them. I also put up posters and signs and tags to point people to them. I set up a display at the front desk so that patrons could see and test them out. It kept me busy all evening; I don't think I even got a break!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017
The geese are flying! Analiese and I love it when the Canadian geese start coming in and out of town and fly over our heads. We'll hear their distinctive honk and run out of the house to watch the formation. They rest at night at the reservoir and eat grass on the fields surrounding the Air Force base during the day. They'll hang out in their flocks for a few days to rest and recuperate, then go on their way to the next destination. It never gets old for us!

I can NOT believe the stupid drama going on at work right now. It was enough to put me into an anxiety attack, accompanied by a major headache. Finally, I took a break and went outside to get away and walk. I stopped into a real estate office nearby to see if they could help me with property management for house rental, and they gave me a couple of names. I walked back to the library feeling a bit better. Tomorrow, I'll go check those names out. I'm done...time to move.

Last evening and tonight we've had a teen in the building who wants to sit back with the books against a wall charging his phone. Yesterday, he had Gatorade - no food or drink in the library. Today, he was putting his feet up on the shelves. I had to go root him out and re-seat him in a proper chair, near a socket. Really?

Thursday, November 16, 2017
Before heading to work today, I ran a couple of errands. One was a prescription pick-up at Walmart. The other was stopping by a realtor's office (remaining nameless) to talk to their property manager. She's coming over to take a look at the house tomorrow. She says the market is slow right now; I'm hoping and praying she's wrong!

The library staff were much more "chill" today. Good, I don't want any repeats of yesterday. I worked on some audiobooks for our Young Adult section (not very popular) and then spent the remainder of my time working on the launchpads.

I was advised to give some of the manual labor of it over to the Front Desk gals when they're up there with nothing to do. I guess they figure it's a misuse of my cataloging skills to copy papers and put them in boxes. I didn't mind. The old VCR boxes we're using to put on the floor are very dusty and make me cough, sneeze, and choke. Glad to pass the buck!

Friday, November 17, 2017
I was up at 5:30 this morning. I PROMISE this was my last time substituting for the Altus Ward Seminary. I've told the regular teacher that. I've got to get busy pack up my house. No time for studying extra lesson.

At ten o'clock the property manager from the unnamed realtor's came to check out the house. Because of the impending holiday, we won't be listing until December 1st. She said people can come and look at the house with us still in it, but I'd better be prepared to get out fast!

I made chocolate chip cookies for my Seminary students in the Lawton stake. At stake conference, they are supposed to come find me (not vice versa) and I will give them cookies. This way I get to actually see them face-to-face. When Norman has their stake conference in two more weeks, I'll go do the same.

I made a pork roast for the first time in a long time. I did it in the crockpot, which made the house so aromatic all day and made the kids very happy. It was a big roast, so there'll be enough for pulled pork sandwiches next week.

Saturday, November 18, 2017
It's very windy this morning. Since yesterday reached the high 80s (c'mon November!), it means the temperatures have dropped again. Leaves are piling up thickly now.

For all it's chilly outside, it's very warm inside the library. One compressor was off, but even after restarting it, the temperatures stayed the same. I had two fans running on me in the back and some running up front. This place is falling apart. The staff bathroom toilet is having issues and the public women's restroom light won't come on. A lot of our fluorescent lights won't work, and no, it's not the bulbs!

I started on launchpad tablets again until my boss called and said a cart of books near her desk was ready to work. They have priority, so I switched gears.

Sunday, November 19, 2017
It was a clear, beautiful morning for a drive up to Lawton for Stake Conference. For some reason, we saw lots of hawks sitting up in trees that lines the highway.
Maybe they always do and we only notice it because the leaves have fallen, revealing their perches.

Stake Conference was very good. I admire these brethren in the Stake Presidency who have been called to lead us. They are so earnest in their desires to help us and try valiantly to be in touch with the spirit and will of the Lord. The mission president also spoke today, telling about some of the recent convert baptisms in our stake. Talk about miracles! I really loved hearing that! Bro. Sturges was down from Norman to speak, too. His talk on forgiveness was very touching. He always speaks with such energy (good for the youth he teaches), but today he was quite tender. I always appreciate his loving concern.

The rest of the day seems like a let-down after all that goodness! But Ken came home for the rest of the weekend and we'll have some family time. I look forward to that.

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