Sunday, November 12, 2017


Monday, November 6, 2017
Happy birthday, Analiese! My baby is 15 years old! I am ancient!

I think she had a good day, despite the fact she had to do school work. After she was done with that, we went together to get our annual birthday pedicures. She chose silver for her toes and metallic blue for mine.

After Jonathan got off of work at three, we all headed to Lawton. Analiese and I were in the van, while Ken had Jonathan drive him in the Honda. There were hawks roosting everywhere as we drove through the countryside! We stopped in TJ Maxx to get Analiese some new jeans she needed and requested. Then we did a Hobby Lobby run (which they ALL whined about), got some Sam's Club gas (cheaper than Altus by 10 cents!) and then went to Panda Express for dinner - Analiese's choice. By then I was running out of steam. Ken headed alone to Chickasha and Jonathan drove the rest of us back to Altus.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Temperatures are dropping again. It's been such a see-saw up-and-down that I can't even mention the future, much less speculate on it. There's supposed to be rain later tonight or early tomorrow, but there are no guarantees. Ever.

My boss wasn't here yesterday, isn't today, and won't be tomorrow. So I worked alone most of the day. I dealt with unboxing yesterday's book orders first. Then I worked on some book corrections (mislabels, mainly), then cataloged some donations and large prints for the LD. The big decision of the day was do I catalog the new books or resume with the launchpads? The rule of thumb is this: new books first. Especially since we still don't have a place up front cleared out for the launchpads yet.

Analiese is getting a little distracted lately when it comes to following recipes. She was eager to make homemade chicken taquitos, but didn't use the small tortillas I'd purchased, didn't cut up the chicken into smaller pieces (yes, huge slabs of chicken in a small rolled tortilla - does not work), and didn't bother to search or ask me where to find the green onions or cilantro. It was not easy to eat and not as good as when I made it before. I think we need to work on focusing.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017
The trees are slowing making their transition to fall colors. They're not as flashy and bright as New England foliage, but they are an obvious harbinger of cooler weather. To be sure, you don't see this in So. Cal!

It was so very quiet today back in my cubicle. Everyone was doing their own thing and I had no boss to keep me company. I got a good bit of work done, but I was very lonely.

I did work a bit on a Thanksgiving craft for our child patrons. Using the turkey body from last year's display, we cut a bunch of white paper turkey feathers. The kids will color them and we'll put them on the turkey, which is now taped to the glass doors. An interactive holiday decoration!

I gave one of the front gals a Thanksgiving picture to color. I even brought my planner markers from home! She stressed a little..."What colors do I use?" I said it was for fun, not just work to do, so color it however you like. Sometimes they sit up at the desk with nothing to do. We try to think of things, but it's nice to have something other than cleaning for them!

Thursday, November 9, 2017
There was frost on the fields next to the church this morning. Jonathan tried to hoe weeds through a frosty garden planter in the front of the house and ended up breaking a hoe! Luckily - and for some unknown reason - I have (or had, I guess I should say) two hoes.

My boss was back today, but she spent most of her afternoon in Hollis at the other library dealing with a connectivity problem there. Maybe I saw her for a total of ten minutes today. I'm feeling rather...secluded.

The main front desk gal had the children in the storytime group today color the paper turkey feathers we'd made yesterday. They started filling up the back of the turkey. It looks good!

Well, my work week is over! The library will be closed on Saturday for Veteran's Day. I've already got a to-do list assembled.

Friday, November 10, 2017
I got to sleep in today until seven-thirty. Which was great, except...I woke up with a horrendous headache. It was sincerely awful; when I coughed, it felt like tiny needles were piercing my skull. I laid in bed a good while, willing it to subside. Nope. I tried a nice, warm shower. Still no. Breakfast? Uh-uh. I was very tempted to go back to bed, but I had so much to do!

I "adulted" up and started laundry, made rice to go into tonight's dinner, and got out butter to make cookies to go along with dinner (the missionaries are coming). I worked on two Seminary lessons for next week (I'm subbing Friday in Altus) as well as set up the calendar schedule for the independent study.

After lunch I made oatmeal cookies with vanilla chips, Craisins, and walnuts. I always put some fresh-ground nutmeg in my oatmeal cookies, too. Yum! I made mock tacos for dinner, which did not disappoint. My kids were delighted to have a "Grandma" favorite! They also made Mom's mild red taco sauce to go with it. Jonathan practically drank it; weird kid. I was so full after dinner!

Saturday, November 11, 2017
It's Fall today.  Seriously. I saw leaves falling. Hence...Fall. I could enjoy it, too, because the library is closed today.

So I slept in a little, but again, I have plans for the day. After Jonathan got back from helping to clean the church, we had Devotional. Then, I attacked the shower in the back bathroom.

I've never got the kids completely on board with cleaning it (not well, if at all), so it was in dire need of a scrub. I pulled out the gloves, Dawn, baking soda, and white vinegar. First, the soap and soda were smeared all over - top, floor, sides and doors. Then the vinegar was sprayed on. Bubbly! I let it sit for a while, then began the gargantuan task of scrubbing it all down. My knees, back, feet and eyes (vinegar & soap sting) hurt after it was over. I issued an edict: Wipe it down EVERY week ALL over so it doesn't get bad again. I stressed the necessity of it in trying to sell the house. Let's hope that sinks in!

The rest of the day was a little Seminary work, some weekly planning, and setting up next year's planner and journal. Scary, it's come to that already!

Sunday, November 12, 2017
It's gray and cold today. Analiese worried that it would rain, but I felt fairly certain it wouldn't. "If it does, it'll be your fault if I get wet!" I'll take that risk. And it didn't rain. No worries.

We had fast and testimony meeting at church today because of the regional conference last week. Lots of testimonies were given about prophets and the Book of Mormon. Awesome!

In Relief Society, we're practicing a Christmas hymn to sing all together in a sacrament meeting in December. As we broke into parts, I helped to lead one side. I'm very familiar with the hymn and the arrangement isn't much different!

Ken came home a little later today. He had tithing settlement with the Chickasha Branch President today. Ken pays all of our tithing there, but I'll probably still meet with our bishop here. There were at least two months of paychecks that were tithed to the Altus Ward.

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