Sunday, November 5, 2017


Monday, October 30, 2017
I'm sure by now you're thinking: she's still sick; she's still tired. You're right. The wind's blowing fiercely, too. But I have to keep going; I've been down long enough and things are starting to pile up. After video class and family devotional, though, I snuck in a leetle nap. After that, up and at 'em!

Normal stuff had to get done: laundry, shopping, Seminary know. Ken was outside finishing the trim and painting the railing. It's coming together so nicely! He put up the shutters this afternoon and the black just makes everything else pop!
It's a clean, fresh look. I hope home buyers appreciate it!

Since the wind dropped the temperatures again, I made a loaded hashbrown soup for dinner. It was really good! When the kids like a new recipe, they call it "repeatable." Tonight was repeatable!

Tuesday, October 31, 2017
The CES Director over Seminary for our area came down from Norman today to visit the Altus Seminary class. Afterwards, he spent some time chatting with me about my online adventures. The students all love him; he's really great with the youth. Actually, he's really great with adults, too, because he always says the nicest, most supportive things. You feel re-energized and ready to go back to work after a talk with him!

I thought my Halloween outfit today was fairly low-key, but compared to everyone else at the library, I was really dressed up! It was just black leggings, a cute top with owls all in different costumes on it, pumpkin earrings and a black sequin hairband.

Halloween toes!
I guess I win the most spirited employee today!

When I got home for dinner, the kids were in the middle of carving the large pumpkin Ken had purchased at Sam's Club for them.
Don't ask me what Jonathan did. It's some Marvel thing he & Analiese like. A dragon? I don't get the Namaste thing, either.

Analiese did her own face paint!
Analiese wanted to know if I had recipes for pumpkin seeds. I do, but I told her to look things up online and choose one for herself. She likes to cook and be creative, so it shouldn't be hard for her.

Wednesday, November 1, 2017
It was a kind of lackadaisical day at the library. Yes, we worked, but we were in no rush. We did a little chatting, and I spent a few minutes admiring a Literacy baby shower that was set up in the conference room. The mother-to-be is from the Ukraine and some of the leftovers sent to the break room were ethnically delicious! I tried this Croatian pastry with meat in it; it was good, but would have been better warm. I took some of the baklava home to Analiese because she really likes it. Both she and Jonathan said it was the best baklava they'd ever eaten.

My boss had given my an assignment to decorate the inner doors to the entrance to the library. She said, "You're creative. Have fun." So I took about 2 1/2 hours in the evening making fake paper trees (I get the irony) and falling leaves. It turned out pretty nice. We'll see what everyone thinks tomorrow.

Thursday, November 2, 2017
Temperatures have ranged from 58 degrees yesterday to 83 today. It's supposed to be 69 degrees tomorrow. All this up and down is crazy. Saturday is supposed to reach 90! But it was beautiful outside. Comfortable and bright, it made me feel at ease and happy.

I went over how we're going to catalog those orange tablet launchpads with my boss this afternoon. Saturday, finally, I will start processing them, a little at a time, so we can put them out for public use. Everything is not completely set; there are a couple of bugs in the connection to the public access catalog (PACs) computers and we have to clean up the AV room to make sure there's a spot for them.

They all liked my tree decorations. One gal gushed over them saying I should be a party decorator. Another said she really liked it but wasn't surprised. She knew it was me who did it. I guess I have a reputation now.

Friday, November 3, 2017
I had plans for today. Many plans. No napping - there's work to do!

Even though it was barely 60 degrees outside, I took a ladder, a bucket of warm, soapy water, a scraper and razors (that was an additional trip to the hardware store) and my nerve and started scraping paint and excess caulking off of the exterior windows. This was not a job for the faint-of-heart - I perched at one point high above two rose bushes. Potential ouch!

The scariest point, though, was the east side of the house, where uneven flagstones and a gravel driveway lie. Setting up the ladder I realized - it leaned a little too far away from the house to make me comfortable, I didn't need a level to tell me that. I had to have Analiese hold it for me so I could reach the high blue-bathroom window. It was the only way to do it without broken bones!

That was it for accomplishing plans for the day, because Analiese wanted to go to Walmart after I picked up Jonathan from Walgreen's so she could use the gift card she had received from her grandparents today (burning a hole in her pocket). Then Jonathan needed to pick up some pants someone in the ward was giving him. Then he had to go back to work for a staff meeting at 5:00. So we ended up with frozen pizza for dinner, putting away laundry, and an evening of Seminary catch-up work. Best laid plans...

Saturday, November 4, 2017
Jonathan biked to Walgreen's this morning. On the way, he was stopped by a police office. Apparently someone matching his description (at least in the half-dark, early morning hours) on a bicycle has been robbing places. Jonathan talked to the officer, told him where he was heading, opened his bag for him...very polite and cooperative. Then he was allowed to go on his way. No he wasn't late to work, which would have upset him. He wasn't rattled, it was just a first-time experience!

Work, shall we say, is rather hairy right now. The HL has quit, and the full-time front desk gal is actively looking for another job (I guess she called out "sick" yesterday). My boss is upset, understandably. The LD is sick from all the stress and juggling everything. She called me this morning to make sure lunches were covered (that was the first thing I worked out when all three of us were there!). My boss was in-and-out four times (okay, the last time was for her phone, but still). But me and the FD staff had it all taken care of. I went up to the front occasionally to check on things and help out where needed, but we're just doing what we have to during a difficult time. Other than my lunch break (where I had to go home to give Analiese dinner instructions), I was go-go-go all day. I really need to move to Chickasha. I'm done with the drama.

Ken came tonight, after stopping in Lawton for a Sam's Club run. We all went to see the new Thor movie as an early birthday gift for Analiese. She didn't mind a bit (wink). We enjoyed it, and the down time we so desperately need.

Sunday, November 5, 2017
Daylight Savings - Yay! One extra hour of sleep! Plus, since we have Regional Conference broadcast at the church building at eleven instead of our usual ten, we were all able to relax a bit this morning. Actually, I did more Seminary stuff, but that's okay, too.

The conference was excellent and the speakers superb. I think Sister Marriott is a sweetheart and enjoy hearing her whenever she speaks. Several times the Book of Mormon was spoken of and Mosiah 3 was referenced: that's my Seminary lesson tomorrow! It all gave me a lot to think about personally and you can bet I'll be talking about some of their points in my lessons in the morning!

Jonathan had to work this afternoon. Bummer. But Ken got some extra relaxing time. Tomorrow afternoon and eventing we'll be out in Lawton celebrating Analiese's birthday. After all the work we've put in the last few months, I'm glad for this happy break!

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