Monday, October 30, 2017


Monday, October 23, 2017
Analiese was in bed again. I was up teaching my class. Great lesson, chastity and all that entails. I'm not sure if I had them turning red or squirming in their seats.

Ken and Analiese ALMOST finished the trim.
Analiese dutifully painting trim around the window.
They ran out of paint, of course, after I had gone shopping. I did get some more after picking up Jonathan from work. But by then they had pretty much wrapped it up. Ken needed to get back to mow the Chickasha lawn.

My throat started hurting around the time I left to get Jonathan and was roaring sore with a slight earache by bedtime. I do not need that! I've taken some Tylenol P.M. for the pain and sprayed my throat. Hopefully I will sleep well and feel better by morning.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017
I did NOT feel any better. I still took Analiese to Seminary and Jonathan to work. I intended on working on tomorrow's lesson at the church...but my laptop wasn't charged. Rats.

I went home, drank a large glass of orange juice, read scriptures with Analiese, and headed back to bed. After an hour and a half nap, I decided it was wisest to not go into work and try to head off more serious illness at the pass. If I did go into work, I would be worse tomorrow and the next day and I'd be really messed up. Wisdom dictated; I obeyed.

I still had to get Jonathan from work at three. I was feeling particularly awful around that time. So I stopped at a gas station and bought a Slurpee. On the way back, I went to Sonic and got another one. Anything to stop the fire raging in my throat!

The only great thing about today was providing my laptop to the sister missionaries so they could Skype into a baptism in one of their old areas. Isn't technology wonderful? (I say this today....)

Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Now it's a sinus infection.

Still went to work. Only lasted until five.

Drama at work. Don't need this. Made me more tired.

Thursday, October 26, 2017
Still so very tired and dragged out. Sinus pain makes me light-headed.

People wonder: why don't I go to the doctor? Been there, done that. He can't do much; he'll suggest an antibiotic. Me and antibiotics do not get along. So unless I'll die without it, I'll just have to suffer through it...

Went to work at 5 until closing. Not sure I got much done, but they needed my body there.

Friday, October 27, 2017
Other than Seminary and driving Jonathan to work & picking him up, I was at home resting. Made soup for dinner with the sister missionaries. Analiese helped me make an apple cake.

I am done.

Saturday, October 28, 2017
Had to work all day. Pretty much just tired and draining. Thankfully, the sinus pressure is gone.

Library drama still there. Like it or not, I got to hear more. Why burden me?

I did not go to the ward dinner and party after work. Too tired. So so done.

Sunday, October 29, 2017
After the Primary program for sacrament meeting, I went home. Still feeling dragged out. Pretty much zonked out until Ken came home from Chickasha and the kids returned from church.

Day of rest. Literally.

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